Chapter VIII

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   We watched Iris take off through the entrance, the rest of us taking cover, waiting to see if the dead were going to follow.

   I slid her dog tags around my neck, looking down at them, a few tears welled in my eyes.

   Laila took my hand then. "She's gonna be ok." She whispered.

   I nodded, a few tears still finding their way out. "I know..."

   "How's it looking over there?" James asked.

   "They're following her alright." Brock replied.

   "Sidewalk's clear." Samantha added.

   James cocked his gun. "Let's get a move on, then."

   So, we quietly followed James through the entrance and onto the sidewalk, stepping over dead bodies as we went.

   The sound of Iris's car faded into the distance, making my heart sink. 'She's gonna be ok.'

   James suddenly dropped to one knee, the rest of us following suit. "I hear some up ahead, suppressors on."

   The soldiers quickly screwed suppressors onto the ends of their guns before James stood, leaning around the corner.

   We all stacked up behind him, seeing a large group of them mindlessly wandering the street.

   "What's the plan?" Arthur asked.

   James looked from the horde to a dilapidated building across the street. "When we open fire, you three make a break for that building. We'll be right behind you." He replied.

   We all nodded before James and the other soldiers made their way into the middle of the street.

   My heart rate quickened, the adrenaline coursing. I took Laila's hand in mine. "Don't let go of my hand, ok?"

   She nodded, her whole body shaking.

   Then, the soldiers opened fire and Arthur made a beeline for the building, Laila and I following close behind.

   We made it through the door way, trying to keep pace with Arthur, Samantha and Brock making their way inside now.

   James filed through last, slamming the door shut. "Keep moving!"

   We ran the length of the building, cutting down hallways and busting through doors, trying to find an exit.

   Suddenly, a group of the undead turned a corner in front of us, immediately perking up when they saw us.

   Samantha stood tall, opening fire. "Retreat!"

   The rest of us turned around and ran back down the hallway.

   Before we turned the corner, I looked back, seeing the small horde overtake her. Blood soaked the floor and her screams pierced my ears as they piled on top of her.

   "No!" I yelled.

   Laila pulled my hand. "C'mon, we have to keep going."

   Tears spilled down my cheeks as we followed the others to an exit, Brock kicking the door open before ushering us out.

   We were back on the streets, the lab only a block away, not a single one of those bastards in our path.

   "Clear. Keep moving." James said, leading us down the sidewalk towards another building.

   Brock covered the rear, firing off a few shots as we went.

That's when I noticed the the sign hanging off the giant building in front of us. It was the lab. We made it.

James stopped dead in his tracks, the rest of us doing the same. An army of the dead stood out front of the building. Blocking the entrance.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"Fight like hell." He replied.

Then, a loud explosion rang out from off in the distance.

I quickly looked towards its direction, seeing black smoke shooting up into the sky. "Iris..."

"They're moving." Brock said, pointing towards the entrance.

The dead started wandering off towards the explosion, clearing a path for us.

"Let's move." James said, leading us quietly towards the entrance.

We stacked up against the door. "Everyone stay close, we don't know how many of those things are inside."

Brock loaded a new clip, giving James a nod.

James returned it before sweeping into the building, the rest of us following close behind.

The smell of death filled my nose, I covered it, squeezing Laila's hand.

"I thought people were still here." Arthur whispered.

"They must've pulled out when the city was overrun." James replied.

"If that lab is still functional, we don't need anyone else." I added.

We crept up a flight of stairs, emerging into another hallway. The white walls were stained with blood, bodies strewn all over the floor.

I hugged Laila closer to me. "Don't look..."

Then, a figure turned the corner, wearing a white lab coat, face blocked by hair.

"Don't move!" James ordered.

The figure lifted its head. It was a woman, or at least it used to be.

She let out a loud shriek, causing me to cover my ears.

   James dropped her, but it was to late, the dead started swarming the hallway.

   Brock and James opened fire, while Arthur kicked a nearby door in, ushering us through.

   I took Laila's hand, holding her behind me, watching James through the door. He stepped in to reload his gun, Brock starting to follow, when one of the dead grabbed him from behind, biting down into his shoulder.

   He let out a yell, knocking it off him before stomping his big boot onto its head.

   He and James shared a look and a salute before Brock slammed the door shut, his footsteps heading off down the hallway, gunfire fading into the distance.

   We all collapsed to a sitting position against the wall, breaths heavy.

   A loud explosion suddenly shook the floor.

   "See you on the other side, Brock..." James said.

   I pulled Laila closer to me, her face stained with tears. "It's ok... It's ok..."

   Arthur stood up. "It's not ok, everyone's dead and we're trapped in a fucking supply closet."

   James stood then, grabbing Arthur by the throat. "Get your shit together! As long as we're still kicking, there's a chance."

   Arthur collapsed to his knees once James released him. "Listen up, Brock should've led the horde far enough away from us. We just need to find that lab."

   I stood, pulling Laila with me. "Let's get a move on, then."

   We all turned to Arthur, he still held his neck. "Let's go..."

   James opened the door and checked the hallway before leading us out.

   It was quiet as we walked, no signs of life.

   Then, we heard her voice. "Doc... You there, Doc..?" Iris asked through the walkie talkie.

   James pulled it from his vest before handing it to me.

   "I'm here, Iris... Are you ok?" I replied.

   Her breathing was heavy. "Just swell..."

   My heart sank. "Where are you, Iris..?"

   "I, uh... I don't think I'm gonna make it, Doc..."

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