4 years ago : October 10th 2016

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4 years ago : October 10th 2016

"Come on, quickly! He's going to see us!" Nancy yells.

We rush around the corner of the west block when Nancy sees Thomas walking into the abandoned toilets on the side of the towering building. At full speed we bolt out of sight, causing me to trip my foot over a loose pipe, making us giggle even more. Our loud footsteps draw attention to ourselves, so he stops to look at the noise; I think we're too far around the corner to see because he just walks off shaking his head. We all peer over each other's shoulders to catch a glimpse of him as he strolls away laughing at something.

"Few that was a close one, he almost saw us!" Nancy whispers, her head above mine as we peek around the side of the window.

I shake my head, "nah, we're like ninja's" i make a karate pose and kick my leg high in the air, making a weird noise.

I think I just made myself physically cringe. There are moments when I make such bad jokes that I actually question my sanity.

We so distracted by our idiotic games that we dont notice whats happening with Thomas until Quinn shouts out, "Uhm guys, we need to get to the other side of the building. And soon, look-" Quinn mentions, pointing in the direction of the toilets.

We look through the glass and see Thomas leaving the graffitied bathrooms about 30 metres away.

Oh no. How are we gonna make it?

Like lighting, me and my friends bolt around the other side of the building.


Because we're borderline stalkers.

For the past couple months, my teesy weensy crush on Thomas Brent - the coat boy in the year above - might have gotten slightly bigger. Being the honestish girl that I am, I tell my friends about my crush.

Big mistake.

Completely invested in everything that - doesn't - happen with him and me, they've become a part of our non-existent relationship.

Now I know I might sort of...kinda...maybe like Levi still, but everyone knows that's never gonna happen, so I guess Thomas is just a substitute in his place. Like come on let's be realistic, there are so many things that would be wrong in our relationship; for starters, he's best friends with my brother so that automatically makes it a complete no, plus he's annoying and rude and handsome and so sweet sometimes and just absolutely hot as f-

Damn it.

Stupid Levi messing with my head as per usual.


I need to stop thinking about Levi. A cleanse from him. A detox perhaps. Maybe I could even find a rehab centre for retracting crushes.


This boy is gonna be the death of me.

It's not like this with Thomas; i mean, yeah, i have a crush on him but...to be honest, I feel as if my friends are actually more excited about this make believe Thomas relationship than I am...but i mean, i do still like him...he's...he's really nice...I guess.

If my friends knew this was my actual enthusiasm they'd be going full on psycho. But it's not like they haven't done that already.

Last Tuesday - after a lot of planning and debates, my friends came up with the crazy idea that in order for Thomas to notice me, I need to bump into him more often.

Now I'm not saying I need to fall dramatically into his arms like in a cheesy romance novel, just the occasional 'hello' in the corridors. So after stealing his planner and copying his timetable - I did say they were psycho stalkers - we now know where he will be.

Every. Second. Of. the. Day.

I take out the copied print out of Thomas's timetable, examining it for the billionth time. Period 4 : Room W38. Geography.


Geography sucks.

Who wants to learn about the shapes of clouds or the way an ox-bow lake is formed? God I would've offed myself by the end of the lesson.

But at least geography is near the PE hall where my next lesson is - another lesson I also hate but have to put up with - running up and down for no goddamn reason, maybe the occasional throw of an oddly shaped ball.

Pointless waste of my time.

PE is for people like my brother who are so dumb thir only chance of a future is to go into sport, unless they're like Olympic level.


I bang into a person as I'm running full speed to get around the building. Arms close around me holding me up, the strong smell of Axe deodorant filling my nose.


The familiar voice of Thomas Brent comes from the boy holding me, "What in god's name are you doing!?" he says, chuckling.

"I was...uh...running to get to class...I'm very late." my voice comes out as a stutter.

"You? Late to class?"

I nod, blushing under his smirking stare, his voice rumbling through my body making my insides flutter, "and you being late doesn't have anything to do with the fact you were staring at me from around the corner of a building?"

Oh no.

"You saw..." this is possibly one of the most embarrassing moments of my short life.

"Of course I saw, I do have eyes, you know. And the fact you and your friends"- he gestures to the 3 girls peering excitedly through the glass window across the hall - "were squealing as you ran away from me was a not very subtle hint."

I can feel myself heating up even more in his arms, my face probably as red as a tomato, "so that's why you were laughing..."

"Don't worry darling, it's cute watching you fawn over me." He gives me a cheesy wink - that I think was supposed to be seductive - as he walks off the Room W38.

Do I have shit taste in men or was that hot?


"jghkjgkhgkjhnkhj! HE CALLED YOU WHAT!" Nancy exclaims.

"Darling...." ever since my accidentally on purpose collision with Thomas, my friends have wanted every detail of what happened. This particularly includes the part where he called me 'darling'. Let's just say they were less than impressed.

"Ew. I actually think I just threw up in my own mouth."

I roll my eyes at Nancy, I mean I found it romantic - he has a pet name for me and probably more where that came from - and yes I guess it is a little cheesy and something you'd hear a blond boy from Texas named 'Chad' call you, but...it's sweet.

At least for me?

"I have to admit, that is a weird pet name." Quinn adds with a grimace - at least her reaction was not as bad as a reply as Esther and Nancy, who were mimicking throwing up and gurgling sick sounds. They spent 10 minutes just reacting to the situation then another 20 practically screeching about how tacky it was.

"Well I like it!" my arms fold together in annoyance of their lack of excitement.



Mr Parker can only be described as a diabetic lump that yells at teenage girls for a living.

He sits there each lesson with his multisize packet of BBQ and roast beef potato crisps - which in reality would be for around 20 people - shovelling them down at an unhealthy speed.

He does absolutely nothing in our lessons except shout random things like 'run faster' or 'it's not even cold'; when he's there with 3 coats, an infinity scarf and a Manchester United football club hat, whilst we're in booty shorts and a tank top in -3 degrees weather.

"AND.........GOOOOOOOO!" Mr Parker yells as we begin to run aimlessly towards some rubber balls. You got it.

We're playing dodgeball.

I look over at the other team with a ball in my hand, planning who I should hit.

Scanning the room I see Connie Chesters and her friends scrambling on the floor as a ball rolls over to them. One of her friends chucks a ball at Connie and she does something similar to Karen Smith in that 'Mean Girls' scene - sort of clapping her hands together to catch the ball but it just bounces off her boobs.

Her entire team laughs at Connie's slightly confused giggling face - and I'm certain she has no idea what they're laughing at.

Taking this as my golden chance I charge towards the no zone line at full speed ready to catapult the ball at the opposing team.

Shouldn't have done that.

Due to me being one of the most unfit people ever, I have no skills when it comes to physical education. So when I throw the ball with way too much force, it goes in the complete wrong direction - hitting the ceiling, then the railings and straight down into my face, knocking me right down onto the floor.


The room goes silent at my epic fail. Kill me now.

"ALISON CARTER! YOU ARE OUT!" well thanks for the sympathy sir.


It turns out when you hit your head really hard on the ground you get a concussion. So right now I'm surrounded by my entire PE class and a few other spectators as I'm lifted pointlessly out of the hall on a 7 foot long stretcher.

As if this entire thing couldn't have gotten any more humiliating, Thomas happens to be in a neighbouring building so his class comes out to see the commotion.

Quinn is hurrying by my side as I'm being lifted away, repeatedly saying how it was her fault because she should've warned me about the incoming ball. Nancy is just laughing about how much of a spaz I looked as my head reverberated on the ground and well, Esther's hiding in embarrassment of knowing about my existence.

And honestly, I really don't blame her.

It was quite the spectacle, I'm not gonna lie. It's not often someone at school gets taken to the hospital.

Just before I'm lifted into the ambulance, I catch onto the end of a nearby conversation.

"So I'll see you tonight?" Connie's gratingly high pitched voice comes from a few metres away. From out of the corner of my eye, I can see her biting her glossy lip.

"Of course darling," She blushes furiously as Thomas Brent plants a soft kiss on the side of her cheek.


But wasn't that just our thing.


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