Jordan and Dej #2

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"And that one time I caught her singing. Her voice was so pretty..."

One day...

I took a walk to the park

I haven't been there in a long time

I strolled through the small forest

I suddenly heard far away singing

"Boy I cant help but wait"

I looked up the high hill

"When you see me"

I walked up the hill

"See me more than a friend"

The voice was so beautiful

"I can't help but wait when you love me more than a friend"

I walked a bit faster

"I cant help but wait when you tell me those three words I've always dreamed of hearing from you"

I was almost there

"Baby boy you are my star, and I cant help but wait"

I reached the top and my eyes widened

"Dej?" I asked

She looked up and gasped

"Jordan?! What are you doing here?" She said

"Nevermind that. Your's beautiful. You told me your only talents are pranking, soccer and dancing" I said walking closer to her

She looked the other way

"Thats....nothing.....I bet you don't mean it! You think I suck...just like the others!" She bursted

She sat on the grass as I sat next to her

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Bien (well) once in a talent show.....I sang and people laughed at me! I was only Neuf (nine)! They thought I was poubelle (trash)" She explained

I smiled

"Eh bien je pense que vous semble belle (well I think you sound beautiful)"

She blushed and her eyes widened and she looked at me

"I've been studying French a little" I winked

She smiled

"Merci (thank you) Jordan"

I smiled back

"Chante pour moi (sing for me)"

She nodded. She wasn't shy, she just didn't wanna sing in front of large groups of people

At night

I dropped her off at her house

"See ya later Dej" I said

"You too"

She went in her house

I was about to walk away, but she came out

She ran up to me and hugged me

"Merci (thanks)"

I hugged her back

"No problem Dej"

She smiled and kissed my cheek before walking back

"Bye" she waved

I blushed


I walked away with a blush

Lately, I've been so happy

And I've been studying French

And I blush whenever I'm around Dej

I'm in love with Dej

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