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Here is Book 85! *cheers* Dear lord what have I done to myself now...

Alright, so you all know one of my books where I had the idea of what it would be like if someone made a TV series for the beloved movie The Secret Life of Pets. In case you guys didn't notice, I had some of the episodes based off of some of my own books. These would include Fever, Enemies, Dreams and Squirrels, though the book is called Squirrel Apocalypse. We also have Swapped, Youth, Fortune Teller (future book) and many others coming later on. Of course, they are all less extreme. Especially Enemies cuz, unless someone here hasn't read that one yet in which I highly recommend it, there was a LOT of blood and stuff. Fever is also less extreme. Like I said, the episodes are less extreme versions of the books I wrote.

Anyways, this book here is actually based on one of the episodes. Which one you may ask? I ain't telling until I begin writing this next Monday. Why? Cuz I said so. Feel free to guess which episode I'm basing this off of in the meantime cuz there is a chance it's one that I haven't even posted yet. I will give you one clue on what episode though. If anyone knows why I'm going to start writing this next Monday, which is the 22nd of July... *coughs something but no one can make out what I had said through the cough* then you should be able to guess which episode this is before I start writing. Feel free to guess down below in the comments! Enjoy and I will see you all later, bye!

Alright, obviously the paragraph above this one no longer works because the title, description and cover are now known to you all. Anyways, enjoy the story all the same! Plus, the cover is a picture my good friend warriorcatlover12345 made for me a while back. Thank you pal!

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