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“Do you need a blanket?” Aurelia questioned from where she was sitting, her hand gently clasped around Luna’s colder ones.

“I’m okay,” the girl breathed out from where she laid on the medical bed, a weak smile on her face. 

“You’re looking a lot better,” Aura mused, reaching forward to brush Luna’s hair back. The radiation burns were pretty much non-existent now, which greatly confused the raven-haired girl. “How do you feel?”

“Well, I’m not throwing up anymore so better, I guess.” Luna moved to sit up slightly, with Aurelia moving forward to help her.  Aura watched as the girl’s eyes moved around the room, her shoulders sagging slightly as her eyes fell on the many bodies that were covered in plastic sheets.                         


Aurelia turned to find Clarke standing by the door with both Jackson and Abby. They all walked closer to the bed, their face contorted into expressions of shock. 

“Impossible,” Abby murmured as she reached her hand towards the girl’s face. “We didn’t treat her.” Abby pressed the back of her hand to Luna’s forehead and neck, the surprised look on her face not fading. “Your fever’s down.”

Nyko moved over from where he was sitting on the other side of the room, his hand outreached so he could make an assessment for himself. “How?”

“Her body’s rejecting the radiation on its own.” Abby revealed. “I’d like to run some tests. Is that okay with you?” Luna nodded at the woman wordlessly.

“What did you do?” Jackson questioned as he sat down beside Luna’s bed. 

“Nothing,” Abby spoke up, a look of realistion passing over her features. “There’s only one variable. There’s one thing that separates Luna from the others.”



The hallways of the ark were still fairly deserted the next morning, with most people still outside as they helped patch up the ship and gather supplies. Aurelia stopped walking, her brows furrowed as she heard her name being called from a distance.

She turned back on her feet to look down the way she had come from, and found the little girl she had grown attached to in her time at Arkadia. A large smile grew on Aurelia’s face as she crouched down and held her arms open. 

“Hey little Fern! Come here and give me a hug!” 

Aurelia let out a large laugh as the young girl barrelled into her arms, and placed a kiss to her forehead. She let out a large, fake gasp as she pulled away from the girl, gesturing to the little teddy in the girl’s hand. “And who is this!?” 

“Mr Bear,” the girl giggled as she hugged the soft toy close to her chest. “Auntie Raven gave him to me.” 

“Wow, what an awesome name. Has he been a good boy so far?” Fern nodded enthusiastically in response, a large smile lighting up her features. “That’s what I like to hear. If he gives you any trouble, you know where to find Auntie Aura don’t you?” 

“Mhmm,” Fern responded, nodding enthusiastically once again. 

“Good. Now, I think I saw your Dad in the cafeteria. Let’s find him and get you some food.” Aurelia stood up with her hand holding onto Fern’s smaller one, and led her towards the dining area of the ark.

After leaving Fern with her father, Aurelia made her way outside, eager to find Jasper. 

“Hey, Nate,” Aura called out as she approached the boy. “Have you seen Jas?” Nate snorted and nodded towards the lake, where Jasper was hovering over another figure who was laying on the ground seemingly unconscious. 

“We’re pretending that we don’t see a thing. Jaha kinda deserves it.”

“Wait,” Aura spoke with a laugh as she turned back towards the lake. “That’s Jaha?”

“Yup. Sure is.” 

Aurelia turned towards Miller with a cheeky smile. “In that case, I’m gonna go and help Jasper.” She patted Nate on the shoulder before rushing towards the younger boy, the large smile still on her face.

“Hey Jaybird,” she called out in a hushed whisper, peering down at the older man who was sprawled across the floor. “I’m here to help.” 

“Lia!” he exclaimed with a large smile that matched hers. “You get his legs, I'll get his arms.”

Aurelia has no idea how they managed to move the sleeping man onto the floating deck without waking him up, but somehow they did. She straightened her back and raised a hand at the boy, who returned her high five with a large grin. 

“We need to both push the deck at the same time so he floats as far as possible from the edge, okay?” 

The best friends crouched to the floor and counted to three, before both pushing the deck as forcefully as they could. Aura snorted as she watched it move away at a steady pace, the older man not showing any signs of waking up any time soon. 

“How long do you think it’ll be before he wakes up?” 

Jasper shrugged slightly. “I’ll give it a couple minutes. He’ll probably fall in.”

After what felt like hours, Jaha finally began to stir from his sleep. His hand accidentally fell into the water, causing the man to jerk awake in confusion.

“He’s awake!” Jasper exclaimed with a large grin.  “Hey Jaha! It looks like you got floated.”

“I see you’re keeping yourself busy, Mr Jordan, Miss McKinley,” Jaha spoke, an amused smile on his face.

“Oh, I'm living it up, every last day.”

Aura shrugged slightly. “I’m always down for a prank.”

Jaha glanced around, a confused expression on his face. “Do I wanna know how you managed to do this without waking me up?”

“Oh, probably not. But the effects are harmless, I promise, kind of.”

Aurelia noticed the crowd of amused people gathering around them, some whistling and clapping as they watched the ex-chancellor drift along the lake. It made her happy, knowing just how badly the people needed a break from the doom and gloom.

“Alright, we’ve had our fun.” Clarke spoke from behind them. “Let’s get back to work.”

The crowd began to disperse once again, causing Aurelia to sigh. She turned towards Jasper, realising he was already walking away. “You know,” she began as she rushed to catch up with him. “You should involve me in your pranks more. That was a lot of fun.”

“I’m only just getting started,” the boy revealed with a grin. “I’m gonna prank Clarke next.”

“Oh yeah? What are you gonna do?”

“Well first I need to convince Monty to help me, then I’ll tell you.”

“If Monty’s gonna be involved, it must be a pretty good idea. Find me when you’re ready.”

The girl turned on her feet and parted from the boy, opting to go after the blonde girl. “Hey, Clarke,” Aurelia called out as she walked after the girl,  who was also accompanied by Monty. “Have you heard from Bell? He should have been back by now.”

“Hunting parties go radio-silent. It’s nothing new,” Monty responded as he shrugged at her. 

“Yeah, you’re right. It’s probably nothing. I can always ride out to find them if they stay silent for too long.”

“Yeah,” Clarke nodded. “I’ll let you know if I hear anything.”

With a nod Aurelia began to walk away from the two, allowing them to continue their own conversations. She walked over to the nearest table and rested her forearms against the cool metal, her eyes observing the map laid out in front of her which listed the details of all the different guard positions and schedules. 

Her attention was drawn to the sky as the sound of thunder ripped through the heavens, followed by a gentler but still ominous rumble. “Oh no,” she breathed out, her eyes still cast towards the sky as she leaned against the table in worry. 

“Black rain,” Harper mumbled from beside her as the people of Arkadia began to panic.

“Alright, everyone inside!” Clarke announced. “Just like we practiced. Go.”

“Sound the alarm, this is not a drill!” A random voice bellowed out as Aurelia hurried to roll the maps up to carry inside. Seconds later the siren began to vibrate through the air, drowning out the nervous chatter of the people as they all hurried to get inside.

“Move, move, move!”

Aurelia finally got into the Ark with Monty right behind her, who turned to shut the door behind them.

“Wait!” Aura exclaimed as she braced her hand against the metal door, her eyes on the boy who was approaching the camp from a distance. “Jasper! Hurry up and get inside!” 

The boy didn’t even seem fazed by his friends shouting at him, and instead took his time as he walked towards them. 

“Jasper, what are you doing!” Clarke exclaimed. “Hurry!”

The boy in question moved to a standstill, and a large grin lit up on his face as he stared at them. “Can’t live your life in fear.”

Aurelia let out an exasperated sigh.“Jasper, run!”

Jasper did the complete opposite of that. He closed his eyes as he turned to face the sky, his arms outstretched as if he welcomed the black rain to consume him. 

“Jasper, what on earth are you doing?” Aurelia screamed as she watched the rain fall down on him. She went to run after him but she felt several arms tugging her back. “What are you doing, let me get to him!” She yelled, but their grips around her stayed firm. 

“Jasper!” Monty screamed as he also tried to run after the boy, but Harper held him back. “Jasper, no!”

“Monty, you can’t!” Harper responded as she tugged him back.

Aurelia watched with tears in her eyes as Jasper began to choke up, and tried to lunge forward again. “Jasper please just get back!” she begged, watching as he fell to his knees. She could hear people talking from behind her, but she was too focused on watching her best friend that she couldn’t make out what they were saying. 

“The sky..is.... falling,” Jasper finally let out, before breaking into loud laughter as he knelt on the floor, his hands in the air as he whooped and hollered. “The sky is falling!”

“You idiot!” Aurelia exclaimed as she finally ran out of the ark and ran straight towards the boy. She sank to her knees and shoved the boy by the shoulders, a mixture of rain and tears falling down her face. “You idiot!” she yelled again, wrapping her arms tightly around his shoulders and shoving her face into his neck, a choked sob of relief shuddering through her. She felt his arms wrap around her waist as he hugged her back. She briefly pulled away again to jab him in the arm, before tightly wrapping her arms around him again.

“Never do that again, you little prick,” she muttered, her heart feeling like it was ready to burst out of her chest.

“Hey, you’re the little one,” he responded, causing her lips to curl up slightly in both amusement and annoyance. She looked up towards the sky as she finally pulled away from him, her eyes closed as she savoured the feeling of rain on her skin.

“What is wrong with you?” Clarke questioned from behind them.

“It’s just rain! Not radioactive ash.”

“Dude. Not cool.”

“Come on. It’s a joke. Don’t be like that, guys.” Aurelia turned back towards the entrance of the ark, and saw everyone walking away as they shook their heads at him. 

“You deserve that,” she hissed as she tried and failed to push back the strands of hair that was plastered to her face, but the force of the rain simply pushed it back.

“When did everyone around here lose their sense of humour?”

“They never lost it, you prick. They just don’t think suicide is funny.”

The girl finally stood up, cursing at the sight of mud that now covered the bottom half of her trousers. 

“Get up you idiot,” she ordered as she held out her hand, expectantly waiting for the boy to take it. “Black rain might not have killed you but hypothermia will.”

“Fine,” he responded as he firmly grasped onto Aurelia’s hand, and allowed her to pull him to his feet. “I’d do anything for you I guess.”

“Careful Jaybird,” she said with a chuckle, leading him towards the entrance of the ark. “I have a boyfriend you know.”

“I don’t know how you haven’t scared him away yet,” he muttered under his breath, causing Aurelia to scoff and hit him in the arm. 

“You take that back, Jasper Jordan,” she threatened. 

Jasper stared at her for a few moments, before breaking into a run. “No!” he exclaimed as the girl chased after him, no longer bothered by the rain that was battering against her skin. “Bellamy deserves better!”

“I’m gonna kill you with my bare hands, Jasper!” 


You're so right, jasper. bellamy does deserve better, from the show runners
that is.

About time I updated bahaha.
Supernova passed its first year anniversary a few ago and I'm emotional as it's the same anniversary of me becoming a writer.
We've come so far.

Hope you enjoyed the update,
we got a lot of meme!jaslia(?)

dont forget to vote and comment :)

Word Count: 2155

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