19. Finding Help

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"Are you okay?" Theo asked Katie on the walk back and tried to pat her down for injuries like he would do to any other man but remembered that she was a woman and stopped himself. 

"Yeah I'm okay. A little tired but fine overall." She responded with a sigh, not noticing what Theo was about to do. "Did any of you recognize them?"

"No I never saw them before." Carlos said as he kicked a twig on the ground, "I think I would recognize such intimidating faces."

"They don't seem like they're from our kingdom so Theo and I don't recognize them either." Mark said, rolling his shoulders and Theo nodded from beside him, still with flushed cheeks from what he tried to do earlier.

"One of them seemed galra though." Katie pointed out and they nodded with her statement.

"It was the bigger woman, wasn't it?" Carlos said and shivered, "her look was terrifying."

"I'm pretty sure they were sent by that Lotor Prince guy." She said as they reached the camp and saw Kenneth with Drew waiting by the campfire. 

"Are you guys okay? What was that?" Drew said with wide eyes as he scanned all of them with his eyes.

"No injuries, right?" Kenneth added as he came to stand beside Drew and Carlos nodded.

"They fled once they saw our backup." Carlos said with a grin as they all gathered around the campfire to get warm. It was really cold these days so the campfire did its job in keeping them somewhat warm.

Katie then explained to them what she had heard from the women and that she thought Lotor was behind this. 

"It most likely is that Altean Galra Prince." Kenneth agreed with her and the rest of them nodded.

"That means that we got a lot more work to deal with." Mark said with a sigh. 

They were already struggling a little with the galra armies Lotor sent their way and with only 6 of them, they wouldn't be able to stand a chance with specialized trained soldiers for too long. Maybe they could last a few days against them but probably not enough for Keith to come back to them in time. 

If they were to deal with the armies and the women, they would need more trained people on their side. Katie just didn't know who they could call for help around here. Emeraldis and Dorian were a few days of horse ride to get to. Emberlands was the closest but they didn't trust the people because of what happened the last time they went in it. It was unfortunate that Emberlands was the closest out of all the other kingdoms. 

"We could have hope." Drew finally spoke up after the silence and all their attention went to him.

"You said the women were there to convince the Empress to join their side, right?" He asked, looking at Katie and she nodded. "That means the Empress is not on their side yet, we could try to-"

"What, convince her to join our side instead?" Kenneth interrupted and Drew nodded sheepishly. 

"After what she did to us?" Kenneth said, frowning and shook his head at the idea.

"No but we can't keep fighting with just us 6. We need help and you all know it." Drew argued back, his eyes fierce. He had never argued back with anyone and always went along with the other ideas but this time Katie noticed that he seemed determined to go with his idea.

"How can we trust them after what they did?" Carlos asked, his eyebrows furrowed and Drew sighed.

"We can try presenting them with something better than what that Prince offered." He said and she frowned. They didn't have much right now so what could they present?

"And what would that be?" Theo asked, mirroring Katie's thought and Drew looked like he was thinking hard.

"We can contribute and help them build their new kingdom with the help of the other kingdoms if they helped us." Drew said and Mark spoke up for the first time in the conversation.

"What if Prince Lotor offered better? We don't even know what he offered either." Mark said, his hand rubbing his forehead and Drew sucked in a breath.

"But right now all the Empress wants is to move into. I don't think Prince Lotor could make a better offer unless he actually offered her a kingdom." He said and his eyes widened like he realized something.

"That's it! I remember the Empress telling us, when we were captured, that she was offered refuge in a place where she could continue her kingdom." He said and Katie's eyes brightened, remembering that as well. "I'm sure that Prince Lotor was the one who convinced her but it seems that she hasn't completely gotten to his side yet."

"We still got a chance." Carlos said, licking his lips and Drew nodded with a grin.

"Instead of refuge, we can promise them a whole new kingdom and we could all contribute to help with the building materials and finding the perfect area." He said and Kenneth looked like he was thinking hard as he crossed his arms.

"Do you think Prince Keith would agree with the idea? Kenneth spoke up quietly and Mark nodded.

"Keith would agree to any safe idea that would help us against the galra." He said and Theo looked up for once. 

"I say we go for it. Anything to help us last longer in the fights." Theo said as he stretched his arms above his head.

"So let's try it out." Kenneth said, sighing as he leaned back in his position.

By this time, they were all exhausted from fighting so they took shifts in pairs of two and while some of them slept, the others stayed awake to keep watch for galra or any enemies. 

When it was Katie's and Carlos's shift, she could barely stay awake. She was completely worn out  and hadn't slept in a day because they were fighting against the galra. 

"Are you really okay?" Carlos asked, noticing that she kept trying to shake herself awake after dozing off multiple times. 

"I can do the shift alone." He offered and she shook her head.

"No way! I'm staying awake." She refused, crossing her arms and he grinned as he sighed in relief.

"Good because it would be scary alone." He said, shivering and put his palms against the fire.

It would also be selfish of Katie to get rest and make Carlos watch alone when they all had their own share of tiredness.  They both stayed warmed up by the campfire with no signs of trouble until the end of their shift. Katie woke up Theo while Carlos woke up Mark for the next shift.

Katie was about to go back to sleep in her sleeping bag when Mark, who went on a patrol around the forest, whistled a tune they used to tell each other that there was incoming trouble.

Katie sat up quickly in a second and met eyes with Carlos in the light of the now rising sun. He nodded, knowing what to do while Katie looked up in the tree branch at Theo who was now also on alert from the whistle. His gray eyes fell on her and she nodded as he jumped down from the tree and they both rushed to the area where Mark was while Carlos woke up Kenneth and Drew.

They met Mark at the side of a trail. He had his bow out in his hands, ready to shoot his arrows. Katie and Theo both got out their weapons too, prepared to attack.

"Who is it?" Katie asked and he squinted his eyes to a distance.

"I see galra armor. There's a whole new wave of them coming this way." He said and when Katie tried to see, all she was dots in the horizon. Mark was a hunter as well so it made sense that he had good eyesight. Behind them, the rest of the group found their way to them.

"What is it?" Drew asked and Katie explained what Mark saw to them. They didn't look happy with the news. They didn't expect the galras to come back this soon.

"It seems a lot more than the last one." Mark mumbled, biting his lips and looked back at them with a smile. "We can handle this one too though." 

"Of course. Prince Keith wouldn't leave us behind if we weren't able to handle them." Carlos said with a confident grin as he pulled out his sword. 

When the galra wave got closer and closer, they all got in their positions around the forest and Mark started off by shooting all the ones on the horses with arrows and from there, Katie and the others ambushed the galra by surprise. 

They all split up in their ways of the galras to fight. The twins fought the ones in the front while Kenneth and Drew fought the ones all the way in the back. Katie and Carlos focused on the galra in the middle. Mark was right that there were much more than before but it was not too hard of a feat for them 6. 

There seemed to be bigger galra in the middle so it was a little more difficult for Katie and Carlos who were both short. Despite their heights, they worked together to dodge the galras that tried to grab them and tripped them, using their swiftness as an advantage. 

They kept fighting but the waves of galra didn't stop. They just kept on coming and coming. 

Because they all were now getting more tired, trying to stop each galra, they all gathered up together in one group. They all stood back to back as the galra also gathered around them in a circle, blocking any way of escape they had.

"Guys, listen, let's fight until the end alright?" Mark said as he looked at all of them, swallowing hard. They were all scared that this would be their last time but they wouldn't go down without a fight.

"Absolutely." Katie answered with a smile, licking her lips. 

She was going to make sure this wouldn't be their last fight.


Oops, another cliffhangerrr 😁😁

Another chapter out not on schedule but I will keep trying to keep updating on the schedule. Sorry for making you all wait 😅

My summer vacation was pretty nice. I got to go to the beach a couple of times, unfortunate that I don't know how to swim (sigh)

How was your summer vacation? Anything you would like to say about the story? Just leave a comment if you want ☺️

Thank you all for reading this new chapter and I hope you all have a good day 😊😊

-Silver 💜

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