14. Escape

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"Lotor? But how..?" Keith mumbled in confusion and Lotor smirked, his violet eyes crazy.

"Why?" He repeated, his smile getting wider, "I was looked down by everyone when they found out my parents were the villains. Alfor took me in but I knew he only did it because he was the one who brought my parents down. They all looked at me to become a villain like them except for sweet, sweet Allura who believed in me. But they were right. I have the blood of two villains so of course I would eventually become one. I will help my parents regain control of the whole land again and take Allura as my bride."

"Your parents..?" Keith asked and then his eyes widened as it landed on the dark shadow on the throne next to where Lotor was standing.

He had heard about how the beast king Zarkon and the altean alchemist Honerva took in dark energy and attempted to take over all the kingdoms. They managed to take over and destroy one of the kingdoms but the rest of the kingdoms came together to ban them to a spaceless area and destroy Daibazaal. 

From there, Keith's grandparents gathered all the remaining beasts who weren't corrupted and humans whose kingdom Earth got destroyed in the process and named the new kingdom Galraen.

Keith had heard that both Zarkon and Honerva were put in a time-stopping place where it could not be broken from the inside. 

"You broke out your parents?" Keith said in disbelief and Lotor cackled.

"Of course I did, I'm my parent's child after all. Who else unless me?" He said, walking closer to Keith, "This is now New Daibazaal and this time we will succeed in taking over all the kingdoms including Galraen who's just a cheap copy of us." 

Keith looked around the place for an opening as Lotor came closer.

"Scared now? You shouldn't have underestimated me when we were younger." 

"Not even close." Keith said, clenching his jaw, "I won't let you take over Galraen or any other kingdoms." 

"Enough words!" The shadow who Keith assumed was Zarkon shouted and Keith saw a smirk from the shadow, "it's time to take action. Get the Galra Prince! Don't let him escape!"

Keith started running towards the place he came from but the beast soldiers had already closed it so he cursed under his breath and ran towards one of the windows. He tried to open it but it was clenched shut so he kicked it but it didn't budge either.

 Keith took in a breath as he quickly scanned the whole place before the guards got to him. The only other available escape seemed to be upstairs but Lotor was standing in front of the stairs. He let out his breath as he decided to risk it and go against Lotor.

"You think you can get past me, Keith?" Lotor smirked and Keith didn't falter or show anxiousness.

"Of course I can, don't underestimate me either." Keith replied with the same smirk as Lotor turned to the other beasts.

"He's mine." Lotor said to them with sharp eyes and the beasts nodded and walked back to give them space.

Keith looked at the space they got and decided what method to use to beat him. Lotor was now his last obstacle to escaping the place and going back out with all his knights. They both took out their swords and Keith smirked.

"Ready when you are." He breathed and Lotor grinned madly as he ran to him. As their swords were about to meet in the middle, Keith changed gears and kicked Lotor in the chest to knock him back. This wasn't just a normal spar, it was a duel. His intention was to escape first and then beat Lotor later.

Lotor growled as he stepped back but rushed towards Keith to get more hits. Keith dodged every hit instead of fighting back. He was trying to make Lotor tired so he could escape later.

"Fight, Keith!" Lotor exclaimed as he gritted his teeth but Keith kept dodging all the attacks. Lotor was now starting to lose his patience and that meant Keith was close to making him tired. After Lotor had attempted to hit him more than 20 times, Keith finally striked him with the butt of his sword and kicked him down. 

Lotor bared his teeth at him from the ground and Keith put his sword back its place. 

The tall, robot-armed general attempted to chase Keith who was now running up the stairs but Lotor got up slowly and put an arm up. 

"Let him go. I will have a rematch with him when I take over Galraen." 

"But Sir-" The beast argued but Lotor turned his murderous violet stare to him.

"If you defy me again Sendak, I will have your head." 

Sendak closed his fist and clenched his teeth in frustration.

"Yes sir." 

Keith ran up the stairs and he ran into different paths of hallways but he was looking for a balcony. He went into the left hallway but was met with a death end so he ran back to the middle. He cursed as he saw more stairs leading up. He didn't remember seeing a balcony anywhere from the outside so he just hoped there would be an opening to the top.

He ran up the stairs and didn't stop until his legs started aching. He finally saw a door at the top after a couple more stairs and he flung it open.

Sunlight hit his face and he took in fresh air as his eyes got adjusted to the light. Keith looked around the area he was at and noticed that it was only one of the four places on the roof that was accessible.  

He walked over the edge and saw that it would be a long trip down but he saw his knights struggling with the beasts so he decided to jump. He changed forms quickly and jumped down from the top. He landed on one of the beast guards that was attacking Carlos and the guard fell facedown on the ground.

"Thanks sir." Carlos said, wide eyed as soon as he recognized Keith. Keith nodded and helped the rest of his knights fight off the beasts.

By the time he made it to Mark, his form was completely beast.

"What took you so long?" Mark asked after a second look as Keith knocked back the attacker with his kick.

"There was....a commotion." Keith replied before Mark could say anything, "I'll tell you when we get out."

He went past the unconscious beasts on the ground to see Katie and Theo back to back, defending one another.

"Keith!" Katie said, her eyes lighting up as she recognized him amongst the other beasts.

"Seeing from all the bodies on the ground, you guys don't need any help." Keith said as he walked closer and Theo grinned.

"We're stronger when we work together." He said and she nodded as she cut down another beast that was coming from her side.

"Although we're strong right now, we might last long enough." Katie said as she wiped the beast blood off of her, "we have to get out now before the other beasts come." 

"Where's the chef?" Keith asked as he looked around and Theo nudged his head to Mark.

"Mark put him up in that tower. We were gonna escape as soon as you came out." He said and Keith nodded as he showed signs to Mark to gather up all the other knights.

"Then let's go." Keith said as he picked up one of the beast's sword. The knights collected together as a whole group and the chef was able to safely get out of the tower. Keith counted all the steps from where they came from and led the knights to the gates area again.

Carlos and Katie climbed up the gates and attacked the bigger men as the smallest knights in the group and they opened the gates successfully. They all went out and Keith gave the beast's sword to the chef to enchant. He did all the enchantments the same but when he pricked his finger to the tip, it didn't absorb the blood.

"It's not accepting me." The chef said and Katie's eyes widened. The sword needed to accept his blood for them to get out. 

Keith looked around stressfully and gave him another beast's sword but the same thing happened.

"I don't think the beast's swords can accept us." Katie said and then took out her sword.

"Here, you can enchant mine." She said handing the chef the sword and he nodded grimly.

He did the enchantments and at the end the sword accepted his blood. Katie took her sword back and handed it to Keith quickly. Keith was still the only person who could recognize the magic barrier so he had to be the one to use the enchanted sword.

He rammed it into the invisible shield and the knights could see the barrier breaking apart little by little again. They quickly ushered themselves back into the waste area and the shield closed as soon as the tall robot-armed beast came through the gate.

"I'll catch you next time." Keith noticed him mouth as the barrier closed and all they could see was the garbage of the waste area.



Seems like Lotor's parents are still alive and they want to take over all the kingdoms again 👀 

Also sorry for the late update, I was too busy playing games (hehe)

This week was my first week of spring break and we were supposed to go visit my cousins in another state but my mom came down with a sudden cold so we couldn't go. Also, it's not corona thankfully 😅😅

I'm kinda sad I don't get to see my cousins but my mom's health is also important so I guess I gotta wait until summer to see them 🥲🥲

Thank you all for reading this chapter and I hope you all have a good day 🥰🥰


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