6 years ago : March 21st 2014

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*if you didn't read the authors note in the first chapter please go back because it's very important*

hey everybodyy, hope everybody is safe and doing good:)

As you can tell, this is the first chapter of Superpowers AND I HAVE NEVER BEEN MORE SCARED. This is the first book i've ever written and i honestly have no idea if its gonna flop or somehow do well. Lets hope the second one because this book took me fucking ages to write.

In the time i've written it i think i've listened to my sad playlist around 15 billion times :o


In order for it to do well though, i need all your support, so please VOTE, FOLLOW, COMMENT, TAG and SHARE this book anywhere and everywhere. Also if you see your birthday at the top of a chapter make sure to comment and find your birthday twins.

lmfao that was so cringe i apologise-

IMPORTANT NOTE : The first chapter is written in her past, and so will every alternating chapter - the others will be looking at her present, which i hope you like and don't find it too confusing.

On a final note, i hope you enjoy this book and i wish you the best of luck xx


6 years ago : March 21st 2014

I watched the world merge into a blur of colours through the glass of my backseat window. Drawing pictures on the steamed up glass where my breath had settled.

Looking up, I stare at my sad reflection, tears dropping from my small eyes and onto my chubby pink cheeks much like the raindrops racing down the window.

From under my ratty blanket, I could hear the muffled voices of my family's cheerful singing .

But I was too sad to sing,

I was too sad to speak,

I was too sad to do anything except watch the trees sway lightly in the wind from the inside of the car.


"Allie! Wake upppp, we're hereee!!!"

I hear the loud screeching of my brother's voice in my ears. He tugs the blanket from my warm body leaving me feeling cold and exposed.

"Come on, look at the new house, it's HUGEEE!"

I peek outside to reveal my brother running on a pebbled driveway leading towards a large two-story house.

It was perfect, with its big 70's windows, white paint and a grey front door.

But it wasn't my home, my home was in Somerset, not Hertfordshire.

My home was peaceful, in the countryside, not...not this.

A wide, modern cul-de-sac. Children playing on the pavement. Houses left and right. Loud noises of passing cars on a nearby mainroad. And the stinky smell of petrol like we had just stopped at a gas station.

Only we weren't just stopping off, this was our house now. I felt like an alien on a different planet. This was the complete opposite to where I used to live. I didn't want to be here. I never did.

I stayed sitting in my seat, refusing to get out; a deep frown settling on my face.

"Alison, I need you to get out of the car." Mum's stern voice echoes through the glass.

I shake my head at a thousand miles per hour and duck behind the booster seat, accidentally knocking my head on the way. Ouchy, now my head is all dizzy.

"Alison don't make me come in there."

"Nooo..." I whine, making sure to over pronounce the last letter.

"Alison Carter get out of this car..." my mum says as she makes her way toward the door.

"But I don't want toooo!"

"Now Allie." Hmph.

She gives me an angry look, so I open the door, still holding onto my blanket, and walk off towards the house with my feet dragging behind me and my blonde hair covering my scrunched eyes.

But when I finally open them, I feel calmer. More at peace.

A large staircase at the back of the joined kitchen and dining room - or as Mummy calls it, an 'open plan kitchen' - with giant glass doors leading to a pretty garden. Dark green paint surrounds the kitchen walls and the wooden table-tops shine from the bright hanging lights. For the first time today, my lips curl into a small smile.

Maybe it wasn't going to be so bad...but I'd never tell Mummy that, I'm too stubborn to say anything. I can already see her silly satisfied face staring back at me in the back of my mind.


No way I would give her the satisfaction.



Me and my brother both exclaim from the floor where we munch on our Thai takeaway. I scrunch up my forehead and small huff, taking an extra large bite out of my crunchy prawn cracker.

My parents share a look. It's like they could tell what I was thinking.

Ezra takes my hand when he notices me and whispers, "Don't worry Allie, I'll be there with you".

I give him a small smile and squeeze his soft hand.

"I know Ezra."

He smiles back at me. Ezra has always been there for me, even as he got older and more teenagery, he's been by my side...well most of the time, when he isn't pulling my hair or giving me jumpscares from behind the doors.

Up until now my parents took turns home-schooling us. I had always known my brother had wanted to go to school; Ezra was loud and very friendly and wasn't afraid to meet people. I, on the other hand, liked being at home. Everyone knew I wasn't a people person...I knew I wasn't a people person.

But I felt bad to argue. I could tell that this made him so happy, so I agreed...

"Ok, I'll go," I let out a small squeak.

My brother bounces off the chair, and leaps into my parents arms.

"Well it's nice to know that you want to get rid of us so quickly," Daddy says in a sarcastic tone. We all let out a giggle as my brother goes as red as his jumper.

To avoid further embarrassment, he runs off explaining how he wants to choose his outfit for when school starts so he can make a good impression on his classmates. Only to turn around again when mum opens her mouth a few seconds later.

"Um, actually darling, you should probably know this...you have to wear uniforms at school"

Excuse me. UNIFORMS!

I exchange a glance at my brother to find him looking as horrified as me.

The next few minutes of my life involved a lot of screaming, stomping and arguing, but there was no way we could get out of this one.

Taking my brother's wrist and trudge up the wooden staircase - holding onto the glass side so I dont trip and mess up my dramatic exit - before slamming the heavy door of my bedroom.

I flop onto my duvet, which is laying on my old bed, and look around my new room. It's empty apart from my mattress since we haven't had time to set up everything yet.

I think about my old room, full of life and colour. But when I look at this room it makes me remember that I'm not there. I am here, Hertfordshire.


Carefully, I stand up from my mattress to walk over to my favorite part of my new room. I sit down on the window seat staring into the sky. It's speckled with stars that stand out against the darkness, they look almost like fairy lights. I see a shooting star whoosh across the sky, so I close my eyes hard and make a wish...


When I hear the gentle knocking on my door, I turn around to see Daddy's blue eyes staring around my room.

"You know, I can't wait to see the place when it's finished, button. I bet your room will look great"

I sigh in frustration, "Daddy, I'm almost 11, not a button," he chuckles and he takes a seat next to me.

"Wow, it's a brilliant view" I look up at him and smile.

"Yeah, it's really pretty."

We just sit in peaceful silence but every so often he opens his mouth to say something even though I'm sure he will talk about what happened downstairs.

Finally he speaks, "Your going to have a good time at school, you know, and make sure your not afraid to make friends," he pokes my stomach and plants a kiss on my nose, "and i know it's scary and new, but you have Ezra to look after you, thought just don't rely on him too much. You're a marvellous girl, Allie Carter, just you remember that."

I jump into his arms and wrap my hands around his neck, he quickly returns it, squeezing my body tight. He picks me up and carries me towards my bed, tucking me in and places a kiss on my forehead.

"Sweet dreams button."


Make sure, if you haven't already, to VOTE, FOLLOW, COMMENT, TAG and SHARE to help me reach my target of 100 reads!

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