57. Alfor

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"It's been a while, your highness." Keith greeted first, bowing his head as respect for his elderly, "I wasn't notified of your early arrival. Forgive me for the improper greeting."

The king did not respond, his face hard as he rephrased the question, "Where is my daughter?"

Keith sighed, ready to respond when he feels the familiar gust of wind running past him, and the princess is already diving into her father's arms.

"Father!" Allura cried, a smile on her face as tears glistened in her eyes, "I missed you so much."

"My dear daughter," The king's visibly guard lowered as his face scrunched in pain, seeing Allura's gaunt face, "What have they done to you?"

Keith excused his guards around him, not wanting to ruin the emotional reconnection between father and daughter as he watched on the side.

"It was so terrible and lonesome." The princess admitted, her voice breaking as she buried her face against her hands, and Keith knew it was time for him to go too. He left quietly and carefully as Allura sobbed about the harsh conditions she never deserved to experience.

It was not unexpected that the king arrived a couple days earlier than what was said by the messenger's note because Keith also knew what desperation was. He would never personally understand a father's love yet, but he knew king Alfor would be itching right now to harm the people who put Allura in such a position. That also meant Keith wouldn't be able to ask King Alfor to hold the galra refuge in his kingdom after everything Prince Lotor did to the princess but he needed to discuss that matter with him sooner or later to avoid future conflict. 

He was already stressed just thinking about explaining it but at least there wasn't going to be a war between Galraen and Altea anymore.

Keith walked back towards where the king and Allura stood after a couple more minutes to see that it was only the king that remained in that area. He assumed Allura must've run off to cover her puffy face after crying.

"Forgive me for my behavior earlier." King Alfor spoke as Keith approached him, "I heard that you personally led a team of knights on a journey to find my daughter. I wrongly suspected it was Galraen's doing so I apologize for my rash actions."

Keith nodded his head, acknowledging that it was due to the king that his father grew sick all the sudden, and he was given the hard task to find the princess. Perhaps if he had reacted differently, there could've even been a collaboration between the kingdoms to uncover the truth together, but what's done was done.

"That's all in the past." Keith sighed, crossing his arms, "but I have a request."

"Any request is fine for the trouble you've gone through." Alfor expressed, blue eyes set on Keith, "What do you want, child?"

"The kingdom of Emberlands requires the safety of your kingdom." Keith began, already earning a look from the king, "Before you ask, yes, it's the same kingdom of outlaws and ex-criminals I'm speaking of."

"Yes, I've heard the queen of the kingdom was involved in the rescue and taking down of the galra king." Alfor nodded, hand on his chin, "Your request is for Altea to offer the queen refuge?"

"Empress." Empress Lucinda came from out of nowhere, appearing before both men with her staff in hand, "I may only rule a kingdom now, but I once ruled an empire. I am not a queen but an empress."

"Queen Lucinda. It's nice to see you again." Alfor greeted, his words not matching his expression as he continued using the wrong title, "How has your kingdom of criminal convicts been?"

"Careful with your words, King Alfor." The empress smiled chillingly, "Your daughter might end up captive again."

Keith watched the two face off in a staring contest, wondering if he had really made the right choice in asking Altea to take Emberlands as refuge.

He cleared his throat, standing between them, "Let's not forget what it is that you need, Empress Lucinda and the request I'm owed, King Alfor."

"I'll take it into consideration." Alfor said, his tone icy as he looked away from the empress, "I suppose I have to eventually pay back the favor for assisting the search to find my daughter."

The empress didn't say anything, but that was a better sign than her being snarky and snapping back. Keith sighed in relief that all went well currently, but he now had to break the news of wanting to keep the remaining galra alive to the king who had his daughter kidnapped by the very species.

Before he could mention anything, the king already seemed to be moving on, his guards following from behind, "Tell me, Keith. Where are the galra who did this to my daughter?"

Keith wanted to laugh in irony, but he had a lot to explain to the king.

"Yeah...about that." He brought up, hastily catching up to the white-bearded king, "Prince Lotor is deceased, the king has been weakened then captured, and the witch has vanished."

Alfor stopped in his tracks, turning to Keith with wide eyes.

"..Can you rephrase that?" He said, hands on his hips, "Let's sit down. I need to hear everything."

Keith took in a deep breath before doing exactly as told and explaining everything that had happened during the short 2 day battle between the two sides. He hadn't been there when Prince Lotor was killed, but he heard everything through Princess Romelle because he knew Katie felt guilty and traumatized over it.

"So Honerva is on the run." Alfor said after processing everything Keith told him, "That means it's my responsibility now to catch her."

"One more thing." Keith said quickly before he could walk away, "The remaining galra. I won't ask you to keep them in your kingdom, but I ask that no one from Alfor harms them in any way from prejudice."

The king swallowed, seeming to be contemplating before nodding his head.

"Alright. I agree as long as it's not Honvera or Zarkon." He said, sighing, "It's been a long day, Keith. I'm going to spend more time with Allura before moving onto further priorities."

"You should. I will see you tomorrow then, your highness." Keith bowed again but the king suddenly patted his head, making him look up again.

"I've known you since you were a child. I'm proud of you, Keith." He said with a faint smile, "It's alright to discard the title."

Keith nodded, returning the smile. His hard work hadn't gone to waste after all.

It didn't take long for him to find Katie nearby the stream after he wandered for a bit. She was sitting alone on the edge, dangling her bare feet into the cool water as she turned to him.

"Keith." She said, a smile appearing on her lips as he approached her.

"May I?" He asked and sat down beside her with a smile after she nodded.

After everything that had happened today, he was exhausted, and it grew on him even more now that he was next to someone he felt very comfortable with.

"You can borrow this." Katie said, smiling fondly as she patted her closest shoulder, "I'll stay with you."

She knew just what he needed with one look without any words. That was one of the few reasons why he admired her so.

He let out a breath he'd been holding in the entire evening before laying his head against her shoulder, allowing himself to relax his body.

"You did well." He heard her mutter as he shut his eyes, feeling exhaust taking over his body, "Good job, Keith."

He smiled as his consciousness drifted away, knowing he was safe here in Katie's presence.

They sat alone together by the stream in the silence of the night until morning dawned.


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