Locked in together

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When we came back in, we all sat down scared out of our lives. We may not kill each other but he might kill us

"So who liked the show?" Creep asked

"You- you monster!" Nelly yelled sobbing in Silvia's arms

"Ah, you'll get over it" He said laughing

Nelly just cried harder

"Why are you doing this?" Nelly asked

"I told you already. Revenge"

"Your sick" Mark said

"Anyway. I called you all back because there are rules. Like every other game"

"Ugh! This is no game! It's kidnapping children and trying to force them to kill each other" Nathan said

"Rules! First, You all lights out at 11pm to the latest. You can stay up all you want, but beware. You've been warned Second, make up your mind. That means if you have a girlfriend or boyfriend, but he pisses you off and you wanna kill him but your saying it cause your mad, KILL EM! Your not saying it cause he pissed you off! If your that mad about it then I see a fresh serial killer in ya! So make up your mind and kill!"

That is SO messed up

"Third, kill or be killed. Like I said earlier, if you just think you can sit around and no one cares, then your on another planet! I'm watching each and every one of you with the school survalence"

That might mean he'll kill us

"Forth, you all are to be back in the school by 10pm. You can be outside or stay up all you want. But I'm warning you again. Be up late, it'll give someone a chance to kill ya" He explained

I looked over at Lily again. She looked at me and just shook her head

She was just as clueless as I was

"Fifth, only ONE survives. You can form alliances all you want, but one of you are coming out alive"

Oh dear! Someone please help us!

"And note, the killer gets rewarded another day to live, if you kill them, then I'll kill you. You wont know when. Well that's it, for now any new rules, will be on told to you all on the speakerphone. Now your dismissed"

We all left out of the cafeteria quickly

"Come on guys" Mark muttered

We all followed him to the one room that had no surveillance, the soccer club room

We all sat in scared silence

"What are we gonna do?" Mark asked

"Survive" Lily said

"What?! Are you actually listening to this idiot?" Mark said

"No. But if were trapped in here, all we have to do is just survive and be smart for now" Lily explained

She stood up and walked in front of everyone

"If we all just sit here and tell him no all day, he'll kill us sooner. Just be calm. No one is benefiting from this, but that guy" She said

"Umm. Should we just hide in here? It has no surveillance in here" Silvia asked

"That is true, but if we just hide in here, that guy is going to find us and then install surveillance cameras in here" Lily explained

"We just need to keep this place hidden" Jude said

"Yeah" Axel said

"How?" Jack asked

"Just don't mention it out loud. And don't go there for nothing. It has to be a very good reason" Jude said

Note, smart people of the group: Axel, Jude, and Lily for now

They might survive this

Any questions, ask them

"Understood. Right guys?" Lily said

"Mmhmm" everyone said

We all sat in silence. All that was heard was Nelly crying

"So what are we gonna do? We can't just sit in here all day" I said

"Your right Ally. Let's just go to the soccer field to sort a few things out" Mark suggested

"Yeah" We all muttered

"Don't forget. Were in this together" Mark added

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