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Two months since Mt Weather

Aurelia sat on the floor as she admired the beautiful piece of machinery in front of her. A while back, a group of them had gone back to the abandoned parking lot that Bellamy and Octavia had discovered to see what they could scavenge. While Raven got excited over the prospect of fixing up the rovers, Aurelia had made a beeline for a motorcycle abandoned in a random corner and claimed ownership.

For the past few weeks she had been working on fixing it up. Well, she mainly watched Raven and Sinclair working on it whilst she did the more important work, like handing them the tools. But at last, it was finally finished. 

“Are you gonna keep gawking at it or are you gonna actually take it out for a spin?” Aura’s eyes snapped towards Raven, who was wiping off grease from her hands with a cloth.

The girl looked back at the motorbike, only now contemplating the possible dangers of riding a motorbike. “I’m scared that i’m gonna crash.”

“Pfft, it’s probably as easy as riding a bike.” Raven reassured, which didn't exactly work considering none of them have ever even seen a bike, much less ridden one.

“Raven, we lived in space. None of us have ever ridden a bike." 

Raven waved her off. “Details, details. Come on, if you don’t take it out I will.” 

“Fine, fine." The girl finally says jumping to her feet. "Let me just put on a million layers in case I do end up crashing.” 

“I’ll be waiting here.” Raven saluted, as Aura quickly ran out the room. 

After Aurelia puts on like three layers, she stops outside Jasper’s room. She knocked softly to announce her presence, waiting for a signal to go in. “If your name is Monty, i’m not here.” came a muffled voice.

Aurelia chuckled softly and pushed the door open, realising it was pitch black inside the room. She sighs and turns the lights on, spotting Jasper sprawled across the bed face down, a bottle of alcohol on the floor beside him. “Hey Jaybird, it’s me.” She sat down softly on the bed next to the boy. 

“Heyyy Liaaa,” he slurred out, eyes still closed.

“The motorbike is up and running and i’m gonna take it for a test ride. Do you wanna come with?”  

“No thankssss.” he slurred out. She wasn’t too surprised by this response. He barely left the room when he was in a down mood, which was most of the time. 

Sometimes he went on the occasional guard patrol, and Aura would force him to take a 10 minute walk with her everyday around the grounds. He had absolutely refused the first couple of weeks, but then after realising she wasn't gonna stop, he decided to go along with it. He'd never admit it out loud, but he did look forward to his daily walk with her. They didn't talk a lot during, but it was nice.

“Alright then.” she softly said after a moment, placing a hand against his back. “Will you at least give your best friend a hug?” 

“Only for you.” The boy slowly sat up and threw his arms around the girl. Aura smiled wide as she returned the hug, happy that Jasper at least chose to trust her with his emotions; both positive and negative. It did make her sad to see him act so cold towards the others, but knowing he wasn’t completely shut off to the world brought her some comfort.

“Alright i’m gonna go now, but..” She swiped the alcohol from the floor as Jasper groaned in protest. “..this is coming with me. I’ll see you later J.” She turned the light off and shut the door behind her before walking back over to the garage where Raven was waiting.

"Took you long enough!" The mechanic  exclaimed, before patting the seat. "Come on, get on the bike and I'll show you how to control it." The McKinley girl put down the bottle and walked over to the bike. She swung her leg over the bike, getting comfortable on it before nodding at Raven to say she was ready. 

"Okay, so there were two brakes on this thing, but I've wired it so you only need the one, which is.." the mechanic points towards the lever under the right handle. "The harder you want to brake, the harder you press down." 

Aurelia listened intently as Raven finished explaining the mechanics behind the thing, before it was finally time to test it. Raven rushed away quickly, before coming back with a helmet. "Safety first." 

"Do you have any other protective gear while you're at it." Aurelia asks with a laugh, before placing the large helmet over her head. 

"Unfortunately not." Raven answers, walking over to the huge garage doors and opening them. 

"Great." Aura mutters under her breath. She starts the motorcycle before taking a deep breath. "Here we go." She pressed down on the pedal as the bike flew forward, causing the girl to panic and brake instantly. 

Raven laughs slightly. "You need to ease up on the pedal so you can gradually build up speed." 

"You neglected to mention that funnily enough." Aura sassed back. "I'm gonna roll this outside the walls before trying again. I'm gonna accidentally run someone over." 

"Yeah that's for the best. I'll come with you." 

"Hey Raven. Have you seen Aurelia anywhere?" The two girls turned towards the small doorway on the other side of the room and found Bellamy. Aura chuckled and pulled off her helmet. 

"Oh there you are." He says, walking over to the two girls and admiring the bike. "You managed to get it fixed up?" He asks whilst pulling the shorter girl into a hug and placing a short kiss on her temple. 

"Yep, thanks to my genius," Raven says with a proud look. "We were just about to take it off camp grounds so Aura here doesn't run anyone over." 

Bellamy grabs the helmet and plops it back on Aurelia's head, flicking the visor up so he could still see her. "Better keep your pretty face intact. Otherwise I might just have to leave you for someone else." he jokes as Aura scoffs and punches him in the arm. 

"Are you using me for my looks, Bellamy Blake?" She exclaims trying to look intimidating, but the smile on her face betrayed her. 

"Never!" he responds with a grin. "I'm with you for your 'outrageously amazing personality.' " he says, quoting the words she had spoken to him months ago before the grounder battle.

"Alright lovebirds," Raven interrupts, "we need to go before Aurelia's training session with Lincoln." 

"Gotta go!" Aura says to Bellamy, walking towards the motorbike. 

Bellamy clears his throat. "Are you forgetting something?" 

"Oh yeah." She walks over to him and gives him a fist bump as he drops his jaw in shock.

"I meant a kiss, Bambi." 

"No can do" she says in mock regret as she tapped her helmet comically. 

At this point Raven thought about just pulling up a chair, knowing this interaction wasn't gonna end anytime soon. She watched in amusement as Bellamy stomped over to the McKinley girl, pulling off her helmet so he could kiss her properly. 

"Are you guys done yet?" Raven questions when they pulled away, which made Aura blush slightly. 

"I'm definitely done." Bellamy states with a grin as he walked towards the exit. "Have fun out there. Don't forget your guns either." 

The two girls rolled their eyes and grabbed their respective weapons, getting ready to finally leave the garage


I know I haven't really talked about how Aura has dealt with her mental health, but that'll appear next chapter!
I got too excited and posted earlier than expected

Word Count: 1270

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