Chapter 05

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Melony's POV

It's been a few days since the incident with that stalker guy and Kai. I haven't seen Kai in school after that day. I started to get worry thinking it has to do something with me. But the best part is Nara never came to bother me again. Maybe she finally got tired of bullying me.

I'm not a person who cut classes but I don't have an interest on going to the class today. So I decided to come to the school garden. There's this oak tree in Parksang High. The reason why I love Oak trees is that they said Oak tree symbolize longevity, humble beginnings, patience, faith, power, endurance, and strength. I feel like I'm under some powerful spell whenever I'm around an oak tree. And I think it's a great place to relax and read a book. Currently, I'm reading Twilight. One of my favorite book. I've read this book more times than I could count but I never get tired. I was about to turn into the next page when I felt someone's presence beside me.

"Hey, Princess." He greeted. I knew that voice so well. It is Baekhyun. I turn to face him only to realize that he was already facing me.


"Do you come here often?"

"Not really. Whenever I feel distract or need to read." I shrugged looking at my book again.

"So you don't go to library?"

"I do. But I like here much more." I smile looking around. "I love the feeling when I'm around nature. Isn't it refreshing?"


He didn't say anything else so I started reading again. It's not an awkward silent though. Normally, I don't like people near me when I'm reading because it's kind a distracting but Baekhyun's presence didn't even bother me a bit. For some reason I love his company. In few minutes later he talks again. I lay the book in my lap before looking at him giving him full focused after hearing what he said.

"You are not going to ask me where he is?"

I know who he was referring to. But I don't know if it's a good thing. I mean we both make mistakes that day. I shouldn't have said that I don't want to see his face again. That was harsh. And I'm not a person who hold grudge around people. Whether they were nice to me or not I always forgive and let them go. That's who I was. Since I was little that's something my father taught me. That we always have to forgive and forget and be nice to everyone. Not because to show everyone we are perfect or anything. Just because we are humans. We are meant to make mistakes. It sometimes happens without our will. So letting go was the best we could do.

"Not really." I sighed. "I wish, I didn't shout at him that day. I'm such an idiot." Regret is something what I'm feeling at the moment. It's the feeling where you wish that you should have done better. In my case I should have been more careful of what I was saying. I know what I did was clearly wrong. I blame myself for what happened. Kai is a jerk. It's a fact that everyone's aware. But after what I've said I figured I'm no better than him.

"He must really hate me now. You know, I didn't mean when I said that I don't want to see him again. No wonder he wasn't showing up to school." My voice crack at the end. I didn't even know; I was holding my tears back until I felt them rolling down my cheeks.

"Hey, look at me." Baekhyun whispered behind me. But I look down trying to hide my tears shaking my head. "Please, don't cry princess. It's not that." It was like he was pleading for me not to. But I can't help. I try to hide it all these days but I couldn't. Maybe it's because I didn't want to admit it. Maybe it's because I really like him and no matter who he is I can't forget him or ignore him. It was impossible but that's the truth. I think I fell hard for him. I whipped my tears letting out a sniff.

"Princess, It's not because of you. He-" He stopped what he was about to say. "Fuck that." He muttered to himself before taking a deep breath. "He wasn't ignoring you. He had something to take care about." I frowned giving him a look. "He'll be back. Just wait for a while." Before hearing my reply, he patted my shoulder getting up and leaving me there alone. I wonder what does he had to do so important than attending to school.


I was walking to the bus after school, when I heard a car horn behind me. I was thinking about Kai and didn't realize how deeper my thoughts went where I lost my sense completely. I jumped out of the payment gasping for air due to the shock.

When I turned around to look who's the owner of the car I was surprised to see that baby face of his. He grinned waving at me like a child who's been told to go for the park with excitement.

"Get on. I'll dropped you." He kindly offered removing his sunglasses. 

"Urm. It's ok-" I didn't know if it was a good idea to get into the car one of so called kings in our school. Beside he's a senior which makes me a bit uncomfortable even though he has a baby face. I look around helplessly.

"Oh no! Did the little princess planning to reject my offer? Now, I'm hurt." He pouts fake crying clutching his heart dramatically. To tell you the truth it makes him cuter which course me to let out a giggle.

"Is that a yes?" He gave me that puppy dog eyes which was hard to resist. I nod smiling, entering to his car.

It was my first time riding on a luxurious car. I don't know much about car brands because I don't have any interest towards them. But I love cars generally. If you know what I mean. 

"So where do you want to go?" 

"Oh. Cafe- lovebunny." I quickly replied. I'm glad that he didn't asked why though. I'm sure he already realized that I might be working there. Well, that's obvious. Because a person like me wouldn't be going to a place like that unless for a job.

As if on clue that it was getting awkward, he turned on the radio. He was trying to find a good channel when I heard one of my favorite song playing. But he was about to change it when I try to stop him accidentally touching his hand. I quickly pulled my hand, my heart started beating louder and I can feel my cheeks heating with embarrassment.

"Err - sorry. I just. It's - " I shuttered not being able to find the right words. I can tell he was already looking at me now, from the corner of my eye. Well, isn't this super awkward? But I can see how this situation was funny to him because he is smiling.

"I I like that song." I shut my eyes before looking out the window praying that if I could be small or invisible around him.

"No worries, princess." I can tell that he was smirking. Oh God why is it happening to me? And what's with everyone calling me princess? Like really? I'm no level near to a princess. Maybe that is how they call girls? Like a pet name or something?

I was more than glad when I saw the familiar place where I used to be working for the past few three years. I didn't even know I was holding a breath until it I felt myself slowly exhaling.

"Well, urm. Thanks for the ride, Luhan." I said removing the seatbelt quickly getting out of the car.

I thought he was going to leave after dropping me but when he also came out from the car my breath hitched. Like I suddenly forgot how to breath. I didn't know what to do, so I decided to enter the cafe. Luhan follows me from behind. I can sense that everything slowing down like that happens in movies when a handsome rich guy enters to a cafe. But I try to think straight like I'm not with him. Wait! We aren't together. He was just dropping me off and maybe he felt hungry or he has plans meeting someone here. That's why he's coming to the cafe. Isn't he?

"Welcome to cafe-lovebunny." I heard my best friend, also my co-worker greeting when we enter. I was about to enter the changing room when Luhan called my name making me stopped in my track. My best friend gave me a look raising an eyebrow with a smirk plastered on her face. Oh no! I know that look. Girl, trust me. It's not like that.

"Yeah?" I replied ignoring my best friend.

"Actually I was thinking of talking to you for a bit." He rubbed the back of his neck like he was nervous. I can sense most of the girls in the cafe are eyeing him more like eye raping him. But I can tell some of them already started to give me judging looks. "You know, just to get to know each other." I open my mouth to reply but he continues talking.

"I can understand that you have work to do." He looked around eyeing the cafe. Well, I guess I was wrong. He sounds like he came here because of me. "But if you can manage some time-" Before he finished his sentence my best friend talked for me. 

"Actually, I think that won't be a problem. There's not many customers here anyway. I'll mange it here." She said coming forward. "You guys can have a talk." She smiled sweetly at me pushing me towards Luhan. "And I'm Yuki Mira. I'm the daughter of Mr.Sootha, the owner of the cafe." That's right. This girl is the daughter of the café owner. 

"That's great." He grinned and clapped his hands together with excitement. "And nice to meet you Yuki, I guess you're Japanese?" He asked politely offering his hand. "I'm Luhan by the way. Senior from ParkSang High."


Luhan left after an hour having a little talk with me. To tell you the truth he was really nice and I really enjoyed his company. Before he left the café he asked if I like to go out sometime. I was surprised because I never thought he want to hang out with me again. I never hesitate to say yes, since I kind a like him. Not much like I like Kai though.

When I get home today I couldn't help but think about Kai again. I know it's crazy for me to think about him but I can't help. I thought of calling him but I thought it's better to let him be. What if he's busy? I don't want to bother him. So I ended up staring at his contact for hours. My eyes slowly started feeling heavy asking me to rest. But as soon as I close my eyes my phone started ringing making me jumped up from my bed. When I saw the Caller-Id I couldn't help but smile like an Idiot. I kept staring at it forgetting that I still haven't answered it. I mentally face palmed.


".. Hey! Err- I. well, were you sleeping when I called you?" I can sense that he was feeling guilty. So I quickly replied.

"No. I was just-" Before I continue he talked again.

"Great. Come outside. I'm near your house." My heart started beating. I haven't seen him like a week. I felt happy but it soon fades when I remember what happens we last meet.

"O-okay. I'll be there." I cut the phone before rushing out from my room. Oh wait! What am I going to say to mom? Maybe a little lie won't hurt? Right? Urh! I hate lying.

"Mom, I'm going out." I heard my mom asking why. "I just need some fresh air. I'll be back soon. Don't worry." I rushed out of the house without waiting for her reply.

As soon as I stepped out from the gate someone pulled aside making me scream but a hand covered me. I try to scream but relaxed when I heard his voice.

"Shhh! It's me, Kai." I can feel his hot breath fanning from beside making me shiver. He slowly let go when I calm down. I turned to face only to let out a gasped in horror. His faced covered with bruises like he has been beaten and there are some cut marks in his cheeks. My hand slowly went up to his cheek without me knowing. When I touched his cheek which has a deep cut mark he flinched.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to." I was about to pulled my hand away when he holds it pressing to his cheek. I can feel my cheeks are beginning to turn into crimson red by the sudden skin contact. "It's fine." He smiles making my heart flutter.

"What happened to you?"

"It's nothing. Now that I've seen your face, I feel much better." Oh Kai, what are you doing to me? Please don't do this to my poor hurt. I'll die from a heart attack. I didn't know he was staring at me this whole time until I meet his sparkling eyes.

"I miss you." He hugged me without a warning making me surprised. My body relaxed when his warmth wrapped around my tiny body. "I'm sorry." He whispered pulling away just I was about to hug him back. I'm already missing his warmth. 

"I was really worried something might happen to you so I didn't know what came over me other day. I – I'm really sorry, Melony."

"It's fine. And I'm sorry too. I didn't mean when I said I don't want to see you again." A tear slipped from my eye. I can't imagine not seeing him because this week feel like death to me. I was used to seeing his handsome face even in far.

"Hey, don't cry. And thanks." He smiles making me stopped breathing. Oh god! How much I love that smile of his.

"Come on. I want to take you somewhere." I frowned not getting what he meant. "Where are we going?" I asked when he pulled my hand dragging me with him. "Somewhere."

"But it's late. My mom will worry if I-" He put his forefinger on my lips shutting me from talking any further.

"Just trust me." He entwined our hands and dragging me to his car.


"No more buts. Just relaxed. Take this as my way of saying sorry for not showing up at school and messing other day."

"Kai, I really don't think this is a good idea." I try to protest but he gave me a look which cause me to shut up with a pout. He tries to pushed me into the passenger seat.

"What's wrong with going out a date with a girl?" My eyes widen realizing what he said. What? Date? But we- Oh my god! Nah! I'm probably hearing things. As if the school bad will take someone like me to a date. I laugh at my stupid thought. When I didn't respond I felt something wet on my cheek. When I look up I saw Kai smirking at me.

"Stop day dreaming even though it's night. Or I might actually kiss you." He winked making me blushed like tomato. The holy fudge nugget chocolate chip cookies. Tell me I'm dreaming. What's gotten into this guy from all of a sudden? Unless he was possessed by some ghost. Nah, this is a dream. I'm just dreaming. Yeah, I'll wake up in few hours. And everything will go back to normal. But what if this isn't a dream?

"This. This is a dream. Right? You aren't really here. Are you?" I asked nervously hoping a 'yes' from him. But small part of me wish a 'no'.

He started laughing. Like really loud. I gave him a look. I mean I don't find anything funny unless this is- Oh my god! My eyes went wide.

"This is real? You are actually here?" I cupped my mouth. He laughed again. This time I can see tears in his eyes.

"You are really one of a kind, Melony." He shook his head in amusement. Hearing into his deep laugh I knew I'm in trouble. I'm falling for him hard and I'm scared. 

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