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Welcome to FloraClan, the Clan of power and secrets!

This is /command game, meaning that it's sort of like a roleplay, but is more organized and cohesive. Each cat receives energy and must complete their roles by using /commands listed on the next page. What you do depends on your role, so make sure to figure out what that is! Now, let's get to the specifics!


Don't feel like there's any need to roleplay! It would certainly be fun, but if you'd just prefer to use commands, that is perfectly fine. Just make sure to do so on the approved roleplay comment, not on a command chain or loose on the page.


All cats except nursing queens get 3 energy (queens get one emergency energy that can only be used to /defend her kits in the event of a fight). Energy can be taken away if your cat is sick, injured, or starving. Any task your cat performs costs one energy. You cannot try to use more energy than you have (for obvious reasons).


Each new /command will need to be on its own comment. This is to make sure things don't get too cluttered. So if you have a command completely separate from other commands, post your own comment. Chains are only to be used if cats are traveling in a group, training together, or otherwise using their energy for the same purpose and together.If you wish to do a task with another player, simply tag them in your comment!


There are many different ranks in FloraClan, each with its own unique roles. Here is a list.

Male/Female Leaders: The Ultimate leaders. Their job is to keep everyone in line. They share the responsibility of using /manipulate and /investigate with the Lesser Leaders, but they can also use those commands on Lesser Leaders.

Lesser Leaders: Leaders-to-be! Their jobs are to create the rules that keep FloraClan together (for example, how much hunters need to collect in a day, punishments, etc.) and keep everyone in line. They can use /manipulate and /investigat on everyone but each other and the Male/Female Leaders.

Fighters: Their job is to keep the camp safe! They should patrol the clan to keep the border numbers high and attack any rogue they may encounter.

Hunters: Their job is to keep the Clan fed! They mostly just use /hunt to collect prey for the Clan.

Servants: Their job is to serve others! Fetching things is very important for injured or starving cats!


Please be aware, you must use the /commands. This makes the process much, much easier for me as I process the data. Any other form will not be accepted.


Trainees (or apprentices) should generally be trained by their mentors, however, ANY CAT may train with a cat with a higher level in a specific stat to get experience. There is a way to advance solo, which is /train [skill] alone, but this requires two energies instead of one.


This is something that only Healers and Servants that they invite can do. The healer's Foraging level determines how many herbs they find, (with Servants having an automatic level of 3) which are use to help heal sickness.


Injuries have three stages: Mild (-1 Energy), Severe (-2 Energy) and Critical (-3 energy). The only way for these to heal is to use the /heal command. If an injury is not healed in two days, it will progress until the next stage and continue in that manner until the cat passes critical, which is when they die. Sicknesses will also be shown using these statuses (Mild Fever or Mild Cough) with the same treatment.

The /heal is only usable by healers and their trainees.


As some people may know, relationships in FloraClan are called claimings. This can occur one of two ways: a permanent claim when two cats have reached a level five relationship with each other (using /bond with, /speak with, or /flirt with, each giving half a level) which is, well, permanent, or a temporary claim. The only condition of a temporary claim is that the propositioner has to be of a higher rank. BOTH PARTIES MUST AGREE TO THIS ON PM. It will be RPd as if said PM conversation did not take place, but unlike the actual FloraClan, I do want to give players the choice. A temporary claim lasts for two days after the claiming, and the same cat cannot claim the other again for two days. Two cats may /breed if they are in a temporary or permanent claim, resulting in 2-6 kits!


In FloraClan, cats change their names twice-- the first time: their prefix to something matching their rank and their suffix to -paw, and a second: the changing of their suffix to a valid ending for their rank. (see "Naming" in "Forms")


A cat can refrain from eating 4 times before perishing. To know your cat's hunger, look at their "Status" near the bottom of their profile.

Nothing: Full

Peckish: Missed once. No detrimental side effect.

Hungry: Missed twice. Levels will count as if they were one lower than they actually are.

Starving: Missed thrice. No energy.

If a cat does not eat when they are starving, they will die of starvation.

This eating order may not seem fair-- but eh, it's FloraClan:

Male/Female Leaders




Lesser Leaders




Orders within each of those groups are randomized.

You may give someone else your food with the /feed [name] command, but that will result in your cat not eating that day.


There are many different levels that your cat will have. Most of these depend on the role, and only some are trainable. Here's a list of the trainable levels by rank:

For Leaders and Lesser Leaders, their levels to raise are Leadership: how well your cat can /manipulate people (Can only be used by Level 10 in Power and above, or Male/Female Leaders), and Investigation: used to see if a cat is loyal or not! The higher the level, the better your cat is at seeing the level.

For Healers, there is only one unique skill: Foraging. The higher the cat is in this rank, the more herbs they will bring back to camp.

For Hunters and Fighters, you both can gain Hunting and Fighting levels. However, you will max out at level 5 for the one that you are not specializing in (i.e. a Hunter can only get to level 5 in Fighting)

For Servants, you should increase your Speed and Efficiency levels. Speed makes your cat be reprimanded less (four reprimandations will result in a Mild injury) and Efficiency helps your cat bring back the item more consistently.

Finally, there are two other Leveling skills: Power and Loyalty. Power is purely determined by your activity-- one day of activity results in one Power level. Loyalty is a completely secret level. Only you will ever know your cat's exact loyalty level (though all do start out with 10), unless your cat is /investigated. All commands pertaining to Loyalty levels should be PMed to me. This is what really makes the game fun!


Green-leaf: +1 herb on foraging. Increased chance of catching prey. Drought is possible.

Leaf-fall: Coughs are more likely.

Leaf-bare: -1 herb on foraging, decreased chance of catching prey. Sickness is much more common. Snow may come (see "Events").

New-leaf: +1 herb on foraging. Rain is more likely.


Fever- Has a slightly larger chance of hitting kits and queens.

Cough- From a light cough (mild), to whitecough (severe), to greencough (critical). Much more common in leaf-fall and leaf-bare

Snow- Greatly decreases chances of finding herbs and prey.

Rain- Increases chances of finding herbs. Allows sickness to spread if it is already in the camp.
Drought- No rain is rolled for two turns in a row. Results in less prey and herbs.

Rogue/Predator Attack- Rogues or predators attack the camp. Caused by borders not being maintained well enough.

Rebellion- Someone's rebelling? Caused by low loyalty levels.  

Whew! That was a lot! I hope you're excited to start the game! Go to the next chapter to submit your form!

If you have any questions, please post them here! I'll be happy to help!

Credit to @UnitedWarriors and @AceTheOneAndOnly for this game type idea.

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