12: (Yusuf)- Joseph

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In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. All the praises and thanks be to Allâh, the Lord of the 'Alamîn . The Only Owner of the Day of Recompense. You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help. Guide us to the Straight Way. The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace , not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger, nor of those who went astray .


12: (Yusuf)- Joseph

No. of Rukus-12
No. of verses-111

Sūrat Yūsuf (Arabic: يوسف‎‎) is the 12th sura (chapter) of the Quran. It is said to have been revealed in a single sitting, being unique in this respect.[1] The text narrates the story of Yusuf (the biblical Joseph). While other surahs tend to jump between topics, this sura is special in sticking to its central theme throughout, telling a coherent story in chronological order.



In fact, by applying this story to the conflict between the Prophet and the Qureysh, the Qur'an had made a bold and clear prophecy which was fulfilled literally by the events that happened in the succeeding ten years. Hardly two years had passed after its revelation when the Qureysh, like the brothers of the Prophet Yusuf, conspired to kill the Prophet forcing him to emigrate from Makkah to Al-Madinah, where he gained power similar to that gained by the Prophet Yusuf in Egypt. Again, in the end, the Qureysh had to humble themselves before him just as the brothers of the Prophet Yusuf humbly requested, "Show mercy to us for Allah rewards richly those who show mercy," (Verse 88) and the Prophet Yusuf generously forgave them - though he had complete power to inflict his vengeance upon them. He said: "Today no penalty shall be inflicted on you. May Allah forgive you. He is the greatest of all those who forgive." (Verse: 92) The same story of mercy was repeated when, after the conquest of Makkah, the defeated Qureysh stood meekly before the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), who had full power to inflict his vengeance upon them for each and every cruelty committed by them. But instead, he merely asked them: "What treatment do you expect from me?" They replied, "You are a generous brother and the son of a generous brother." At this, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) forgave them very generously, saying: "I am giving the same answer to your request that Yusuf gave to his brothers: "Today, no penalty shall be inflicted upon you: you are forgiven."



Main article: Joseph in Islam

The story of Yusuf (Sura) is about the prophet Yusuf, translated in English as Joseph. Yusuf is one of the sons of Ya'qub (known as Jacob in the English translation) who has the talent of interpreting dreams. One day Yusuf has a dream and he narrates his dream to his father who immediately knows that Yusuf will be a prophet. His father tells him not to tell his brothers to avoid any harm. However, because of Ya'qub's loving treatment towards Yusuf, Yusuf's brothers felt jealous. They wanted to get rid of Yusuf, so their father could love them instead of Yusuf. Their initial plan was to kill Yusuf, but later they decided to throw him in a well. They lied to their father and told him that a wolf had killed him. Later, a caravan rescued Yusuf from the well, who then sold him to a man in Egypt. The man took Yusuf in and was hoping to have him as a son. Later, the man's wife tries to seduce Yusuf, but he resists. The woman seeing his resistance accuses Yusuf of wanting to harm her and demands that he should either be punished severely or sent to jail.

A witness, after Yusuf defends his innocence, testifies "if his shirt is torn from the front, then she has told the truth, and he is of the liars but if his shirt is torn from the back, then she has lied, and he is of the truthful." The shirt was indeed torn from the back. Soon after this accident, the women of the city talk of how the wife is seeking to seduce Yusuf. The wife of 'Al-Aziz invites them to a banquet, gives each of them a knife, and then tells Yusuf to come out. The women cut their hands in astonishment. 'She said, "That is the one about whom you blamed me. And I certainly sought to seduce him, but he firmly refused; and if he will not do what I order him, he will surely be imprisoned and will be of those debased." Yusuf prefers prison to what they call him so he prayed to God. Yusuf is sent to prison.

In the prison, Yusuf met two other men and interprets one of the prisoner's dreams. The prisoner is then released and Yusuf asked the prisoner to mention his talent to the king. One day, the King had a dream, and the prisoner who had been released mention Yusuf. He interprets the King's dream, which is about Egypt having a seven-year drought. To reward him, the King requests his release from jail and the King also investigates his case. The wife who tried to seduce Yusuf testifies that he was innocent, and the truth unveils. Yusuf is given authority in Egypt.

During the seven-year drought, Yusuf's brothers visit Egypt to get food for their family. Upon seeing his brothers, Yusuf recognizes them though they did not recognize him.[4] Yusuf, in a high position of authority, requests that the next time they come, they bring their youngest brother Benjamin or benyameen with them. When the brothers returned with their youngest brother, Yusuf takes him aside and tells him his identity. Yusuf plots a theft case where his youngest brother is found guilty of theft when he is truly innocent and is detained from his family, so he could stay with him. Later, when the father and brothers face poverty they come back to Yusuf and Yusuf then helps them and reveals his identity asking them to come and live with him.[5]



At least one early Muslim sect, alleged in different sources to be either theMaymuniyya or 'Ajarida (themselves offshoots of the Kharijites), disputed the authenticity of this sura.[10]


The faith of the Prophets

The faiths of the Prophets before Muhammad were the same as his. Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), Ishaaq (Isaac), Ya'qoob (Jacob) and Yusuf (Joseph) invited the people to the same message as Muhammad.[11]


Character of a Muslim

Has awareness of Allah and accountability of one's deedsPursues one's goals while remaining under the limits prescribed by the Divine LawBelieves that success and failure are entirely in the hands of God, whatever Allah wills happens and no one can prevent itApplies their efforts towards the truth and puts one's trust in Allah[12]


Confidence and courage

Through the story of Yusuf, Allah taught the believers that a person who possesses true Islamic character can master the world with the strength of their character. The example of the Prophet Yusuf shows that a person of high and pure character can overcome severe circumstances and be successful.[13]


Objectives of this Surah

To provide proof that Muhammad's Prophethood, and his knowledge is not based on unsubstantiated information, rather but was gained through revelation.It applies the theme of the story to the people of Quraysh (The tribe of the leaders in Makah) and warns that the conflict between them and the Prophet would end in his victory over them. As stated in verse 7: "Indeed there are signs in this story of Yusuf and his brothers for the inquirers (from among the Quraysh)"


Benefits of Surah Yusuf-

Surah Yusuf has 111 ayaat and was revealed in Makkah. It is narrated that the Holy Prophet (S) said that whoever recites this Surah and teaches his family members how to recite it also, Allah (S.w.T.) will make the final moments before his death (sakaraatul mawt) easy for him to bear and will remove jealousy from his heart.

It has been narrated from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq that whoever recited this Surah daily, he will be raised on the day of Qiyamah with the handsomeness of Prophet Yusuf (a.s.) and he will be protected from the fear and discomfort of this day. He will be raised among the pious servants of Allah (S.w.T.). This Surah also keeps one’s heart safe from illegitimate lustful desires.

The sixth Imam (a.s.) has also said that if a person drinks the water in which this Surah has been dissolved, then his sustenance will be easier to reach and he will be made from the people of Jannah.




Prophet Yusuf alayhi salaam had already suffered a series of tests and trials, yet he remained obedient to Allah. His brothers had abandoned him in the well, then he was found and sold as a slave at the market. Despite being a loyal servant to the king, Yusuf alayhi salaam was defamed and imprisoned. At the zenith of this crisis when everything seemed bleak, the wife of the King threatened to imprison Yusuf alayhi salaam unless he would give in to her attempts at seduction. Yusuf alayhi salaam’s response was recorded in the Qur’aan, My lord, prison is more to my liking than that to which they invite me. And if you do not avert me from my plan, I might incline toward them and [thus] be of the ignorant. (Al Yusuf 12 : 33)

Yusuf alayhi salam chose to live in the dark, dreary dungeon in a life of shackles over disobedience to Allah. Clearly, even if you encounter dismal surroundings and misery, Allah’s pleasure is greater and longer lasting. You will triumph if you obey Allah! 



Jealousy divides communities, breaks up families, and splits up friendships. Prophet Yaqoob alayhi salam said, O my son, do not relate your vision to your brothers or they will contrive against you a plan. Indeed Satan, to man, is a manifest enemy. (Surah Al Yusuf 12 : 5)

They were brothers by blood, but Yusuf’s brothers would not have been pleased by his vision of prophethood. Even those close to you – friends and family – might not be thrilled about blessings you have received or steps you take to live a life that is pleasing to Allah. It is best to keep your dreams quiet and only share them with trustworthy supporters until these aspirations are a flourishing reality. 

Yusuf’s brothers believed Yaqoob alayhi salaam loved Yusuf alayhi salaam more than them. Their jealousy boiled up out of control. These brothers became an irrational gang, and they plotted to get rid of Yusuf alayhi salaam by abandoning him in the well. One lie was woven into a web of lies, and the brothers informed their father that Yusuf alayhi salam had been devoured by a wolf (Mubarakburi, 2003; Sahih International, 1997)! Jealousy even touched the prophets, so we need to be sure to stamp out jealousy in our communities. As Muslims we should be sincerely happy when we see others being blessed by Allah. When we see people excelling in religion or gaining success we should say Masha’Allah or Tabarak Allah.



Prophet Yaqoob alayhi salam never gave up the hope of finding his son. When Yusuf alayhi salam’s brothers came back to tell him that their brother was stolen and remained behind, Yaqoob alayhi salaam was still sad about his loss of Yusuf alayhi salaam. He went blind over suppression of his grief, and complained only to Allah. Despite the intense grief he felt and the previous reports of Yusuf alayhi salaam being consumed by a wolf, Yaqoob alayhi salaam did not give up hope (Mubarakpuri, 2003: Sahih International, 1997). He instructed his sons to continue to search for Yusuf alayhi salaam and his brother saying, 

O my sons, go and find out about Josepha and his brother and despair not of relief from Allah. Indeed no one despairs of relief from Allah except the disbelieving people. (Al Yusuf 2:87)

Imagine, Prophet Yaqoob alayhi salaam had not seen his son since childhood, so many years had passed that Prophet Yusuf alayhi salaam was now a king of Egypt. Despite the passing of all these years, Prophet Yaqoob alayhi salaam still firmly held onto the hope that Allah would answer his prayers and reunite him with his son. Many of us have trouble being patient for a few hours or a couple of days, let alone years or decades! Alhamdulillah, Yaqoob alayhi salaam never gave up, and Allah answered his dua, relieving him of the sorrow he felt.



We should always be patient. If we have patience in hardship, continuously counting our blessings, we will truly be victorious in both hardship and ease. Can you count how many times Yusuf alayhi salaam was patient? He was patient while awaiting the fulfillment of his dream. He was patient when his brothers abandoned him in the well. He was patient when he was sold as a slave. He was patient when the king’s wife accused him of seduction. Yusuf alayhi salam continued to be patient when he was put in jail. Even when his fellow inmate was released and forgot about him, Yusuf alayhi salaam continued to be patient! As the king of Egypt, Yusuf alayhi salaam continued to be patient with his brothers’ slander. He kept his cool when they tried to say that his brother Binyamin was stealing just as his brother (Yusuf) had done the same before him (Mubarakpuri, 2003; Sahih International, 1997)! Regardless of the time, situation, place, or scenario, Yusuf alayhi salaam remained patient.



When Yusuf alayhi salaam finally confronts his brothers later in life, it is a beautiful lesson of forgiveness. After his brothers return with their father and Binyamin is accused of theft, they return to Yusuf alayhi salaam in a great predicament. His brothers are enduring hard times in which they have poor harvest and are in need. On the other hand Yusuf alayhi salaam has not only become the king of Egypt, but he has astutely saved provisions and prepared his community to survive the famine. Although Yusuf alayhi salaam has suffered many hardships on account of his brother’s jealous plotting, Yusuf alayhi salaam is strong and holds the upper hand. Instead of treating them with harshness or rebuking them to endure starvation, Yusuf alayhi saaam utters very lovely words,

No blame will there be upon you today. Allah will forgive you; and He is the most merciful of the merciful. (Al Yusuf 12:92)

Instead of being bitter and angry or taking vengeance, Yusuf alayhi salaam was strong enough to choose forgiveness! With all his power as a leader, Yusuf alayhi salaam preferred the sweetness of forgiveness. 

Although this brief reflection touches upon a few lessons of Surat ul Yusuf, take a few minutes to reflect a bit more. Stop and read over this chapter of the Qur’aan. Take a few moments to close your eyes and imagine implementing the lessons above. How can you bravely continue to be obedient to Allah? Is there a way you can support someone and help stamp out jealousy among friends or family? What steps would help you augment your hope that Allah will answer your prayers? In hard times, what reminders will prompt you to persevere in patience? Can you find it in your heart to forgive someone who has wronged you? What other lessons can you learn from Surat Al Yusuf? 

Just think on it. In Shaa Allah you will start to act on it.


Hadith's & Tafseer's-


By: Mowlana Syed Aftab Haider 

The greatest favour to mankind is the Holy Quran which was revealed in this Holy Month of Ramadaan. Prophet Muhammad (sawa) said "for everything there is a 'spring', and the 'spring' of the Quran is the Month of Ramadaan."

Let us thus pray during this month to fast and to actively read the Quran and benefiting from its message.

This year we will focus on Surah Yusuf which is the 12th chapter of the Quran with 111 verses. This is a Meccan Surah whose contents almost relate in totality (other than the last few verses) to Prophet Yusuf (a.s). The story was reported by previous Divine books as well, but the manner in which the Quran narrates the story is very different to the way it is narrated in other scriptures. Thus the Quran, while recognizing that people "may" have access to some information about Prophet Yusuf (a.s), makes it clear that what Quran is now narrating they do not know. Thus verse 3 of Surah Yusuf says "and you were, before it, among the unaware."


There are many elements in the narration of the story of Prophet Yusuf (a.s) in other scriptures, like the Bible or Taurah, which are not appropriate for the personality of a "Prophet" of Allah. And thus based on these inappropriate narrations of the story of Prophet Yusuf (a.s), movies have been made which creates a picture of a romantic love story which is driven by lust.

On the other hand the story narrated by the Quran shows Prophet Yusuf (a.s) as a symbol of purity, chastity, Allah consciousness, self-control of ones desires and surrendering before Allah.


When reading Quran you notice that the stories of all other Prophets are narrated in different parts of the Quran and not in one place. However the whole story of Prophet Yusuf (a.s) is narrated in one surah. This has many reasons which include:

1. The nature of the story is one that you cannot separate. It must be read from beginning to end as it is interlinked and thus towards the end Prophet Yusuf (a.s) says "this is the dream that I saw, O father, and Allah made it true". This verse basically takes one back to the start of the story. All the details of the narrated story are basically the materialization of the first dream that Prophet Yusuf (a.s) saw.

2. The Quran is not a book of history and thus does not narrate details of historical events as a principle, but only narrates that part which has a lesson in it. In tafseer one then comes to know what the details were by examining the ahadith in that regard. But every angle of Prophet Yusuf (a.s)'s story has lessons to learn and thus each detail is narrated in the Quran.


Though the lessons we learn in this surah include aspects of Aqeedah (which is common about Meccan surahs) and the major principles of Akhlaaq (Ethics), the central message of this surah is beautifully summarized by Ayatullah Jawadi Amuli as follows:

"There are many important and thought provoking points in this great Surah, but the central message is the following:

If someone has trust in Allah and never deviates his thinking towards the phenomenon that the 'end justifies the means', such a person never compromises on principles and thus goes through difficulties, hardships, tests and calamities. From this condition Allah takes his from a state of "humiliation" (zilla), to a state of "dignity/respect" (Izza). As with every difficulty comes ease, verily with every difficulty comes ease (Surah Inshirah)."

Thus someone who has accepted the "wilayat" (guardianship) of Allah for himself, does not deviate from the path of Allah and knows that the promise of Allah is True and that with every difficulty comes ease.

In the end, Truth is the ultimate winner and this is also the message of Dua Iftitah which we recite every night


________Allāh gave some of the Prophets the ability to interpret dreams. From those Prophets is the Prophet Yusuf ('alaihis-salaam). Allah (the Most High) said:

“Thus will your Lord choose you and teach you the interpretation of dreams (and other things) and perfect His Favour on you and on the offspring of Jacob, as He perfected it on your fathers, Abraham, and Isaac aforetime! Verily! your Lord is All-Knowing, All-Wise.”

[Surah Yusuf 12:6]

This means that Yusuf ('alaihis-salaam) will be able to listen to dreams of the people and explain what they mean.

Abdullah Ibn Abbass mentioned that when the Prophet [May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him] was in a state of illness before his death, he [May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him] drew back the curtains between himself and the people and they were all lined up in rows behind Abu Bakr al-Siddeeq, the best of them, and he said:

O people, there is nothing left of the glad tidings of Prophethood except a good dream that a Muslim sees or that is seen for him.

[Sahih Muslim]


In another narration- The Prophet said, ‘Teach your relatives the recitation of Surah Yusuf, for, any Muslim who recites it or teaches it to his family and slaves, Allah shall ease for him the agony of death, and give him the strength that will prevent him from envying a fellow Muslim’[Ibn Asakir]


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