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I hated writing this chapter, so I'm just uploading straight from the drafts without editing it.




“Do you think he’ll listen?” Aurelia looked up at Kane from where she was sitting on the floor, temporarily pausing from reading her book. She shrugged slightly as her eyes met his.

“I hope he does. But honestly? I’m not sure he will.” Kane sighed softly as his eyes darted around the garage. 

Aurelia’s eyes moved towards the door as Bellamy walked through, causing their eyes to temporarily lock before Aura broke contact. 

“Are you still not talking to me?” The boy questioned as he walked over, watching as Aura moved her gaze back towards her book.

“Are you here to tell us that you’re a dummy and that you’re wrong?” She questioned, slowly flicking through the pages.


“Well there’s your answer.” Bellamy sighed before turning towards Kane. 

“Wasn’t much of a plan, sabotaging the rover. Keeping an eye on Sinclair was an easy call.”

“Was it?” the older man questioned. “Spying on your friend, that was easy?”

Aura looked up, watching as the two men stared at each other intently.  “People in camp were losing focus,” Bellamy defended. “There’s a threat outside these walls-”

“That’s where you’re wrong Bellamy,” Aura stated as he turned towards her. “The threat is inside the walls.”

“Pike is the one turning us against each other.” Kane continued.

“He’s the chancellor. Have you forgotten that?” 

“Here we go again,” Aura muttered as she stood up. She forcefully knocked her shoulder into Bellamy’s as she walked past him and out of the hall.

 She’s had enough of the Pike propaganda for the week.


The blaring sound of an alarm jerked Aurelia from her sleep, almost sending her flying off the leather sofa she was lying on. As she sat up with a yawn, she felt something slide off her legs and onto the floor. She reached down and picked up the article of clothing, realising it was Bellamy’s guard jacket that he must have covered her with while she slept. “Dumbass,” she muttered as she slid her arms through the sleeves and shrugged it on.

The sound of the alarm was still resounding through the halls of ark, prompting the girl to quickly stand up and move towards the exit of the room. As she moved into the doorway, she found Bellamy sprinting down the corridor and towards the exit of the ark. 

Her head turned towards the other direction where there seemed to be a commotion from lockup, but at the last moment she chose to run after Bellamy, not knowing what trouble laid ahead. 

She halted suddenly when she ran outside, registering the scene in front of her. She watched as Kane brought the rover to a stop, due to Bellamy standing in front of the gates with his gun raised towards the man.

“Get the hell out of the way Bellamy!” Kane exclaimed, his eyes solely locked on the boy.

“Listen to him Bellamy,” Aura pleaded, slowly inching forward, her hand raised slightly. The older Blake’s stance didn’t falter, and instead he kept his eyes locked on Kane’s through the windshield of the rover. 

Aura’s heart sank as she watched the guards drag Kane from the rover, watching as they aggressively shoved his arms behind his back to cuff him.
“I hope you’re proud of yourself Bellamy,” Aura said in a disappointed tone, turning towards the ark to walk away.

“He was committing treason Aurelia.” He spoke from behind her, causing her to scoff and turn towards him. “It was my duty to stop him.”

“Whatever the hell we want,” she muttered as she sarcastically saluted him, before continuing to walk inside.


“Please tell me you’re lying,” Aura pleaded as she held onto the metal bars, Kane standing on the other side of the fence. He shook his head regretfully at her.

“I wish I was. I’m not surprised by his actions. Not really.”

“Killing our own people?” Aura questioned letting go of the bars, beginning to pace furiously alongside the fence. “I’m gonna kill him.”

“Don’t you dare Aurelia.” Kane hissed quietly, mindful of any eavesdropping ears. “You need to keep your head down, along with Harper and Miller. I’m not sure he’ll even spare kids.” 

“I’ll find the next best person then,” she muttered, before storming out of the room.

As she paced down the corridor, her eyes fell on the individual she was looking for. “Bellamy Blake!” she thundered as she shoved her palms against him hard, causing him to take several steps back in shock to steady himself. 

“Bambi, what are you-” 

“Don’t Bambi me jackass!” she yelled, shoving him again. “Are you happy now!” Monty watched awkwardly as Aurelia continued to aggressively shove the boy, whilst Bellamy simply let her. 

Finally, he caught both her wrists and pulled her close, dropping his voice to a whisper as his eyes darted around the vicinity. 

“Please Aurelia. Just come with me. I’m not on Pike’s side anymore.” The girl ripped her wrists out of his grip and continued to glare at the two boys. 

“How do I know you’re not lying to me right now,” she questioned as she folded her arms in front of her, her head tilted as she stared at him. “For all I know, you’re trying to trick me into helping Pike.”

He sighed as he ran a hand down his face. “I don’t want Kane, Sinclair or Lincoln executed either. Please, just- just come with me.”

“Fine. But first.” She brought her heel down and stomped on his foot, causing him to hiss in pain. “That’s what you get for not listening to me in the first place. This better be good Bellamy.” The boy nodded slightly before leading both Aura and Monty down a different corridor. 

After a few moments they stopped outside of Miller’s room much to the girl’s confusion. “What are we doing here?” Aura questioned as Bellamy knocked on the door, worried that Nate was about to get dragged into the mess. The door opened slightly as Miller peered out.

“What do you want,” the boy asked in a deflated tone. He faltered slightly as Bellamy signalled at him to let him in, probably not liking the idea of letting both Monty and Bellamy into his room. He only opened the door wider when Aurelia nodded at him in reassurance. 

“So-” Bellamy urgently covered Aura’s mouth, preventing her from saying anything else. She watched in confusion as he gestured at her to stay quiet, before moving towards Miller. 

Harper, Nate and Aura all flinched as Bellamy pulled out a knife, confused as to what was about to happen. “It’s okay,” Bellamy mouthed, before slowly moving the knife towards Miller’s jacket. 

After cutting up a patch on the jacket, Bellamy pulled out a circular object causing both Harper and Miller to sigh in defeat. 

“The bag blocks the signal,” Monty informed. “Now we can talk.”

Aura widened her eyes as she subconsciously patted down the jacket she was still wearing. “Did you-” 

“No!” Bellamy cut off, his eyes widening as he realised what Aurelia was about to ask him. “I would never do that to you.” Aura felt a huge weight lift of her shoulders as she sat down on the bed. She had no idea what she would have done if Bellamy had broken her trust like that. 

“Who put it in there?” Nate questioned angrily.

“That’s not important right now.” Bellamy responded. “Pike just sentenced Lincoln and Sinclair to death alongside Kane.”

“Hmm. Are you trying to scare us?” Harper questioned.

“No. We’re here to help.” Monty replied. “I’m sure you have a plan to break them out. What can we do?”

Both Harper and Miller turned to each other with a confused look before turning back towards Monty.  “What are you talking about?” Harper queried.

“Harper, come on.”

“Look, we can help from the inside.” Bellamy suggested. “To pull this off, we need more people to hand them off to on the outside.”

“We seriously don’t know what you’re talking about.” Miller stated as he shook his head slightly.

Monty scoffed as he stared at both Miller and Harper intently. “Do you think we want them to die?” 

“You know what? Forget it. If my sister wants to save Lincoln’s life, you tell her to meet me at the dropship in an hour.” With that, Bellamy stormed out of the room without a second glance, slamming the door behind him.

Monty turned towards Harper and Miller, a disappointed expression on his face. “After everything we’ve been through. You don’t trust me?”

“You have some nerve asking that Monty,” Aura retorted as she stared up at him. “You’re the one who’s been reporting back to your mother and Pike like a good little soldier.”

“Does your mother even know you’re here Monty?” Harper questioned as Monty stared back at her. He shook his head in disappointment before also making his way out of the room. 

“I can’t tell if they’re trying to trick us or not,” Nate admitted as he turned towards Aurelia, an unreadable look lingering on his face. 

“I’m just gonna let Octavia deal with this one.”


Just a tad violent today

Word Count: 1529

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