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“I can’t believe i’m back here.” Aurelia muttered to herself as she leaned against her bike and stared at the rusted entrance into mount weather. 

She twisted her body slightly as she heard the doors to the rover open.“I knew I should have taken my horse.” Octavia groaned as she jumped out the passenger seat, the bumpy ride not sitting well with the girl.

Aurelia looked over to find Bellamy looking lost in his thoughts. She walked over to him and gently clasped both hands around his right hand. “Hey.” The boy snapped out of his trance and  turned to look at her. “The summit delegation will be fine.” 

He sighed, his eyes wandering away again. “I should be there.” 

“And then who will stay here with me?” Aura questions with a small smile as the boy looks back at her.

“You make a good argument.” He responds with a smile of his own. 

“Besides, that’s what you get for being a dummy and going after Clarke without a plan nor backup. Now you gotta wait for your leg to heal.” 

“My leg’s fine,” the boy states unconvincingly, to which Aura nodded sarcastically. 

"Uh huh."

“Kane’s trying to teach me a lesson.” He pulls his hand out of her grip and walks away in a huff, reaching into the rover to pull out several bags.

“Don’t take it out on me Bellamy Blake.” Aurelia warned with her brows raised, watching as the boy turned back toward her with a sorry look. 

“I didn’t mean to. Sorry Bambi.”

Raven slammed the back door shut making Aurelia jump back in surprise. “Did I tell you guys about how I saved Sinclair’s ass on the Ark?” she asks, throwing one strap of her bag over her shoulder.

“Please don’t” Octavia pleads as she increases her walking pace, not wanting anything to do with the conversation after having heard it a hundred times. 

“You mean the time he went rogue on a space walk?” Gina questions as they all start walking towards the entrance of the bunker. 

“That depends on your definition of “going rogue.”  


“I just hopped on a robotic arm and aimed it at the solar array.” Aurelia and Gina laughed as they continued to listen to Raven’s story, even though they had heard it already.

“So how long were you benched?” Gina questions with a curious look.

“Benched? I got the job done in record time. He promoted me. What can I say, Sinclair thinks I can do no wrong.”

“I can’t say I'm surprised Raven. You-”

Aurelia stopped in her tracks as she walked through the doorway of the dining room, the sound of heavy music vibrating throughout the wall and floors. She watched with an intense gaze as everyone conversed happily over their meals, almost as if the place wasn’t haunted by the memories of innocent lives that had been lost only months ago.

“Welcome!” Pike greets as he walks up to the group with a smile. “Come, join us.”

“Someone’s made themselves at home,” Raven mutters, eyeing the number of new residents. “There must be at least thirty of them here.”

“Thirty-six, but the more the merrier.” If looks could kill, Pike would be six feet under right now. Bellamy didn't know who's glare was worse, Octavia's or Aurelia's.

“Thirty-six, wow. The grounders are gonna think we moved in.” Octavia states sarcastically as she places her bag down. At this point Aurelia still hadn’t spoken, the words stuck in her throat, her eyes still wandering around the room, almost in disgust by the cheerful atmosphere. No number of happy faces were enough to erase the past memories lining the walls of the room. Aurelia could almost still see dead bodies across the floors, including the image of Jasper holding a dead Maya in his arms.

“Well, there was no room in the inn,” Pike responds almost jokingly, but it didn’t sit right with the group.

“And what? This was your option?” the younger girl lashed out.

“O.” Bellamy warns as he turns towards his sister.

Aura cleared her throat, feeling like her throat was closing up more and more the longer she stood in this room. “Excuse me.” Without waiting for a response, the raven haired girl quickly turned on her heels and walked back out the room, not slowing down as she paced down the corridor. She took in several deep breaths as she hurried away, eventually feeling her breathing go back to normal. She should have stayed at Arkadia.


Octavia and Aurelia sat side by side on the roof as they stared off into the distance, the silence settled over them comfortably. As the rusted door creaked open from beneath them, Octavia looked down, but Aura's gaze didn't falter.

“You okay?” Bellamy questions as he looks up towards the two girls, but neither of them answer. He sighs before walking to the side of the structure and climbs up the ladder. After pulling himself onto the roof, he carefully lowered his body so he was sitting down next to Octavia and dangled his legs off the edge.

“This is such a mistake.” the younger Blake finally states as Aurelia nodded, her gaze still off into the distance. “The grounders will never accept it.”

“We’re not the mountain men, O.” He glanced towards Octavia. “Nyko and Lincoln will make them see that.”

“How? Lincoln has a kill order on him. He can’t even leave camp without risking his life.”

“The summit will take care of that.”

“Then we can finally get out of here.” Both Aura and Bellamy’s head snapped towards the girl sitting in the middle. 

“I’m sorry,” the younger girl responds, looking between the two of them. “I don’t fit in here.”

Bellamy couldn't say he was surprised. He always knew Octavia preferred the grounder life, and it wasn't a surprise finding out that she wanted to leave. “If you need to leave, I get that. But you’ll always fit in with me.” The boy reassures, placing his right arm over his baby sister's shoulders and pulling her closer to him. 

“And me.” Aurelia responds with a small smile, taking one of Octavia’s hands in hers. “Who else will help turn me into a badass?”

“You were always a badass, A,” Octavia says with a large smile, slightly squeezing the older girl’s hands. “I just need you to look after my dumbass brother.” Aurelia let out a laugh as Bellamy dropped his jaw at this statement.

“What is that supposed to mean?” He asks in shock, a small smile creeping on his face. 

“It means you’re a dummy, Bellamy Blake." Aurelia responds sassily. "I have all the brain cells in this relationship.”

A commotion in the distance cuts off their playful moment, quickly sending them back into serious mode. The trio quickly clambered down  from the roof and rushed towards the noise, only to find two guards dragging a grounder girl towards them by her arms.

“Echo?” Bellamy questions as they rush closer to the guards.

“You know her?”

“Yeah, she’s Ice Nation. She was in the cage next to mine.”

“Bellamy,” the girl called out as the guards continued to drag her aggressively.

“Let her go,” Bellamy orders.

The taller guard gave him a glare, choosing to not listen. “She threatened the summit.”

“I was trying to help!” the girl exclaims, attempting to pull her right arm out of his grip.

“Shut up.” The guard kicked her in the back of her legs, forcing the girl to her knees with a grunt.

“I said get your hands off her.” Bellamy warns again as Octavia moves to untie the girl.

“What are you doing?” The other guard questions with a raised voice. “She’s a grounder!.”

“Respect your superiors, officer.” Aurelia warned, watching as the two guards fumble over their words.

Bellamy helps Echo to her feet as he gives her a questioning look. “What are you talking about?”

“The summit’s a trap.” She reveals with a heavy breath, looking between the Blakes and Aurelia. “The assassin is already there. By sundown, your people will die.”


“I was with the Queen’s Army heading towards Polis. The war chief talks too loud.”

Pike rolled his eyes and moved threateningly towards the Azgeda girl. “You’re one of them, so why are you telling us this?”

Echo stared right back at the man with a determined look. “We abandoned skaikru in the battle for the mountain. It was wrong.”

“And won’t they miss you?” Aurelia really disliked Pike, but her gut feeling was telling her he was right to not trust her. 

“Pike, she saved my life. We can trust her.” Aurelia ran a hand down her face as she paced back and forth from the table they were surrounding. She had a really bad feeling about this. “Listen up. Okay, if we want to get back to Polis before the attack we have to move.”

“Attack? Do we have confirmation of that?” Sinclair asks as he walks into the room with Raven, only having heard the latter part of the conversation. 

“We radioed but no answer.”

“They may already be dead for all we know.” Pike pipes up, “And if they are, we need to be ready to respond.”

Sinclair stiffened slightly as he turned to look at the former teacher. “Don’t make this about the missiles.”

“This is about survival.” Pike countered. “We don’t have the numbers, but the missiles in this mountain even the playing field.” 

Aurelia walked away, unable to listen to the guy speak any longer. How could they possibly use missiles? She looked up as Bellamy walked towards her, and she moved her hands up to hold onto his upper arms. 

“You should stay here, help Raven get the missiles ready to launch.”

“I have a really bad feeling about this Bell,” Aura admits, looking at him with a worried gaze. “At least let me come with you.” 

“It’ll be fine Bambi,” he tried to reassure, but she wasn’t having any of it.

“Please listen to me just this once Bell.” She pleads, “I don’t trust Echo. Why would she want to help now?” 

“Come here.” Bellamy wrapped his arms around the girl, attempting to lessen the stress she was feeling. She wrapped her arms around his waist, but it didn’t help the nervous pit in her stomach. “Being back in this mountain is probably affecting how you feel. It’ll be okay.”

She looked up at him. “Let me come with you.”

“You were right when you said you have all the brain cells between us. And Raven probably needs those brain cells to figure out the missiles. Just stay here? For me?” 

Aurelia nods in defeat. She leaned up to place a kiss on the boy’s lips, then pulled away to tightly wrap her arms around his neck. The boy wrapped his arms around the olive-skinned girl’s waist and gripped her tight, slightly lifting the girl off the floor as he hugged her.

“Don’t do anything stupid Bambi,” Bellamy warned  jokingly as she held onto his face with both hands. 

“How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you, you dummy.” Bellamy chuckles softly as he steps away from the girl.

“I have to go, sweetheart. I’ll see you soon.” Aurelia watched as the boy walked out of the room, the nervous bubble in her stomach only growing bigger and bigger with every step he took away from her.



Octavia, Bellamy and Pike burst through the doors with guns raised, prepared to defend themselves to save their people, but they were met with a  scene that they hadn’t expected. 

“Bellamy?” Clarke questioned, moving away from Lexa’s side with her brows furrowed in confusion.

“What is the meaning of this?” A tall man questioned from behind Lexa, outraged by the disturbance and more so outraged by the presence of weapons.

“The summit’s a trap.” Bellamy revealed hurriedly, his arm wrapping around a grounder’s neck as he pressed a gun to his temple. “We need to get you out of here.”

“What the hell is going on?” The blonde girl questioned Lexa with a low voice, worried that the fragile peace will be broken. 

Bellamy took in her strange appearance, the dark marking across her face like a mask, the fancy clothes, the intricate braids in her hair. She looked like a grounder. “It’s the Ice Nation.” 

“These allegations are outrageous.” A random grounder spoke from the side of the room. Bellamy only assumed he was Ice Nation considering how personally he took the information. “The Ice Nation never stormed this summit with weapons, breaking our laws. That was Skaikru.”

“We’re right about this.” Pike spoke. “The two guards you left behind are dead already. We need to go now.”

“How did you come by this information?” Lexa asks with her voice raised. Bellamy turned around, only to find a certain girl missing. 

“Where the hell is Echo?” Octavia questioned, looking over at her brother with wide eyes.

Bellamy watched as Kane walked over to him, his voice low. “Stand down.” The trio faltered, before choosing to listen to their leader and surrendered their weapons unwillingly.

“Bellamy. Bellamy, come in.” the radio crackled. “The grounders attacked Mount Weather.” The boy frantically grabbed the radio from his waist and held it in his hands.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

It’s gone. It’s gone. It’s all gone.” Raven cried out over the radio, her choked sobs carrying through the radio.

“Sinclair and I are the only ones left.”


I have no words

Word Count: 2254
(not edited)

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