Chapter 9 : Speed

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Chapter 9 : Speed

Friday 9th november 2020


noun: speed; plural noun: speeds
the rate at which someone or something moves or operates or is able to move or operate.
"we turned on to the runway and began to gather speed"





I hear the high pitched sound of Connie Chesters behind an upside down copy of Darwins 'Origin of Species'.

...since when did that girl learn how to read?

I see her golden blonde messy bun poking out from over the top and her big chestnut eyes sparkling in the sunlight, god no wonder all the guys want her. Her slender body slips off the seat where she's perched and hurries over to wear a disgruntled looking Levi scans the bookshelves.

"Levi, didn't you hear me? I wanted to talk to you!", I hear her say as I walk slowly around the shelfs, desperate to catch at least some of their conversation.

Occasionally, I pick up a few books from various sections pretending to be interested in what I'm doing.

"What about?" I hear his gravelly voice from behind a copy of Louisa May Alcott's 'Little Women'.

Through the crack of some stack of books, I peer at the scene in the aisle ahead of me. Connie twirls her finger around some stray hairs, biting her lip as she drools over Levi. Levi seems unaware of her efforts, as he's too engaged in his book to notice. Obviously wanting more attention, Connie smiles seductively and cocks her head, giggling at absolutely nothing.

It's absurd the lengths this girl will go to to get attention from an obviously uninterested teenage boy.

"So...Leviii, I was wondering'd like to, I dunno, go on like....a date with me?"

Excuse me.

What the hell does this girl think she's doing?


"Yes Leviii?" oh god no. please no.

"Leave me alone."

When I see her glossy lips pout deeply, I let out a little bubble of laughter. Their heads turn around to my direction but before I duck I see Levi look guiltily in my direction. Oh shit did he see me...

I see him turn back around towards Connie. What was he doing? Hold on-

"No...what meant was, well i'm a bit busy right now...but-"

Well he seems really invested in their relationship, i can already see the 2.3 kids and white picket fence.

"Wait does that mean you'll go on a date with me!?'' I raise an eyebrow at Connie's exclamation, surely he won't. Surely this boy has some sort of common sense not to go out with this walking barbie.

"Um...yeah...uh...sure, just text me. You have my number, don't you," he looks back briefly one more time in my direction but I'm too low down for him to see me.

Why did he do this?

I look over at a bubbly Connie, her shiny golden hair, which has been skillfully wrapped into a messy bun and her wafer thin body oozing beauty. She bites her plump lips and pulls out her phone, no doubt she's already setting the date. Her model-like figure practically sways off as if dancing on ice towards the ages 4-5 picture book section - which is no doubt where she gets her books from.

"'What's happening to my body : the stages of male puberty' well i have to say Alison, it's an interesting choice"

The patronising tone of Thomas Brent's voice comes up behind me, "I mean I did tell you that you looked like a 10 year old boy, I just didn't realise you took it so literally."

Does the world hate me or something?

I slowly turn on my heel to be greeted by a snickering Thomas. I huff and fold my arms over my chest, his eyes following the movement. Ugh, gross.

"Do you need something?"

"Well, no bu-"

"Well then leave me the fuck alone" I stride off but he grabs my arm pulling me back to him.I tense at the closeness of our bodies, a completely different sensation compared to Levi.

'No Alison, stop thinking about him' I tell myself.

Turning back to Thomas, I practically gag at the stench of sweat and an overload of cheap deodorant. Ew, he's wearing Axe, is this guy like 12 years old? And the amount of it, eugh. I bet you could smell this guy from like a mile away.

"Hey let me go." i seethe.

His grip on my hand is tight and uncomfortable, and all I want him to do is leave me alone. Why does he always seem to bother me at the worst times?

"Now why would I do that?" his stale breath wafts in the air - what did I ever find attractive about him. Everything about this boy screams disgusting, how did I ever even think he looked hot?

"Look, i'm in a bad mood, so can you just pleaseee leave me alone for like, i dunno, forever" i rip my wrist from his tight grasp and start to walk away.

"Don't think I didn't see the way you were looking at him."

Well that sounds very stalkery.

"Who?" looking over my shoulder, I see him slowly edge toward me.

"Levi Hayes," I stop momentarily.

"You don't know anything about me and Levi," I spit, a small bit of it flies onto his face.

"True, but I do know you've been obsessed with him since the first time you ever saw him. I mean what were you going to do, he's your brother's best friend, he's a year older than you and well, look at you, he could have anyone, so why would he choose you, Alison Carter."

'You chose me' I think of saying.

But then I think about it. Levi could have anyone. According to what I've heard, he has had everyone.

My heart splits in two at the blocked out memories. Levi's first girlfriend. The time I found him kissing a girl in the bathroom. When he asked someone who wasn't me to the stupid fucking school disco.

Such little acts which made me feel as if someone had just punched me in the gut.

"Your past is what defines you, Alison. And no matter how fast you run. It will always catch up on you" he says as he leans in to whisper in my ear, "you will always be fat on the inside. No matter how much thinner you get, you and I both know that's true."


As I'm lining up to scan out my book, Connie sways into the queue and right next to me holding a book with the title 'The Adventure Of The Lost Ladybird : suitable for ages 4+'. Hmm, sounds about right.

"Hi Allie!" She smiles brightly at me. I honestly like Connie, she's a genuinely nice person. And she's really honest but that's because she has no filter since she's very dim. But at this moment in time, I really really don't like her.

Why did it have to be her who likes Levi? Why not, I dunno, a dinner lady? Not one of the prettiest people in the whole school.

"...Hey...good book?" I mumble. She nods excitedly and goes into detail about how it's her favourite book series. Apparently this is her 12th time taking it out. Twelfth.

"Sooo, I need your advice," she says once she's scanned out her book.

"What on..."

"Help with my date with Levi!" she says innocently, "i saw you near the shelves earlier, so i thought you might've heard. And I know that you and Levi are like siblings, so I thought I'd ask for your advice!"

I blink.



And a third time.

"I mean i'm kinda busy at the moment, but-"

"Yes, I knew you'd help. You're such a kind person like that!" I never thought it could be annoying that someone is too nice, but then again Connie isn't exactly normal.

"Ok then, when's the date...?" I say reluctantly but in my mind I'm screaming. 'Why are you doing this!' I think, 'say you're scheduled to throw up or cry or anything but this!'

"Tomorrow night!" she screeches in a soprano voice.

"W- what," jealousy seeps from my voice but she's too oblivious to notice, but i think any girl would be if they got to go out with 'The notorious Levi Hayes'. I know I would- wait no. We don't think about that.

"Yeah, I know. He was like really eager to go on this date. Texted me almost immediately!" Why does this girl have to be so happy?




All these emotions are swirling within me. Concocting an emotion I can't even begin to explain.

"Ok! I'll tell you everything you need to know!" Oh my lord- what in the world was I doing?

Oh I know what this emotion is...

Pure evil.


"You're what!" my friends yell over the booming music of my Spotify playlist, which is playing from the speakers on my desk.

Word had spread of Connie and Levi's rendezvous and my friends were dumbfounded.

They'd got it into their heads that me and Levi would be riding off into the sunset together on a white sandy beach in the middle of the Bahamas and so this was not part of their little story.

When they heard my plan of action, to say they were shocked would be the understatement of the century.

"This is such a bad idea," Quinn shrinks into her seat, sucking on the straw of her pineapple juice. She was definitely not going along with this.

"Yeah, what if this goes wrong and he ends up hating you!" Esther yells. To be honest sabotage was an awful plan and that ultimately made me an awful person. But i- just imagining the scenarios that might happen make me so jealous i can't even begin to explain. I want it to be me. I want to be the girl who sits across from Levi, making conversation while we hold hands from under the table. I don't know what else I would do.

"Well I'll just make sure that doesn't happen. Look, all I'm going to do is tell her the exact opposite of everything Levi loves, so he'll hate her and never ever ever want to even look at her again. It'll be small stuff, what she wears, the topics of their conversations..."

"His car!" Nancy shouts happily. Well she's in her element...

"Good one."

Quinn and Esther roll their eyes at Nancy but I just smile cruelly.

This is going to be the worst date in history.


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