dead center-Atrium finale

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The next day
Four days have past for moxxie as he still in the living world along with his four friends to help him survive, he really getting use to this zombie apocalypse survival, killing alot of deads on his path

He already got up seeing his new friends discussing stuff

Rochelle: anybody know who the race car guy is?

Ellis: *laugh* just the best stock car racer of all time! Try reading a book sometimes

Rochelle: jimmy Gibbs J.r? *Sarcastic cheer*

Nick: who's jimmy Gibbs j.r?

Moxxie: yeah is he just a racer?

Coach: I heard of jimmy gibbs, that's guy a stock car legend!

Nick: Im getting sick looking at this guy face

Coach: well trust me, in these parts, he's as famous as...elvis! Or the president!

Nick: really? Cuz he looks like an asshole

Coach: get your ass moving nick!

Moxxie: not to be offended by your idol but uh, what if he could be dead?

Ellis: he could be somewhere in new Orleans right in this zombie apocalypse, and now wait a minute nick, you been making jokes about savannah all day and I held my tongue, but you do not belittle jimmy Gibbs j.r, that man is a pride of georgia, I would take a bullet for that man

Coach: amen!

Ellis: if the laws of nature allowed it, I would bare that man children

Moxxie: do I might ask If you really like that guy doesn't that mean you just miss it?

Ellis: shit we misses him? God damnit I could have gotten a picture taken with jimmy Gibbs stock car, this apocalypse starting to piss me off

Nick: what are we waiting for? let's go, moxxie you say beside me since your a good shooter

Moxxie: alright sir

They all left the safehouse and into the long hallway

Ellis: jimmy Gibbs jr is the man! I mean I dunno anybody like that man! But there was this guy I knew, he races dirt tracks not stock cars but open wheel cars you know, and he was racing once, and a goat-

Coach: we ain't got time for this ellis

Moxxie: yeah we're in a apocalypse right now can we pls focus on escaping for a bit?

Ellis: ok, but there was a goat

They made it to the entrance of the mall

Ellis: doesn't it look like we aren't getting rescued

Rochelle: oh, there's nobody here

Moxxie: this day just keeps getting worst

Coach: I won't lie, it don't look good

Nick: so much for a rescue, any ideas?

Rochelle: yeah I'm not getting a strong were getting rescued vibes here

Coach: nah hell no *close elevator* alright so, getting evac...ain't happening, anybody got an idea? Nows the time

Rochelle: I got nothing

Nick: mine work if I'm solo

Moxxie: sorry no ideas *sight* Ellis?

Rochelle: whats on your mind Ellis?

Ellis: y'all remember does adds we saw on the way in? Well I think I got an idea on how to get us some wheels

Moxxie: a car right?

Ellis: you got it! Let's go find jimmy Gibbs stock car, we get that thing has up and we will drive outta here

Coach: *laugh* all the way to new Orleans! Baby that sounds like a plan!

Nick: I agree with the idea, but I'm driving

Ellis: yeah, only if I get killed, otherwise you better kill me, cuz I'm driving

Nick: what a fun road trip this be

Rochelle: well, it's a plan, I don't know if is a good plan but, it's a plan

Moxxie: yeah we could go there, but there no gas on that car

Ellis: were gonna have to gas it up before we haul ass

Coach: as soon as these door open, get ready to move!

Ellis: hey mox

Moxxie: yes

Ellis: you know we're gonna go to new Orleans right, what about your wife and friends, will they be able to find ya?

Moxxie: well...they did find me and blitz far away so I think she can use that again I know she will

Ellis: well we better get ready to fight!

Moxxie: got it!

*Elevator opens*

Coach: let's get this car gas up! *Pick up gas*

Ellis: there's she is!

Coach: sorry about this Mr Gibbs *pour gas*

*Zombie incoming*

Rochelle: oh shit!

*Zombies burst through door*

Nick: god dammit its getting good!

Moxxie: it us or them let's kill them!

Coach: we need more gas!

Ellis: hey watch out! *Shoots zombie behind coach*

Everyone: *starts killing zombies*

Coach: this use to be a nice neighborhood! *Kills zombie* if we see a jimmy Gibbs zombie, somebody else have to kill it

Ellis: uh huh

Nick: alright

Rochelle: sure

Moxxie: okay

*Zombies incoming*

Moxxie: we should all spread up!

Ellis: and find the gas can!

They all spread out to find the rest of the gas for the car

Rochelle: *see gas* I got this one

Nick: *see zombie spitter* it that bug spitting bitch!

*Creature spits*

Rochelle: heads up!

*Spit burning*

Nick: back it up!

Rochelle: burning shit!

Ellis: *appears* that's lodgy dude! *Kills spitter* *laugh* that is a nasty as zombie

Rochelle: they be calling them spitters

Nick: so that's a spitter huh? Think she single?

Rochelle: ughh

Moxxie: *founds another gas* I take it!

Rochelle: *filling car* come on! come on! come on!

Moxxie: *drop gas* oh crumbs!

Ellis: *catches it* I got it go get the others

Moxxie: got it sir

Ellis: *filling car* I can't wait to get behind the wheels of your darlin, we still need more gas!

*Zombie's incoming*

Ellis: *kills zombies*

Somewhere in another floor

Coach: *kills zombies* I got this one *takes gas*

Moxxie: *heads with coach

Coach: mox! Cover me!

Moxxie: yes sir! *Start killing coming zombies*

Coach: *drops gas in lower floor* reloading! *Kills zombie* *see smoking zombie* smokin one!

*Zombie grabs moxxie*

Moxxie: shit! Coach help!!

Coach: *grabs moxxie* got you! Hold on!

Moxxie: its ch... choking me!!

*Glass cracking*

Ellis: smoking down! *Kills smoker*

Moxxie: ah thank you

Coach: *grab ledge glass* no problem *ledge glass breaks* ah! Ugh!

Moxxie: coach hold on! *Try to pull him up but he's too heavy*

Coach: oh! Sweet hosanna!

Ellis: Ellis is on the way!

Rochelle: hang in there coach were coming!

Moxxie: don't you dare fall *using all his strength*

Coach: I knew I should have lost some weight! Help me up already!

Ellis: got your back moxxie! *Both pull coach up*

Coach: thanks you two

Moxxie: no problem

Ellis: were cool

*Jimmy Gibbs jr zombie appears*

Ellis: *gasp*

Coach: shit

Ellis: check it out man that jimmy Gibbs jr

Moxxie: I guess he never made it to evac

Rochelle: dibs on Gibbs!

Ellis: no, wait right here *tries to kill him but doesn't want to*

Moxxie: he really not gonna kill him right?

Rochelle: he will

Nick: *arrives and push Ellis away*

Ellis: hey stop a minute! Freeze! Nick! No!

Nick: *axe slashes down* head up!

Ellis: hey that not cool nick

Nick: *laugh*

Moxxie: at least I met him...well not really him

*Zombie growl*

Nick: shit!

Rochelle: come on let's go! Find a gas can!

Coach: *gets head* forgive us jimmy but we need ya car

Everyone: *killing the zombies while nick finds a gas can*

Moxxie: I'm reloading!

Ellis: man, I feel like I'm gassing up loyalty!

Nick: piece of shit gas get in the car!

Coach: we still need more gas

Moxxie: how much gas we need left!

Ellis: one more can do it!

Rochelle: let's get the last gas!

*Hunter jumps*

Nick: watch out!

Ellis: hunter!

Rochelle: *kills it quick*

Nick *whistles* Damm, Rochelle!

Moxxie: let's get the last gas!

Coach: right, come on people let's move it!

*Unusual loud zombie growls*

Ellis: what in the hell is that?!

Rochelle: no idea but I don't think is friendly

Moxxie: nothing isn't friendly here!

Nick: maybe if we don't move, it won't see us

*Loud zombie growls*

Coach: shit!

Ellis: oh this ain't good!

Moxxie: motherfuck!

Nick: okay thats a reason to panic!

*Incoming monstrous zombie*

All: whooa!!

Coach: man this about to get all bagdad and shit!

*Door smash*

All: ahh, oh shit! Look out!

Coach: holy shit!

Moxxie: now it has two big arms!

Nick: holy shit big freaking zombie!

Rochelle: we gotta fight that thing?!

Nick: are guns even gonna work at that thing!? *Throw axe but zombie throws it* assclown!

Rochelle: run!!

All of them starts running from the zombie

Moxxie: ok, THIS is even worst than the agents!!!

Coach: were gonna have to kill that thing!

Rochelle: kill it! *All shoots

Ellis: I got it *tries to blow it up* whoo! Get some baby get some!! *Out of ammo* goddam!

*Zombie start chasing*

Ellis: oh shit! Help!

Everyone: *starts shooting*

Coach: eat this bitch!

Charger: *toss coach away*

Moxxie: coach!...hey right here!

Charger: *chases moxxie*

Nick: moxxie!!

Coach: aw Damm! *See a gas can*

Moxxie: come at me! Jumps down second floor

Charger: *fell on his body and tries to get up*

Moxxie: *aims at head* hey!

Charger: *looks*

Moxxie: fuck off! Bitch! *Multiple shots fire*

Charger: *dies*

Rochelle: whoo, that was close!

Ellis: yeah, great job moxxie! You really are a devil possum!

Moxxie: *thumbs up*

Coach: *fills last gas* good! We're all gas up! Get to the car!

Rochelle: cars full let's go!

Ellis: let's go! I'm driving! Whoo!

Coach: come on people get to the car!

Nick: relax were coming!

Ellis: run to jimmy Gibbs jr!

*Incoming zombies*

Rochelle: come on moxxie were getting out of here!

Moxxie: *turns around* if I go far away, how will Millie find me!?

Nick: well leave a note then!

Moxxie: *see a paer and pen* wait! *Starts writing and leaves paper* alright let's go! *Heads inside*

Coach: punch it!

Ellis: here we go folks buckle up! I aim to see what this car can do!!

Moxxie: please Millie find me there!

Ellis: next stop new Orleans! Whoo hoo!

*Window crash!*

The survivors have escaped

And moxxie

This story sfm is made by beejie bean in YouTube and the creator of left 4 dead 2 is valve

Also the story will not end here they will be more soon im gonna take a break from writing a little and I be back for them anyways pls vote and comment thank you


??????: *Sees paper*

If your seeing this, I'm in new Orleans Millie pls find me there,. MOXXIE

?????: Hes in new Orleans that one heck of an employee I have, and it will take long to get there

??????: Even if we have to, we have to! Moxxie...I'm coming

*Both creatures run*

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