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"Bambiiii. Wake up." A voice called out, stirring the girl from her sleep.

"Shut up Bellamy." Aura mumbled, eyes still closed as she pulled a pillow closer to her. A warm hand cradled her face as she opened her eyes slightly, looking up to find Bellamy smiling down at her.

"Come on, we have guard patrol soon." the boy says, gently trying to coax the girl out of the bed.

"Couldn't someone else do it." she whined slightly, not wanting to leave the comfort of her warm blankets.

"Nope." He quickly wrapped his arms around her smaller frame, pulling her away from the bed and pulling her close to his body, which only caused her to whine more. "Are you awake now?" She sighed and nodded as he placed her to her feet, chuckling at the pout on her face.

"You're annoying," she mumbles, wrapping her arms around his waist and laying her head against his chest.

"Uh huh." Bellamy responds, wrapping his arms around her. "Meet me at the Chancellor's Office when you're ready." Aurelia yawned as she pulled away and tiredly saluted him, watching as he walked out the door before moving around the room to start getting ready.


As she makes her way towards the office, Bellamy makes his way out the room, looking somewhat pleased with himself. "What's got you in such a good mood?"

"Guns have been approved for the mission." he responds as the two of them walk down the hallway.

"Really?" she asks, not having expected Kane to agree. "I thought he didn't want lethal force used?"

"Well I mean, he said we can take guns but to not use them unless completely necessary." As the two of them stroll into the garage, they spot Monty sitting at one of the tables, head supported by his arms against the table and a look of concern on his face.

"Monty, why aren't you ready?" Bellamy questions as he walks towards the boy. Monty sighs before lifting his head and turning to look at them.

"I am. He's not." He moves his arm, pointing towards a random corner. As Aurelia and Bellamy move towards it, they find Jasper sprawled out across the floor. Aura sighs as she moves towards the younger boy, kneeling down next to him and slightly shaking him by the shoulders.

"Jasper?" When the boy didn't respond, Aura looked up towards the two other boys.

"What should we do?" Monty asks.

"We should leave him this time." Bellamy suggests, not really knowing how to handle the situation.

"He's not getting better." Monty states, still staring at the passed out boy. "Maya's death broke him." Aurelia looks at him, before looking back at Jasper.

"Let's just take him back to bed for today. I don't think he's in the right state of mind."

"He's never in the right state of mind, Aurelia. He needs this." Monty fights back, not really agreeing with her. Aura sighs before looking back at Bellamy, pleading at him to agree with her.

"Take an arm. We're bringing him." the older boy finally says, moving towards Jasper. Aurelia stands up, shaking her head at this decision. She trailed behind them as they half carried the boy down the ramp, before walking away to the other side of the room to pick up her quiver full of arrows and her bow, slinging them over her head so they rested against her back comfortably.

A sudden "Hey!" attracts her attention as she turned around, finding Raven wheeling out from beneath
the rover. "Take it easy!" the mechanic yells, not impressed by Bellamy's rough handling.

"Morning to you too." Bellamy responds sarcastically, pulling his bag off the hood. He grabs a gun and chucks it towards Miller as he walks around the corner.

"What's the point of taking guns if we can't use them?" Nate asks, raising the gun slightly in the air.

"We can, just not to kill. That goes for everyone." Bellamy looks around, noticing his sister was missing. "Where's Octavia?"

"We're going outside the walls, do you really think she'd miss that?"

Aurelia moves to stand next to Jasper, placing one hand against his back in comfort. "You okay?" she asks softly, still thinking it's a bad idea to bring him along. Before he even has a chance to respond, Monty chucks a bucket of water at the boy, splashing Aurelia in the process.

"Monty!" she shrieked as the cold water trickled down her neck, but he didn't take notice. Instead, his gaze was fixed on Jasper's furious glare towards him.

"Sorry, was that too cold?" he asks sarcastically, provoking Jasper who lunged towards him.

"Hey, hey!" Aurelia exclaims, shoving a hand hard against their chests and pushing them away from each other. "I won't let you fight like savages." Jasper walks away without a word, and Aurelia turns towards Monty with a disapproving look. "If you want him to recover, I suggest you dial it back a little. I know it's hard to watch your friend like that, but you need to give him time." Monty walks away in a huff, not liking this whole situation.

As the others got into the rover, Aurelia got onto her bike, pulling the now modified helmet onto her head. "You look so badass, A!" Raven calls from the driver's seat, as the girl turns to look at her with a large smile. "She's way out of your league." the mechanic directs towards Bellamy, who replied with a very kind "shut up."

"Careful, Monty might melt her." Jasper pipes up from the passenger seat, automatically wiping the smiles from everyone's face.

"Enough!" Bellamy exclaims as Monty goes to make a rebuttal. As the main doors started to open, Aurelia revved the bike slightly, Raven doing the same with the rover. Octavia appears in the doorway as it fully opens, mounted on a horse and looking like she had been a grounder all her life.

"Try to keep up!" she shouts over the hum of the two engines.

"That's what I was gonna say to you." Aurelia sassily responds, revving her bike once again. As Octavia starts to gallop away, Aurelia nods towards Raven, telling the girl to take off before her. She knew there was absolutely no competition for her.

The three groups raced each other as they sped through the woods, Aurelia eventually dropping back to ride alongside the rover as loud music started to play through the speakers. She sang loudly as she rode alongside them, laughing as the whole group started to join in. She couldn't remember the last time they were all having a good time. Probably unity day when most of them got drunk.

She cheers as Jasper throws the upper part of his body through the hatch in the roof, throwing his arms back as his screams carried through the empty field. Suddenly, the rover brakes hard, and the music also abruptly stops, prompting Aura and Octavia to stop beside them.

Aurelia pulled off her helmet as she and Octavia walked towards the back of the rover to open the door up. "Don't tell me I missed the party." Octavia groans out.

"What's up?" Aurelia questions, taking in the look of confusion on everyone's face.

"Sector 8" Monty reveals with no context.

"That's Ice Nation."

"What about it?" Octavia asks the same question on Aurelia's mind.

"Protocol says to go home. Let the chancellor decide what to do next."

"Guys!" Aura finally exclaims. "Are we invisible or something? What's the problem?"

"The farm station beacon just went off." Monty finally reveals. "It appears to be in Sector 8."

"Don't tell me we're following protocol." Aura asks, looking at Bellamy who shakes his head at her.

"Screw protocol." he responds. "The Chancellor's not from Farm Station. Monty is. So is Miller's boyfriend. It's your call." he says, looking between the two boys.

"Let's do this." Monty states.

Bellamy looks towards the two girls standing outside. "Try to keep up."

Aurelia snorts at him. "I think you have to keep up with us."


Didn't get 10 votes but updated anyway bc I'm built different.

Word Count: 1353

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