Backstories part 2/ The Disciplined

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Clarisse :
So, princesses this is how mine goes. I got in big fight that caused a few injuries but let's not get into that. My power is I can use any weapon you give me.
Percy:So my big crime is everyone thinks I kidnapped my mother and caused a big drought throughout the entire city. Crazy right? So not true. And my big power is water. Preferably saltwater.
Leo: Hey there! Ready for the Leo MCSHIZZLE! Ha! Ok so what everyone "thinks" happened is I killed my mom in a big fire. And my power is fire, Pyromaniac.
Alright my supposedly committed crime is stealing, saying I worked with the famous thieves the Stolls. And my power is charmspeak.
My crime is I accidentally, fatally injured someone with my power super strength.
Hi, listen I didn't commit a crime. I was framed for letting the village livestock out because they found one of the horses at my house. My special power is underground tunneling and jewels.
My big crime is kinda on me and kinda not. You see Percy my best friend persuaded me to help him in one of his big pranks. But the next ones different. I didn't kill Pan. Why would I?
I regret nothing! Ok, so what if I stole a TV, a cat, car ,bus and so on. Took you long enough to catch me! Oh, and in case you haven't noticed my power is stealth.
My brother did it! Ok fine so I did steal a boat, dog, store and some hard candy. You need proof! Wait, what did my brother tell you? My power is speed.
I can't believe they blame me! Those horrid people think I was holding illegal weapons in the village! My power is immune to burning by fire.
I helped in the rebellion. There it's out there! I admit it! Now just send me already. Oh yeah and my power is telekinesis.
When I was younger I was able to hide in the shadows. Apparently people thought I stalking them. I'm also an orphan. Why? People think I killed my sister. For that their sending me away

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