Chapter 5 // Call Me Pussy Galore

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Whistling to show just how impressed I was. I span around whilst my eyes soaked up my surroundings.

On each one of the walls, they were painted to represent each season. They all faded into the night sky on the ceiling. The stars that stared down at me, and the moon that seemed to be smiling down at me made the corners of my mouth tug.

"Ty did it." Will said as he sat down on the black silk sheeted king sized bed. He was obviously used to it, because he wasn't as breathless as I was right now.

"It's amazing-" I looked at him with my eyes blinking at the perfect sight.

If I could paint like this, I know I definitely wouldn't be flunking art. I try and draw a person and they end up looking like a pineapple.

"I guess it is,isn't it?" He said breathing a small laugh.

Turning back around, I stopped gawking like an idiot once I saw how Will was looking at me with a smirk of amusement.

"Sorry, I just don't normally see this kinda thing everyday." Pushing at his knees, he stood up with a yawn.

"Don't be sorry, it's cute." Did one of the Carter brothers just call me cute? Oh my god I feel like I'm going to pass out.

"You're like an excited little puppy" he chuckled warmly. The fact that he had just compared me to a four legged animal didn't even take away from the earlier comment about me being cute.

I don't care, I'm treasuring this moment okay?

"Err.. Thanks?" I said with a confused tone. As he walked pass me, he patted me on the shoulder with a wink before walking towards my door.

"Wait, where are you going?" I panicked. I haven't spoke to any of his other brothers, therefore he was my only friend source in the house.

Looking over his shoulder with a small frown on his face, his fingers ran through his still damp hair.

"Oh sorry, it's just I don't actually live here. I just came by to visit before I leave for England tomorrow." England!? Tomorrow?!

"Oh .." It was as if he could tell that I was worrying about the rest boys not talking to me. What if they didn't like me? What if they find me annoying? What if-

"They're not that bad when you get to know them, Marnie. Trust me." Pursing my lips, I nodded my head once to show I understood.

Doesn't mean that I agree.

After he left,I could hear him from downstairs saying his goodbyes to his family. I could hear the faint sob from Mrs Carter and she asked him if he was sure it was time for him to leave already.

I was trying to keep quiet as I peered over the banister, trying to look if I could see what was happening.

"Well aren't you a nosey one" stumbling backwards, my hand went straight to my chest as I tried to regain my breath back.

Looking up at Brooks, a small smirk was dancing on his lips as he peered down at me with eyes as dark as midnight.

I understand why people said that he has that brooding look about him, it was dark and menacing.

"I was just, um I-" I tripping over my own words as I tried to back myself back into the guest room.

"You were snooping? Is that what you're trying to say, Marina?" Blinking up at him, I don't think anyone has ever said my actual name in such a hot way.

Cocking his eyebrow, I tried to gather a sentence in my head that wouldn't just come out as a pile of shit.

"What are you even doing here anyway?" I challenged his glare and placed both of my hands on my hips to try to seem a bit more taller to not seem intimidated.

Raising his hand to scratch at the slight stubble along his jaw, he tried to hide the smile on his lips by pretending to fix his lip ring.

"I live here?" He snickered. With his eyebrows furrowed, I narrowed my eyes once I noticed the laugh behind his voice.

"Oh you know what I meant" I snapped. Dropping his hand, I could almost hear how fast my heart was going upon seeing his boyish smile.

"You're a funny one, Marina." I found it weird how his face showed little emotion, and didn't reflect how his voice sounded. His eyes roamed my face like Paige trying to understand quantum physics.

"Sure..." I said slowly. My eyes squinted at him as I continued to take steps back towards the guest room.

"Hold on-" He put out his hand infront of his face with a look of shock. "So I'm the weird one now?" He sounded offended as I looked on at him cautiously.

Shrugging my shoulders with a blank face, I didn't know how to reply without sounding rude.

"Did you hear the word weird leave my mouth?" I sang innocently. Turning around, I quickly entered the room before he could speak again.

Walking towards my bags, I groaned inwardly on hearing his voice as he entered the room.

"You can't answer my question by asking me a question." Rolling my eyes, I picked up my carrier bag before spinning on my heels to face him. "You're not making a very good first impression, Marina."

That's because we've met before you cretin!!!

Staring at him in disbelief, he glanced over his shoulder to make sure it was actually him I was trying to incinerate with my eyes.

"So I don't look familiar to you at all?" Watching his emotionless face turn to pure confusion, he blinked at me a few times - I'm guessing trying to make sense of my words.

"Wait!" He exclaimed with a pompous smirk. "Did you go to Cabo in 2012?" Winking suggestively at me, it was now my turn to blink up at him in confusion.

"No?" His smirk disappeared and he was back to his indescribable expression.

"You're not that girl that sent that email asking for a DNA sample of me, Ty and Noah, are you?" Dropping my bag, I stopped myself from slapping myself in the face with embarrassment.

It wasn't me before you start assuming things, but if you haven't guessed already, it was Paige.

It was meant to be an anonymous email, but Paige had forgotten all the important things as she was blinded by the wonderful world of dick.

When she first told me she had got one of the Carter boys email, I thought she meant one of them had gave her it, willingly.

Not that she had threatened a freshman that was in the arts club with Ty, to give her his email. After 30 minutes of yelling how she would shove various makeup items in various holes of the freshman, she had finally given in and wrote down Brooks' email.

"Of course I'm not" I rushed with a bit of hesitation.

I was beginning to grow both tired and angry of the game of 21 guesses.

I was in his calculus class, I sat right in the front near the door so he had to see me once he walked in the room. We have shared eye contact before, I'm sure of it.

Groaning aloud, I couldn't take any more of his face of confusion and this feeling of humiliation.

"I'm in your calculus for christ sakes." Flailing my arms up in the air, I slammed them back down to my side as his eyes shot open.

"So why haven't I seen you at any of the senior parties?" He challenged. Scratching at his arm, I was intrigued by the colourful tattoos he had on show.

Slumping down on the bed, I averted my eyes back to my bag and began to unzip it.

"Because I'm a junior" I sighed. Starting to take out my school books, I placed them on the wooden oak nightstand. I stopped unpacking things once I noticed how he was yet to say anything.

Raising my head, I was surprised to see him leaning against the bed with his legs crossed and his phone in his hands.

Why was he still here? And more importantly, why was he getting himself comfortable.

"What are you-"

"Type in your number." He interrupted. Holding out his phone for me to take, I stared at it for a few seconds like it was a foreign item to me.

Slowly looking back up at him, my eyebrow arched a little as I tried to figure out if he was joking or not.

"Well, you gonna take it or keep gawking at me with those brown eyes of yours?" I felt all the colour drain from my face and was replaced with Crimson.

By his calm face, I don't think he noticed the embarrassment he had just caused.

Swallowing the lump in my throat with a struggle, I took the iPhone from his hand and looked down at the screen. He had already typed in the name 'Marina' which kinda bugged me.

Could he not call me Marnie like everyone else did?

"I like to be called Marnie" i murmured whilst tapping in my number. Making sure to change Marina to Marnie, I added the emoji with the shades at the end with a little giggle.

Handing him back his phone, he looked down at the screen with an interested smirk. "And I like to be called pussy galore, but unfortunately life doesn't always pan out how you want it."

Pursing my lips to try to hide my smile, I didn't know how much longer I was going to be able to hold in my laugh.

"You know Pussy galore was a Bond girl, right?" Howling a laugh, I slapped my hand over my mouth as I saw him slowly get to his feet with a smile that mirrored mine.

Running his hands through his hair, his hand went to his chest as his face mocked horror.

"I think I'm just as hot as Honor Blackman, thank you" pretending to flip his hair, I threw my head back as I let go of a hearty laugh.

"Are you laughing at me, brown eyes?" Catching back my breath, I straightened my neck and slowed my chuckles down to silent shakes.

"You make it hard not to" I chuckled softly. Shifting my hair over one side with my fingers, I went back to unpacking my bag.

In my head, my conscience was going crazy. Brooks Carter had not just given me a nickname, but was also choosing to speak to me.

Stopping my thoughts, i inwardly sighed at the fact I was feeling the way that most of the girls acted at school around any of the Carter boys.

And I definitely didn't like it.

He was probably just speaking to me because his mom had told him to, maybe she was paying him.

"I do make it hard, don't I?" Chocking on the oxygen around me, I felt like an idiot once I saw him looking down at me quizzed. I don't think he meant for that to sound inappropriate, but his smirk was telling me something completely different.

"Try not to die, kid." Glaring at his cocky grin, I mocked a laugh before once again going back to my bag.

Did he really just call me a kid? This body does not belong to a kid, okay. I'm a hot piece of ass, not some infant.

Noticing a flash go off, I snapped my head up to find Brooks almost crying with tears of laughter. Turning his phone around to show me, he tried to form a sentence, but it seemed the hardest thing to do.

I whined like a child who had just gotten their favourite toy taken away from them as my eyes roamed the picture.

"Brooks!" I've only been speaking to the guy for 20 minutes and he's already starting to annoy me. "Delete it."

Standing up, I went to snatch the phone away from him upon noticing how he made no move to delete it himself. Holding his arm up so I wasn't able to reach, he regained his posture and tutted at me like a child.

"Uh uh Marina, that's not gon' happen" taken aback by the slight southern accent in his voice, I couldn't help but feel like that was a massive turn on.

"Brooks!" Jumping for the phone, he yet again pulled it up higher so I couldn't reach. Without thinking, I punched him on his veiny arm with a pout.

"I prefer to be called pussy galore, actually" Laughing at his comment, he to chimed in as I started to hit him repeatedly on the arm.

I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks as his free hand had gently grabbed onto one of my wrists to try to stop me. I didn't notice just how close we were until his minty breath had hit me from his deep chuckle.

I stood there with my lips tightly sealed, trying to both hide my smile and the nervousness in my face.

My teeth grasped my bottom lip gently. Watching his smirking face, I felt like the silence between us lasted forever until someone had entered the room.

"Brooks, you in here cause-" Walter averted his eyes from his phone to both Brooks and I with a confused face. His dark brown eyebrow arched as he looked between us.

"Am I interrupting something?" He said slowly sounding as confused as he looked.

Brooks let go of my wrist with a laugh under his breath. The warmth around my wrist disappeared and found its way back on my face.

"No, what do you want?" Brooks snapped rudely. Walter narrowed his eyes at Brooks before giving him the middle finger.

Why the sudden mood change?

"I came to say Ana's here, you fucking dick" Walters voice showed as much emotion as Brooks face, which wasn't a lot if you ask me.

Exiting the room, the slamming of the door made me jump to alert. Brooks was stood still, staring at the door for a few seconds before he began to chuckle slightly.

Because that's normal.

"Little shit" he muttered while shaking his head. Turning to face me, he flashed me a lopsided smile before turning around to walk to the door.

"Wait, who's Ana?" I asked intrigued.

Turning his body halfway around, he grinned widely but not before shooting me a wink.

"My girlfriend." And those were the last words he said before disappearing behind the door.

So I guess I got the whole flirting vibe wrong, right?

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