Chapter 01

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"Yah! can't you hear me? Get back here!"

'Ugh! Not again.' I muttered to myself and turned around with a fake smile on my face to the familiar voice. Just then I felt some liquid rolling down from my head.

"What the...." Before I continue, something hard touches my cheek. Did she just? Ugh!!! I touch where she slaps me and glare at her in disbelief.

"Serves you right. Yah! b****h, listen carefully. When I'm talking to you, don't try to avoid me. And don't look at me like that with your dirty eyes." I clenched my teeth yet lowered my gaze to the ground.

"Get me your science project before the end of today. I need to fill up mine. Got that?" I bit my lip nodding my head. Oh! I'm not scared of this girl. Not even a bit. If I want, I can punch her face leaving a mark but I can't. If I got a bad reputation I won't be able to go to a good university. Besides the last thing I want is to make my mother worried because of me. "Good." She pushed me and walk off.

Then I heard a loud laughing sound from the corridor. I bent down my head, ran to change my clothes into a pair of jeans and a blue t-shirt. I don't know, what did they pour on me but that stinks like hell. I feel like puking. It's really that bad. It is worse than rotten vegetables. 

This is what always happens whenever I meet up with them. Can't they have anything else to do? I mean why do they have to mess up with my uniform every freaking day? For god sake, I'm really tired of this. I hope I could stop this.

The one who bullied me earlier was Kim Nara. She's the queen bee everyone talks about. Since I transferred to this school two years ago with a scholarship in my hand, she started to bully me. You know, It's entirely my fault that I'm being treated this way. But still...

She has two minions called Park Minyu and Lee Hiyomi. Trust me, I'm not someone who judges people because of their appearance and behaviors but they are the worst people I have ever meet in my life. Like literally, they really don't have a heart.

"Melony! Why are you late again?"

My homeroom teacher Mrs.Jung asked when I entered the class. She's a middle-aged woman and teaches us English. She's kind and cheerful but when she gets mad it was the beginning of world war three. Ha-ha, I'm just kidding. It wasn't that bad but a bit scary, I might add.

And I'm Melony Peterson. Ever since I came to this school two years ago people started calling me 'a a nerd' which I really have no idea why. Because last time I checked I wasn't a nerd. Yes, I don't have friends here. There are reasons behind it. I'm an introvert, I'm uncomfortable around new people. And It's hard for me to start a conversation with someone I meet the first time. At first, there were some students who try to start a conversation with me but like I said it wasn't an easy task for me to adjust around new people. There was this girl who was avoiding everyone's attention, even though I don't talk much I try to befriend her. I heard her name was Jungmi. That's when I saw one day Nara was bulling her with the help of her two minions, in the backyard of our school. I didn't know what I was getting myself into but I never regret what I did that day.

"What are you guys doing? You are hurting her." I ran fast towards them pulling up the girl who was on the floor. "Are you okay?" I scan her body up and down searching for any injuries but she avoids making eye contact with me.

"Let's got to the nurse room. You look like you are about to faint." I hold her with both of my hands afraid she might fall if I let go.

"ha-ha. Ha-ha." Nara and her two minions started to laugh in a mocking way. "Who do you think you are to interfere in my business?" Nara look to her right, the girl who was on her right side whispered something to her.

"Oh... So you are that new nerdy girl that everyone talks about?" She smirked coming closer to me. She scanned me up and down like I was a piece of trash with a disgusted face scrunching her nose. 

Wait! What's her freaking problem?

I hurriedly walk past them but stop when I hear a loud laughing voice again. But this time it sound annoying.

"Seriously, do you really not know who I am?" She asked raising an eyebrow. I look at her confused. "Well, do I have to?" I asked back surprising both myself and her. I mean I don't talk to people with a tone like that but she some kind of irritated me. And I'm pretty sure she wasn't the president's daughter. Because the president I know doesn't have any daughters. Maybe she's a legitimate daughter? Oops! That's a bit harsh. Sorry. Not sorry.

She leaned toward my ear. "Oh! Trust me when I say that you have walked into the hell by yourself little nerdy." I flinched at her tone. It was like she was fuming mad while trying to control her temper. I thought she was going to transfer to a monster or something. What? Don't look at me like that. She started getting red for a movement I even saw smoke coming out of her ears. Oh! That may be a bit too much. But whatever, you know what I mean.

I opened my mouth to ask what does she mean when the girl beside me whispered not to say anything. Like I said I didn't know she was a walking warzone. But I'm glad that she doesn't have any superpowers.

"That's right. You should warn her what's coming next. Because I can't wait to have fun with a new toy." Nara and her minions laugh.

That day was my last peaceful day in my new school. After the little incident, everyone started talking about how I talk back towards Nara the school queen bee, eventually, everyone started ignoring my presence and I become a target of bullies. Because they knew something I didn't. They knew not to mess up with the girl because she can be the scariest woman if she wanted to be. With time, I become a loner who always ended up reading a book in the library whenever I got time.

"I got up late. And I can't let my brother go to school alone. But it won't happen again." I smile sheepishly. I hate to lie. Well, it wasn't much of a lie since I do take my brother to his school before I come to mine. I always ended up lying almost every day in one of my classes. I feel bad about lying. But it has become a habit now, it doesn't make me guilty anymore. I hope God forgives me.

"Is that so?" She looked at me with a raised eyebrow like she was suspicious. "Don't be late again. Got it?" I nodded my head "Okay. Now take your seat, and turn the page number two."

"Yes, Mrs.Jung."

The only subject I pay attention is English. I don't even remember when other classes ended.

When the lunch break comes I was too eager to jump from my seat slinging my backpack over my right shoulder hurrying after the running students in the corridor.

Normally I'm taking my lunch on the rooftop. It's my favorite place in school. Mainly because one, that bitch Nara and her two minions never let me eat peacefully. Two, it's too much noise in the cafeteria. Three, no one can interrupt the little freedom I'm having in here. Four, the rooftop is so peaceful and has fresh air. Five, Students rarely visit the place around this hour is a major exception. I can have my lunch, peacefully without any interruption.

I bite half of my burger placing down it on my lap, to drink some water. I took a breath exhaling it slowly closing my eyes to enjoying the fresh air for a bit. Finally, I can relax. I sigh with a smile on my face. Next thing I remember, me going to the dreamland.

"Hey! What are you doing in here?"

I heard a muffled voice. Then my whole body is shaking which leads me to force my eyes open. I rub my eyes slowly opening them since I have no choice. I let out a yawn stretching my arms, saw a guy standing in front of me. I look at him, head to toe and my eyes got widen in surprise until I recognise who's in front of me.

He was smiling at me. Wait! What? That's weird. I felt my heart fluttering. I touch it to feel my heart beating fast. I look at him and gulp. 'What is he doing here?' I started to wonder.


Oh, let me do the honor of introducing him. I present you the school's heartthrob, every girl's dream boy, Kim Jongin also known as Kai. Yeah, you are right he was my crush as well. You might be wondering how I fell for him. Right? well, when I first entered this school I bumped into him accidentally. That's where I got my crush for him. When I first lay my eyes on him I thought I was dreaming. Because he was like a fallen angel you meet in those novels. Maybe it's love at first sight. 

That's how I started to admire him from afar. But unfortunately, I never got a chance to talk with him ever again. I also don't know why I like him. There's this feeling which is hard to explain. Every time I see him, I want to stare at him. Never get tired of it. I know I sound like a hopeless romantic girl you meet in those novels. But meh, this is me we're talking about, of course, I'm a bit weird.

He has black hair and tanned skin. He normally wears casual clothes like a button-up shirt along with a pair of trousers. Has dark brown eyes. But if you look deep enough you can see it's actually hazel. And there's his killer smirk and smile that no one can protest. Like literally, those dark brown eyes of him are hard not to notice. There are rumors that he doesn't date anyone just plays it off with girls like they're toys. But who am I to judge? 

"Hello~," He said waving his hand in front of me. I look at his eyes calmly. Does he want to tell me something? But that's weird. I heard he went abroad. When did he even come back?

"Umm, yeah?" I asked not sure of how else to reply to him raising my left eyebrow while looking at him.

"It's time to go." He said making me confused. 'Time to go where?' He let out a sigh, showed me his watch. Probably realizing my confused look. My eyes got wide when the realization hits me reminding me that It's my history period. She punished every student who's late for her class without a valid reason. Which means you'll straightly end up in detention. This is bad. Even I'm the best student in her class, something tells me that Mrs. Hera hates me for some reason.

I got up from the floor with my flash kind of speed pushing my unfinished burger into kai's hand running faster to the classroom.

"Hey! Wait!......." I heard him calling me but I don't have time to respond to him so I ran without looking back. The last thing I want is to get detention after school. 

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