Episode four: Rising Amazon

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Late at night the extermination squad were looking for the source of the Amazon spread epidemic they encountered with Mamoru who already wasn't in a happy mood

Mamoru: "As I said you should leave now while you have the chance."

Shido: "Mamoru...why?!"

Mamoru: "Well what do you think it's our time to revolve."

Misaki: "Revolve?"

Mamoru: "Why?! It's obvious don't you see?!"

Takai: "What are you talking about?"

Mamoru: "Well let's just say that being hunted isn't something we liked. In fact it's a pain. We have to hide from society the only people who managed to keep their cools and were able to survive were Kazuya and Harmamo and yet they only wanted to hide from plain sight...but those bastard doesn't know that if we were to show humanity that we aren't to be pushed around."

Misaki: "Mamoru."

Mamoru: "Now then. Leave now or i'll have to kill you all." Then suddenly more people who haven't turned into Amazons to which the extermination squad fight but the Amazons decides to retreat


Kazuya was alone with nothing but his driver on his waist, his excalibur on his side, and a lot of will to survive inside of him as he noticed something

Kazuya: "The hell?" Then he went to a water source to which he finds a severed hand with no trace of any bodies "So this must have been the source? This is way too suspicious." Then suddenly he felt the barrel of a gun to which it was Mizuki who had already gotten him

Mizuki: "Now then you should explain yourself why you're here."

Kazuya: "You think I created the source of the new amazons? Pfft don't blame me I did nothing of that sort. In any case this is what lead to the lysogenic Amazon cells." Then he shows the severed hand

Mizuki: "So if you didn't did this then who?"

Kazuya: "My guess it was Mamoru."

Mizuki: "M?"

Kazuya: "Yeah my guess is that it was how the Amazons were treated. During the 5 years of hiding he must have been thinking of how we always hide and no matter what I always told them to never resort to the human's level and kill them. But i'm guessing Mamoru gone out and infected a water source while me and Harmamo were gone."

Mizuki: She lowered her gun "For now i'll let you go."

Kazuya: "There is one thing you should know."

Mizuki: "And that's?"

Kazuya: "Watch out for a boy name Tsubasa. He possess the lysogenic cells. In order for it to work he needs human DNA and that part he already has due to his mother being human." That last part he lied as he knows about the supernatural but doesn't want to talk about it "But...I guess I should say me, Harmamo, and Houma also have them...I can't believe what i'm saying this but Houma should be able to rest in peace. I only saved her though I didn't know that dam 4C used the Sigma project to bring her back." Then he punches a tree "It's just despicable! They used a young girl as their pet to hunt down new Amazons!!! I swear even though god is dead i'll bring down 4C down with my own two hands. I want to see everything gone from it this is my desire now!!! I want to see the remaining Amazons to able to hide in peace without Nozama nor 4C. Remember that if you get in my way I won't kill you but I will have to make sure you won't ever get in my way again." Then he walks away


As Tsubasa and Houma were just looking at the moon the forgotten that it was late at night

Tsubasa: "Oh shoot we should get going."

Houma: She hugs him "Well...is it ok that if I...stay at your place?"

Tsubasa: He blushes "EH?! That's probably a problem as I have a care taker and chances are if she were to find you-" Then she started using puppy eyes which Tsubasa was having a hard time to look away "F-fine if she ask then be honest and don't even try to give me a heart attack."

Houma: "Yay." Then she hugs him as then the two hops on Tsubasa's bike and drove back to his place which luckily Sona wasn't home so the two went to his room

Tsubasa: "Well if you need me i'll sleep on the cou-" Before he was about to leave his room Houma grabbed his hand

Houma: "Please let's just sleep together." She blushes

Tsubasa: "O-ok just let me take a shower." Then he went to take a shower to which then Houma started blushing about his body

Houma: She then slaps herself gently "No no no! Don't think like that!" She sighs as she went in his bed and falls asleep

Tsubasa: After putting on clothes he wears to sleep he went into bed but when he does so she sensed him and then hugs him in her sleep "She really is that gentle." Then he falls asleep

The next day

As the two were sleeping that was when Sona enters his room mostly due to the fact that Tsubasa doesn't used an alarm clock

Sona: "Hey Tsubasa get up." That was when Tsubasa gets up but before he could she can tell something wasn't right "Tsubasa..."

Tsubasa: "Yes?"

Sona: "What's that?" She points at the thing that was a silhouette of a person

Tsubasa: "Oh umm..." Before he could finish his sentence she removed the bed sheet to find Houma still asleep as she then yawns

Houma: "Good morn-"

Sona: "Tsubasa care to explain what this person is doing here?!"

Tsubasa: "It's a long story. Let's just say we went on a date and-" This made things a bit worse as Soon was already mad at him for bringing someone in "Umm I can explain."

Sona: She laughs "Oh this will be good. Due tell why in the hell did you brought someone in my home?"

Tsubasa: "Well I umm..."

Sona: "And does she know about-"

Houma: "The fact that he's an Amazon yes. The fact that he was with 4C yes. The fact that he and I were just taking the day off yes. Look we didn't do anything inappropriate."

Sona: She groans "If you say so. Are you hungry?"

Houma: "No not really. Hey Tsubasa you have my proteins?"

Tsubasa: "Yeah. Hold on." Then he pulls out a syringe which was something that Sona was probably surprised

Sona: "What are you-"

Houma: "It's how I take my proteins." Then she yelps a bit as Tsubasa injects the proteins in her "Thank you."

Tsubasa: "Your welcome." At that moment Sona was lost for words and she left his room

Houma: "Oh you should know about something."

Tsubasa: "And that's?"

Houma: "Well one starting today i'm being transferred to Kuoh Academy. And second I'll be supervising you if you go rouge. Got it?"

Tsubasa: "One wow and two I understand."

Houma: "Good now can you please leave the room?" She started blushing as she was holding a box which has the school uniform

Tsubasa: "Oh my bad yeah i'll leave." Then he left the room as she changes

Sona: "So what is she to you." That shocked him as he jumps back

Tsubasa: "Why do you want to know?"

Sona: "Obviously you started to act obedient around her. And yet you act disrespectful towards me."

Tsubasa: "Shut up it's not like tha-OWW!" That was when he pinches his cheeks

Sona: "Excuse me?!"

Tsubasa: "Gah! Sorry! Sorry!" Then she lets go as then Houma laughs from the other room as she then left his room to show that she is a her school uniform

Houma: "So how do I look?"

Tsubasa: "You look great."

Sona: "...I'm lost for words for you love birds."

Tsubasa: "IT'S NOT LIKE THAT! WE ARE JUST WORKING PARTNERS-OWW!!!" Then he got stepped in the foot by Houma

Houma: "You know you can stop lying or do you want to get a hit to the head." She was pouting and was not happy

Tsubasa: "Sorry."

Sona & Houma: "You better." Then Tsubasa and Houma walked to school


Tsubasa was already at his desk as class was about to start

Teacher: "Alright class we have a new transfer student."

Random male: "I hope this transfer student is good looking." Then suddenly Houma enters in the classroom which she had a smile that light up the room

Houma: "Hello. I'm Houma Shinichiro. It's nice to meet you."

Teacher: "Alright any questions for her?"

Random male: "Yeah are you single?"

Houma: "No i'm taken."

Random male 2: "Who?" Then she points at Tsubasa which then every male in the classroom glared at him to which it didn't bothered him because he don't give two rats about it

Random female: "EH?! How did you two meet?"

Houma: "It's a long story. But I'm not telling about it." That was when every female wanted to know

Teacher: "Alright Ms.Shinichiro sit in front of Mr.Itō." Then she understood and sits as class begins


As class was already starting Tsubasa pulled out his phone and received a phone call from Takashi that there is an Amazon spotted and need to get their asses out of class as the text gives the location to where he and his extermination squad were to which Tsubasa tapped Houma on the shoulders and then wrote down 'There is an Amazon nearby we gotta get out of class' to which Houma nodded and then sneakily left class and back to Tsubasa's place to get on his bike and then drove to where the Amazon was located

5 minutes later

Then the two were at the location as Houma got off his bike and then drop kicks the Amazon

Houma: "Target confirmed." Then Tsubasa pulled out his driver and inserts the injector and pressed the injector's button


Tsubasa: "Amazon."

Houma: "Amazon." Then the two transformed as they were going hand to hand against the rose Amazon which became a problem as it has blades which then the two were having a problem so Houma took charge ahead as Tsubasa presses the injector's button

Needle gun!

Tsubasa's wrist then shows a needle gun to which Tsubasa took the long range and fires at it to which it did anything as the Rose Amazon just cuts the needle and then throws Houma aside

Tsubasa: "Hey Houma take its left side i'll go right."

Houma: "Roger." Then the two went at it side by side as Tsubasa press the injector

Blade loading!

Then Tsubasa goes at it blade to blade which was gonna be a miraculous hunt until that was when a mole amazon appears from the roof as it protects the Rose Amazon

Rose Amazon: "What?!"

Mamoru: "Please run!!! I'm a comrade!!! GO NOW!!" Then the rose Amazon ran as now Tsubasa and Houma were facing Mamoru and to which things would look fine but as usual there isn't always a good sign as suddenly Kazuya appears on his bike to which Tsubasa and Houma were worried because of how he can easily take them out "Kazuya? Wait where's-"

Kazuya: "Harmamo told me that he'll be staying to help with a family. Plus the reason why i'm here is because you're my comrade." Then he twist the left rod "Amazon."


This was when Kazuya has his target on Houma


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