chapter two

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[Lucid Dreams]

  Lana woke up with her vision blurred, not a clue as to where she was. She didn't know where she was, how she got here, how long she had been here, and more importantly, why exactly she was here. Her heart pounded against her chest in fear, and anticipation, after all these years, would she die?

"Hello, Leilana." Though she couldn't see his face, only one person who was alive in this world called her by her full name, her heart sunk after hearing his voice after more than four hundred years. "She's awake, little Gilbert."

"What in the hell is going on?" Lana questioned, writhing back and forth as she tried to escape from her chains.

"I was kindly asked to compel you, old friend." Klaus commented, now appearing in the girls vision as he ran a soft finger across her cheek.

"To what?" Now, Leilana was trashing around, her eyes darting around everywhere in order to search for an escape. That's when Jeremy came into frame, leaning against the doorframe.

"I helped Klaus with a vampire issue, he owes me a favor and I have to cash it in." The Gilbert boy explained, both men eyeing her as she struggled.

Lana felt her blood begin to boil as the seconds went on. She was duped, and that was something she didn't enjoy in the least bit. Plus, of all people, Klaus Mikaelson was the last person she ever wanted to come across again.

"You used me." The mix of betrayal and lack of blood in her system made the Windsor woman go feral, veins forming beneath her eyes as she leapt forward as much as the chains surrounding her would allow.

"I've learned recently that things come back around when you least expect it." The hybrid man commented with a grin, having fun to see her struggle. "Like when a woman i've hunted for centuries falls right into my lap."

"Bite me." Lana spat out maliciously, her words visibly stinging the man.

His smile disappeared completely and the air became extremely tense. Nobody uttered a word in the few seconds that it took for Klaus to calculate his next move. It was like within seconds, he was running towards Lana and she was screeching out in pain.

"I always serve my guests to the best of my ability, happy to please you, love." Blood sprinkled down the mans face, and her wiped it away before continuing. "You've missed a few things in your absence however, my bite contains werewolf venom, which is of course, lethal to you."

Jeremy fell to his knees by Lana's side to help her as best as he could, the womans body aching beyond belief.

"You bit her. Why did you bite her?" Jeremy began to open the locks to the chains that were around Lana.

"She made me angry." The Gilbert shook his head at Klaus's words, he couldn't believe what he was dealing with in that moment. He was obviously way in over his head.

"She has-" Klaus said looking around the room contemplating what he would say next. "Around 24 hours, it's best to say your goodbyes in private, i'll be on my way."

The Mikaelson man left the room just as Jeremy removed the chains from Lana's body. As much as she wanted to leap forward and attack the Gilbert, her mind and body were too weak to let her. Tears poured down her face as she took in everything that had happened in the past few moments.

Not only was she going to die but, the past she had tried so hard to overcome had now come back to haunt her.

"Bring me home." She uttered out defeatedly. "I have to tell Liam i'm dying."

"No." Jeremy shook his head in protest. "No, it's not happening, i'm going to get his blood, and i'm going to heal you."

"I just want to go home." Lana insisted once again. "Klaus doesn't change his mind."

"This is my fault, I will fix this." Was the last words Leilana heard before her vision faded, and everything felt hazy.

Werewolf bites were lethal, and so was Klaus Mikaelson.

  Through the early hours of the bite, Lana began going through many hallucinations. She could feel that she wasn't in these situations anymore but all at once, it felt so real. She could touch whoever was in her dreams, speak to them, feel their energy. Now, here she was, back to almost 500 years ago.

"Hello, Love." Klaus spoke as he pressed a kiss against the girls cheek. "You look absolutely ravishing."

The man placed his drink on the table beside them and reached out his hand for Lana to take. This was certainly frowned upon, seeing as Niklaus was high-class, and Leilana was just the opposite. Still, he put that aside and cared little for the thoughts of others.

It warmed the Windsor woman's heart.

"As do you, Niklaus." Lana smiled at him brightly, as she let him take her hand into his own. "Everyone is staring."

"One day, I will take you away from people like them." Klaus closed the gap between the two of them with a light smile. "Until then, forget about them and just dance with me."

Leilana nodded happily and pressed her head against the mans chest. They stood there, dancing with one another and simply taking in the music that surrounded them for a few moments. It was then that the young vampire asked the question she had been dying to.

"This woman you are searching for, Katherine. Is she more beautiful than I?" Lana asked, looking upwards from his chest.

"In the centuries i've been alive, there hasn't been a creature as beautiful as you. I am sure even in the next 500 years no one would compare."

Something snapped within Leilana, she had remembered why she was really here. She remembered why she had spent months with the Mikaelsons, months with Klaus. That's when she slowly reached into her glove behind the mans back.

"Katherine has a message for you, Niklaus. You'll never find her." As she spoke these words, and plunged a dagger into her chest, the Mikaelson mans face dropped, recognizing this as betrayal.


"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, she made me! I had to do it!" Lana jumped upwards, waking up from her lucid dream. Sweat dripped down her face, her skin pale and lifeless.

"Lana—... Lana, it's okay. You're okay, it's me, Jeremy. You're safe." The Gilbert spoke as she rested her head back where it was in his lap, blotting a cold towel on his forehead. If she was in her right mind, the Windsor woman might have noted he was the one who got her into this entire mess.

"What has happened?" Her eyes darted around, part of her mind stuck here, and the other in 1502. "Niklaus, is he okay? Is he alive? Where am I!?"

She trashed uncomfortable till she heard the sound of his voice.

"I'm here, love. Happy to enjoy every moment of your suffering after what you did to me." The man spoke, it was then that her mind finally clicked into current time, and Lana felt furious.

"Fix me." The woman uttered, as confidently as she could in the current circumstances, fists balled at her sides.

".... and why would I do that?" Klaus questioned with a grin, him and Jeremy both staring at her for an answer.

"You once said that even in 500 years, no one could compare to me. Is that still true?" The question caught the man off guard, and made his smile drop completely.

All Leilana could hope was that this did the trick, and it would keep her alive another day.

authors note—
Can I just say writing fanfics that don't follow the episodes is sm more relaxing? Cause wow.

Favorite Klaus quote of all time?

Hope you enjoyed!

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