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The group exited the rover under the cover of darkness, the vehicle parked a considerable distance away from central Polis for them to remain hidden from the chipped soldiers.

"This is where we split up," Roan declared as Aura placed her quiver across her back and grabbed her bow. "The entrance to the tunnel is right over there."

"Yeah, we know where it is," Bellamy responded without even glancing at the Ice Nation King.

"I'm gonna need the flame," Roan continued as he stared at Clarke, beginning fidgety when no one responded to him. "Look, this is only gonna work if they send Ontari out to get it. If they don't see it, they won't do that. Not much of a trap without bait."

"You must think we're dumb," Aura stated as she moved to stand next to Clarke, her eyes focused on the King.

"Fine," Clarke gave in as she pulled out the tin holding the flame. "But I'm coming with you."

"No way," Bellamy cut off as he shook his head. "That is not the plan."

"It is now. I am not letting that out of my sight." Clarke's gaze on Roan didn't falter for even a second. "Besides, I'm the only one who knows the passphrase. So you can tell them that without me, Ontari can't ascend."

After a few moments, Roan finally responded, an irritated expression on his face. "You'll need to look like my prisoner."

"Okay." The blonde shrugged.

"Wait a second. Give us a minute." Roan rolled his eyes before walking away from Bellamy, Aura, and Clarke. "Are you really willing to trust that guy with your life?" he questioned as he stared at Clarke, his brows furrowed together.

"No," the blonde responded. "But you'll be covering us the entire time. And I trust you." Her eyes moved towards Aura's. "Both of you."


"Come on, let's go," Bellamy whispered as they ran through the tunnel to find their positions. "Alright, this way." The group finally found the wall with the small opening, allowing them to keep an eye on Clarke and Roan as they walked into the centre of Polis. Aura quickly reached back and grabbed an arrow to load it, whilst the others prepared by loading their guns.

"11 O'Clock" Bellamy signalled as Aura pulled back the bowstring, levelling the arrow through the small opening in the wall in case of ambush. "Roan will signal when he sees Ontari. We wait until she's standing in front of them and then we launch the gas."

"They're gonna be holding their breath," Bryan revealed as he pulled out the gas cylinders from his bag. "So we gotta move fast."

"Anyone who gets in our way, we use non-lethal force. These people are not our enemy, they're being controlled. The only thing we're here to kill is ALIE. Is that clear?"

"Clear," Octavia answered a little too quickly, causing Aurelia to raise her brow slightly at the girl. She turned her attention back towards Clarke and Roan, who were beginning to approach the chipped grounders who appeared to be meditating on their knees.

"I am Roan, King of Azgeda!" he announced. "And I have what the commander seeks!"

One by one the grounders stood up and began to move towards him, but they didn't appear to be saying anything. Aurelia scoffed as her eyes fell on a familiar figure walking towards Roan.

"It's Jaha."

"What the hell is he doing here?" Octavia questioned in confusion.

"The guy is like a pest," Aurelia muttered as her eyes stayed trained on him. "He brought ALIE to Arkadia and then brought the stupid thing here."

"Do you see Ontari?" Miller questioned, his fingers gripping around several gas cylinders.

"No, hold. Something's wrong."

"Do it now!" Aurelia exclaimed as Roan brought a knife to Clarke's neck, but before Miller and Bryan could do anything they became surrounded by chipped soldiers armed with their guns.

"On your knees! Drop your weapons!"

Aura grunted as one of them ripped her bow out of her hands and shoved her face-first into the wall, her left shoulder aggressively colliding with the metal. "You're dead, you're so dead," she muttered as they tied her hands behind her back. She gasped as the ropes dug into her skin, her attempts at freeing herself only causing the material to dig into her skin further.


Aurelia winced as she watched one of the chipped soldiers continuously punch Nate in the face. She squirmed as she tried to relieve her wrists from the binds, but it seemed impossible.

"Let's go!" The grounder suddenly exclaimed as he looked up. "She wants Bellamy Blake."

Aurelia widened her eyes before trying to lunge towards the grounder. "Like hell-" A blow to her stomach sent her back to her knees as she gasped, the motion knocking the wind out of her.

"Where are you taking him!" Octavia exclaimed, receiving the same treatment that Aurelia had gotten moments earlier.

"Leave them alone!" Bellamy yelled as the guards dragged him to his feet. "O, Bambi it's okay, it's okay!"

Aurelia shook her head at him as she continued to struggle against her binds. "Bellamy, I'm not gonna-"

"You know, if I were you I'd hit the deck."

"Murphy?" Aura questioned before a look of realisation appeared on her face. "Everybody hit the ground!" The prisoners threw themselves flat against the floor as the deafening sound of bullets sounded through the air and echoed off the metal walls.

"Fancy meeting you here," Murphy drawled as he walked towards Aurelia to untie her arms from behind her back.

"Never thought I'd be happy to see you jackass," she said as she rubbed her wrists to alleviate the slight numbing pain.

"More will come," Indra revealed as she walked out from the shadows armed with a gun. "We have to hurry."

Aurelia narrowed her eyes as her gaze fell on the figure standing next to Indra. "You," she snarled before rushing towards him.


Bellamy's words were cut off by the sound of Aurelia's fist colliding with Pike's face. She pulled her fist back to punch him again, but a strong arm around her waist pulled her back.

"Let go of me," she screeched as she struggled to get away, lunging forward to try and connect her fist with Pike's face again.

"Bambi. Bambi!" Bellamy exclaimed as he tried to restrain the girl. "This isn't the time!"

"The hell it isn't," she yelled as she relaxed his arms, before lunging again to try and trick Bellamy. Unfortunately, the boy knows her too well and doesn't let his guard down for even a second.

"Sheesh, is it just me or did she get more violent," Murphy spoke from behind her, causing Aura to turn around and glare at him.

"Watch it jackass, or you're next."

"Hey, this jackass just saved your life. A thanks would be nice."

"Thank you so much, Murphy," she mockingly responded. "Okay, now can I punch you."

"There's no time," Indra warned again as she moved forward. "More of them will come soon, we have to go."

"You're with Pike?" Octavia questioned Indra as she stood up.

"The only way we get out of here is together."

"He killed Lincoln," Octavia spat out. "Put him on his knees. Shot him in the head."

"O, Indra's right," Bellamy tried to convince as he finally let go of Aurelia. The girl continued to glare at Pike, who awkwardly looked away from her gaze. "We need every fighter we can get."

"He's not a fighter," Aura stated with a scoff. "He's a coward."

"You guys miss the part where it's time to go?" Murphy questioned as he turned to look back at them.

"We're not leaving."

"We just saved your lives. Why do I think we're gonna regret that?"

"Clarke is in trouble," Bellamy revealed to the boy as if that would magically convince him.

"Clarke is always in trouble," Murphy remarked.

"You know, for once I actually agree with Murphy," Aurelia said as she picked up her bow and quiver.

"They took her and the flame to the tower. It's a safe bet that Ontari is there too. Everything we need to stop ALIE is in the same place."

"If we go up that tower, we won't be able to fight our way back out again." Octavia countered.

Bellamy shrugged. "If we stop ALIE, we won't have to."

"Up the tower," Murphy drawled. "Great. You know, after this doing the right thing can kiss my ass."


Shorter chapter than usual bc inspiration was lacking. But yay!! Aura finally punched Pike!!

I made a Sky/Fate: The Winx Saga fic if anyone wants to check that out

A x

Word Count: 1422
Not Edited

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