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"Now you're gonna lock us up!?" Murphy exclaimed as Miller dragged him away to lock him up, followed by Roan who dragged Emori with him. "She was just trying to save her own life! Well, we're not gonna touch your stupid machine, all right? Please Clarke! You can't do this to us, Raven please. You can't let them do this to us!

Raven turned towards Clarke, her brows raised in question. "Please tell me you're not actually considering putting Emori in that chamber?"

Clarke ran both hands down her face, and turned to face Abby. "Mom, I don't know what else to do," she stated in exasperation, hands raising slightly in the air.

"There is nothing else we can do," Roan shrugged as he walked back towards her, no hint of sympathy on his face. "We all know it."

"Abby," Raven pleaded, "There has to be something that doesn't make us murderers."

The doctor shook her head slightly at the girl. "Jackson and I examined every possibility, and the only thing we know for sure, is that if we do nothing, we die. Jackson, prep Luna for the next extraction."

"No." Luna cut off. "You've taken enough."

"Luna, it's okay. We'll sedate you."

"I said no," the nightblood firmly cut off again. "I won't allow my blood to kill any other innocent people.

"Luna, please," Clarke begged, "Your blood is the only thing that can save us."

"My blood is a curse." Luna spat. "It will, however, keep you from following me into the rain."

"Luna, you can't," Abby protested. "Not with that hip."

Aurelia watched as Luna limped away despite the Griffin's attempts to persuade her, but the nightblood was stopped by Roan who stepped in her away.

"We can't let you leave.

"Let her go, Roan," Aurelia ordered, mentally preparing herself to fight him if she needed to.

"We need you, Luna," Clarke continued to plead.

Luna turned around to face the blonde, a look of questioning on her face. "Is there no line you won't cross in order to survive?"

Roan simply shrugged. "Survival requires sacrifice. If the freikdreina dies-"

"Don't call her that," Raven cut off.

"If she dies saving the world, that is a good death."

Aurelia rolled her eyes and scoffed at that statement. "Hey, Roan?" She called out, taking several steps closer to the man until she was practically face to face with him. "Why don't you volunteer?" She questioned, tilting her head slightly. "You know, since it's such a good death. It would be even more honourable for Ice Nation, knowing they had a king who gave his life to save his people." She mockingly pouted at him."Or are you scared?"

"I am a King, and I have a responsibility to lead my people."

"Oh please," she waved off with a sarcastic laugh. "You were barely keeping them together in the first place. And now that people know that you hid the truth about praimfaya from them, do you really think anyone respects you enough to follow you as their leader?"

"Now listen here-"

"No, you listen," she cut off, taking a threatening step forward to assure him that he didn't intimidate her one bit. "I don't care whether you're a king or not. You have absolutely no right to tell someone whether they should die just because it would be considered a good death, especially when you're not willing to do the same."

"Luna, come back, please."

"You're wounded." Roan stated as he stepped around Aurelia. "And I don't want to fight you."

Luna scoffed and slightly tilted her head to the side. "You have no choice. Remember?"

Roan moved to fight the girl, but Aurelia was ready for him.

"I'd rethink if I were you, Roan," Aura spoke as she drew her gun and pointed it at him. "Bellamy already shot your left arm. Don't make me give you a matching wound in the other."

"I'm sorry Aura, but we need her." Aurelia furrowed her brows as she turned to the side, and was surprised to see that Miller had drawn his own gun on her.


"I'm sorry. But if we have a chance to save everyone, we need to take it."

Aurelia helplessly watched as Roan fought the nightblood, her arm slowly dropping to her side as she watched Luna's feeble attempts to defend herself against the king. Eventually, the nightblood fell unconscious, allowing Roan to scoop her up into his arms.

"Sleep well Natblida."
"So what?" Raven questioned. "We're gonna strap her down and take her bone marrow?" She scoffed. "Welcome to Mount Weather."


"It's time."

Aurelia's eyes followed the blonde as she walked closer to the room where Murphy and Emori were handcuffed, and sighed softly. She watched as Nate opened up the door leading into the room, her eyes falling on the desperate teens who once again began to plead for their life.

"Guys, just wait, okay?" Murphy begged. "Hear me out-"

"It'll work this time," Clarke cut off, her voice wavering slightly as if she was trying to convince herself more than Murphy and Emori.

Emori scoffed in response. "Then how about we just go with that and forget the test?"

Miller moved closer to the girl and injected her with sleeping serum, sending her into an unconscious state much to Murphy's despair. "Miller? Miller, don't- Miller!" the boy exclaimed as he struggled against his restraints. "Miller, I swear to God, I'll kill y- Miller, please, just look at me man. You don't need to do this."

Miller sighed as he lifted the sleeping girl over his shoulder. "I wish that were true."

Murphy frantically looked around the room, and his eyes finally fell on Aura as she began to slowly walk towards the doorway of the room.

"Aura, please. Don't let them do this!"

Aurelia simply nodded in response, and she could see Murphy's eyes slowly soften in gratitude before his furious gaze turned back towards Clarke.

"Who the hell do you think you are, huh?" She heard Murphy angrily question as she quickly backed away from the room and moved towards the direction of the radiation chamber.

She took a deep, shaky breath as she grabbed the syringe laying across the bench, and injected its contents into her veins before she could have second thoughts.

"Aurelia, what are you doing?" Jackson questioned in concern as he rushed towards her, followed by a perplexed Clarke and crew.

Aura stood tall as she discarded the empty syringe onto the worktop, and locked eyes with the blonde. "You've forced Luna into giving bone marrow, and I'm not gonna watch you force someone into that chamber against their will. You're testing me."

Clarke shook her head at her, her mouth opening and closing as she tried to form words. "You can't-"

"So what?" Aura cut off, her brows furrowed. "You're all for putting someone in there against their will when you don't know them that well, but when someone you know volunteers you're hesitating? You're a hypocrite."

"You're right. I'm a hypocrite." Clarke's gaze moved towards the remaining vials of nightblood. "That's why I'm gonna test the nightblood instead."

Abby gasped as she shot out of her seat. "What-"

"I'll finish it. I bear it, so they don't have to."


"It's been two hours." Jackson revealed as he examined Clarke's arm. "How do you feel?"

"Ready," the blonde responded with a nod, her eyes moving from Jackson and towards her mother who shook her head.

"I won't let you do it," Abby firmly stated as she approached the younger girl, causing Aura to roll her eyes in annoyance from where she was sitting with Luna and Raven.

"Mom, I trust you. It'll work. Jackson, turn it on."

Abby raised an arm to block the male. "Jackson, don't. Clarke, if you go in there, you'll die. I saw it."

Aura furrowed her brows as she looked between the Griffins, and felt Raven shift beside her slightly.

"What are you talking about?"

Abby gestured towards the radiation chamber. "I saw it happen."

"Like I saw the rocket," Raven realised as she stood up and folded her arms in front of her, and slowly began to walk towards the doctor.

"We're wasting time- no, mom, wait."

Aura burst to her feet in shock as she watched Abby lunge towards the radiation chamber, her hand firmly gripping onto a metal pole.


The sound of smashing glass filled the air as the pole collided with the chamber, sending thousands of shards of glass crashing to the floor.

"Mom, no!"

"Abby! Stop!"

The pleading was useless, Aura realised as she watched the scene unfold. No matter how hard they begged, it wouldn't bring back the machine in one piece. They were screwed.

"Don't worry," Luna sarcastically commented from where she was sitting. "It'll all be over soon."

Abby dropped the pole to the floor with a clatter, tears running down her face as she clasped her daughter's hands in her own. "I can't lose you."

Aurelia turned on her feet and made her way towards where Murphy and Emori were still locked up, only to be stopped by Miller as she attempted to walk through the doorway.

"What are you doing?" the boy questioned, his brows raised,

"What does it look like, Nate? I'm letting them go."


"Miller," she cut off as she stepped past him. "The machine is gone. What's the point?" She held out her hand, her palm facing upwards. "Give me the keys."

Miller sighed after a few moments of pondering, and finally dropped the key onto the palm of her hand, allowing her to move towards the pair that were still restrained.

Murphy straightened up as he noticed her approaching him, a worried expression still etched on his face.

"What's happening?" he asked as his gaze moved between both Aura and Miller.

She shrugged at him as she inserted the key into the lock and twisted it, causing the handcuffs to release with a click. "I'm freeing you both."

"What happened?" Emori questioned. "Did it work?"

Aura shook her head as she released Emori's handcuffs. "Abby destroyed the machine before Clarke could test herself."


"Hey," Murphy called out softly as he moved closer to Aura. "I don't know what you did earlier to convince them not to test on Emori, but thank you. It means more to me than you could know."

A small smile played on Aurelia's lips. "Don't worry about it. I wasn't about to let them play god."

"So what's gonna happen now?"

Aurelia shrugged and turned towards the doorway, noting that Miller was no longer there. "I don't know, but I'm going back to Arkadia. If we only have ten days left to live, I'd like to spend them with Bellamy.

"Good idea," Murphy said with a nod. "We should get outta here too," he stated as he turned towards where Clarke and the others were grouped, his gaze falling on the shards of glass scattered across the floor. "Who knows if they'll try to backstab us again."

"Well, it was nice knowing you guys I guess," Aura spoke with a small smile as she looked between the pair. "I know we've had our ups and downs, Murphy, but I suppose you're okay now."

"I suppose you're okay too, Aurelia McKinley." Murphy said with a small smile. "May we meet again."

"May we meet again."


whoops i didnt realise it had been so long

Word Count: 1916

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