1 year ago : January 6th 2019

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1 year ago : January 6th 2019


The sound of a car beeping sounds from outside my window. So, being the nosey person, I am i go to see what this is all about. Wrapping my very fashionable pink and purple star dressing gown around my body, I pull open my blinds, surprised to find an unfamiliar black Mustang on my driveway. It all makes sense a few moments later when Levi hop out the car with a look of effortless seductiveness.

Only Levi Hayes would get a vintage Ford Mustang.

"HEY ALL YOU MOTHERFUCKERS - LOOK WHAT I GOT!" well that's one way to draw everyone's attention onto you. What an utter idiot.

Levi waves with pride for me to come down and look at his pretentious vintage car - but in his defense....the boy has taste. Good taste. And once I'm down there, I can get a better look at the beauty he's driving.

"A 1966 vintage black Ford Mustang. Do you love it or do you love it?" he leans against it in an awfully cringy way, but somehow he still manages to look hot.


I have no idea but I'm assuming it may have something to do with his thin t-shirt which is tight against his abs or the sunglasses that sit sexily on the end of the bridge of his nose.

"Well I have to say Levi, it suits you very much," he grins a wide smile, "you're both are ugly, annoying and very loud." His smile flips to a frown within the space of a millisecond.

In all truth, this was completely untrue, both the car and Levi look like they've modelled in a magazine. But I would never give him the satisfaction of knowing that. He pouts and strokes the car like it's a newborn puppy, "don't listen to the mean lady, Daddy thinks you're beautiful."

Well i think Daddy is beautiful-

Nope. No. We do not think like that.

At all.

Walking over to the flower bed, I go and touch some grass. Think clean Allie. Holy water is our best friend <3

"Allie? What on earth are you doing...." It was at this moment I realised I was still clutching onto the grass. Wiping my hands quickly, I return to a normal person's position, ignoring what I just did.


"Then why are you bright red." he smirks, looking me up and down with a chuckle before sliding into his new car. Oh lord- "Well are you coming?" Levi has the door wide open, waiting for me to get in too. I look down at my miss matched outfit and go an even darker red. Levi, on the other hand, doesn't seem to care in the slightest as he carries on ushering me to get in, "Allie get in the car."

"No, I look like I just woke up - which I did, all thanks to your bloody car and its loud honking!" Levi presses on the honk hard, so people all the way to Manchester would be able to hear him.

Levi, once again checks out my outfit, and replies, "I told you to get in Allie. So get in. this isn't a fashion show."

"For god's sake, you sound like my bloody mother."


It's safe to say that I will never again be riding in a car that Levi Hayes is driving because that was possibly one of the most terrifying experiences of my entire life. I honestly swear that if I jumped out of an aeroplane with no parachute I would be safer than if I was in that car.

"At least I didn't hit the pigeon?!" Levi says with a joyous tone. I give him a deadpan look and stare at his honest face for a full minute.

"Levi you ran over a rat, almost hit a 16 wheeler and accidentally drove onto a motorway where u went at a top speed of, oh yeah what was it.....92 MILES PER FUCKING HOUR!" he shugs nonchalantly, as if what i just said went straight into his brain and right out the other way.

Groaning loudly I swipe his car keys because he doesn't seem to get it, "You're gonna end up killing either yourself or somebody else if you drive around like that Levi. So I'm taking your car keys until you can accept and appreciate that what you just did was highly dangerous and could have easily ended my life at least 7 times in that 35 minute trip to absolutely nowhere."

Levi gulps, making his Adam's apple bob up and down as he stares lasers at the direction to where his keys are held securely behind my back.

"You'll get these back when I say so."

I march off towards the house however I come to a halt when I'm thrown over Levi's shoulder. My face hangs opposite his lower back so I wrap my hands around his waist to ensure I don't fall and drop to my death. Since I'm so close, I can smell the masculine scent of his aftershave on his top.


Sniff sniff

"Are you sniffing me..." Levi says after a few seconds, then he shakes his head and says he must be imagining it. Thank god I'm facing his back because I'm almost 100% sure that I'm, once again, bright red.

"Levi let me downnn!"

"No, this is your punishment for stealing my keys."

Punishment? What am I, his slave?

Like Swiper from Dora the Explorer does, Levi snatches the keys from my hands and after settling me on the sofa, he runs off like an 8 year old to hide from me. However, after a quick recovery, I'm quick to find him.

"LEVIIIIII GIVE ME THOSE KEYS BACK RIGHT NOW!!!" charging after him like a psycho maniac, i magazine to catch up to him after practically doing parkour across the sitting room. Jumping onto Levi's back, I hit him with my fists in an attempt to get him to drop them.




Liam stomps in looking grumpy at all the noise, "guys i'm trying to play my nintendo and i can because you distract me with all your screaming."

Sliding around Levi's body, I hook my legs around him into a rather...provocative position. Our faces are a millimetre apart and our bodies are pressed up so tightly together, you could believe we were doing the worst.

Levi's blue eyes search my face, looking from my left to my right then down at my lips, where i bite at them unconsciously - and i swear on my life i hear him moan a 'fuck'.

Suddenly Liam coughs awkwardly, completely forgetting he was there. Hopping off Levi's front I stand nervously next to him, letting him take the lead, "Um, Allie just took my keys because apparently I'm too bad of a driver!"

"You should've seen him Liam, he almost killed me like 5 times!" Liam chuckles and sweeps his eyes over the two of us. As he gets older he looks more and more like his brother in every single way.

But at this comment, Liam stops, "You got to drive in it," I nod my head in confusion?, "BUT LEVI YOU SAID I'M NOT ALLOWED TO!"

"And for good reason...'' I mumble under my breath but Levi scowls at me since he's close enough to hear.

Now sulking in the corner, Liam grunts at the idea of him not being allowed to be driven around. Sinking deeper into the beanbag, he pouts when Levi explains that Ed was the one who said he couldn't ride in it until Levi's more comfortable about driving in his car.

"Allie, you know how you said you'd never ride in a car where I'm the driver....well um- you might need to break that rule-"


"That was so funnnn!" Liam exclaims in excitement as he gets out of the new car. However, I had a very different experience - to me, counting the number of road kills on a highway isn't exactly the most pleasant activity for a Sunday afternoon.

Ed clearly seems to think the same thing as he stands looking furious at my front door. The two brothers freeze at the sight of their father, looking shocked....scared even.

"What the hell do you think you're doing boys?" Neither of them say anything until he barks at them to tell him.

"Dad, I just took him for a spin around the neighborhood, and like, Allie was here like...i dunno..." Levi stumbles over his words, something I would rarely ever see him do.

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT?! You betrayed my trust in you, Levi, like you always do. Ur a fucking disappointment to this family, you never think do you?" Ed seethes under his breath, almost whispering but in a way that makes it scarier.

Ed squares up to Levi, "Come on! Answer me?!" he slaps the side of Levi's head, not hard but just enough to aggravate Levi into fighting back. Taking Levi's hand, I grip onto it, squeezing him hard to prevent him from answering back.

"Leave me alone." Was all he said before walking off.

Ed grabs onto Liam's hand and storms off inside the house with him, nodding politely at me as he passes me.

What the hell just happened?


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