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/explore - allows your cat to go out in the world and see what they might find! Will they find a hunting spot? A place to take their mate?

/spread idea [idea name] - if you've found an idea exploring, feel free to share it! Pm this command to @FloraClanCharacters to have it spread randomly to two people!

/bond with [name] - A way to form a relationship! +½ a level to the relationship level!

/speak with [name] - A way to form a relationship! +½ a level to the relationship level!

/flirt with [name] - A way to form a relationship! +½ a level to the relationship level!

/request permanent claim on [name] - if approved by someone else, bonds two cats of a level five relationship together permanently! They can now have kits!

/accept permanent claim of [name] - The command to respond to /request permanent claim.

/request temporary claim on [name] - Can only be issued by someone of higher rank than the recipient. Makes the cats available to breed for two days. Two day cooldown between temporary claims with a specific pair.

/breed with [name] - Results in a litter of 2-6 kits! Can only be used by cats that are in a permanent or temporary claim with each other.

/hide - Used during some kind of attack. Requires no energy and removes your cat from any possible battle

/defend - Used during some kind of attack. Causes your cat to fight the threat and risk taking damage.

/train [attribute] with [name] - Used by two cats of different levels to increase the lower cat's level in the category! Generally used trainee-to-mentor, but can also be with any two cats. Increases the level by either ¼ or ⅓, depending on the attribute.

/train [attribute] alone - Used by a cat to increase their level by themselves. Uses two energy. Increases the level by either ¼ or ⅓, depending on the attribute.

(all but servants) /request [prey | moss | herbs] from [name] - Results in the asker receiving one of those items from a servant if one of the first two is chosen. Moss is used to help with healing, and the injured or the healer can use it. Requesting prey brings the cat to the front of the list of their rank. Requesting herbs results in the Servant /foraging with a healer with a Foraging Level of 3.


/forage - Used to gather herbs. Amount found depends on the healer's Foraging Level.

/heal - Used to heal cats that are injured or sick.


All lesser leader commands


/propose rule [write rule here] - Submits a new rule to be voted on by the rest of the Lesser Leaders. Requires 3 ayes to pass (a nay cancels out an aye)

/vote aye - Gives approval of the new rule. Counts as +1.

/vote nay - Gives disapproval of the new rule. Counts as -1.

/investigate [name] - Checks a cat's Loyalty Level. Detection of disloyalty depends on Investigating Level.

/manipulate [name] - Increases a cat's Loyalty Level by one if successful.


/patrol north - Increases the north border's strength.

/patrol south - Increases the south border's strength.

/patrol west - Increases the west border's strength.

/patrol east - Increases the east border's strength.


/hunt - Sends a cat to go hunt. Success rate dependent on Hunting Level.


/fetch [prey | moss | herbs] - A response to /request [prey | moss | herbs]. Chance of reprimanding and likelihood of completing the task dependent on Speed and Efficiency Levels.


/practice hunting with [name] - Raises a kit's Hunting Level. Can be trained with Tester or other Testee

/practice hunting alone - Used if everyone else is inactive.

/practice fighting with [name] - Raises a Testee's Fighting Level. Can only be trained with another Testee. Low chance of injury.

/practice leadership - Increases a Testee's Leadership Level

Testee commands add to levels that are erased when they become trainees. These levels are simply to choose their rank! If a testee does not get to Level 5 in any category before their siblings do, they are automatically made a Servant. (If an only kit, PM this account for further explanations.)


/play with [name] - After two uses, the kit is promoted to Testee. 



/manipulate [name]

/invest [name]


/rebel (if unlocked)

/run away (if unlocked)

/spread idea [idea name]  


Instead of using the commands in the public chat, type /subtract [number] energy to demonstrate that energy was used.

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