Chapter Fourteen

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Darkness clouded around him. Thick fog of emptiness. No one around. No one to hear him scream. No one to help. The darkness loomed omnipresent. It danced around him, seemingly alive, breathing. The hairs on his neck prickled, a sense of dread covering him. Something was out there watching him. Watching him like a snake watched it's prey before snapping it up in its jaws.

His throat let out a stifled sob, a long lost call for help that was never coming. Cold air hung around him like a jacket. But instead of feeling safe and comforted, his heart started beating erratically. His fingers dug into his arms, imprints on his nails drawing blood.

"Not again..." He muttered. "Not Again..."

The worst thing of all this? This was the good part.

Jealousy is a cruel monster.

Was that it? Because he was jealous? He faced and burdened these cruel demons. Seeing her face but never being able to touch. The insults, the grief, the red eyed monstrosities looming in the darkness waiting for the perfect time to strike once more.

He rocked back and forth, barely breathing at all. Two words kept coming off his lips. The dark air wrought of death, his death, and it was fast approaching.

Not Again...Not again....

All at once the scene appeared. He no longer laid fetal position in cold darkness, but stood weakly at the doors of Herbiology, fingers digging into his arms.

He could see most of everything from his point of view, the stone pathway leading to the Quidditch fields was littered with students out enjoying their free day. Luna and Neville among them heading to the Black lake. Draco was talking to a Slytheren girl, who had obviously liked him for a while, but his eyes stared right past her. Stared just off from Hagrid's hut.

"Not Again... Not Again..." He forcefully turned following Draco's gaze, his breath catching hard in his chest, leaving him gasping for air. Heavy weights slammed on his shoulders, the weight of the world crashing down him alone. "No! Not Again!"

The golden trio stood there, Laughing, Hermione with her textbooks, Ron with his red faced of embarrassment, Harry with his lightning scar and arm around....

Her twinkling laughter cascaded across the Hogwarts ground, like music with no limits. His chest heaved with impossible want. No need. He needed her. She wasn't party of the Golden Trio, they never appreciated her like he did. He wanted her as part of his Duo.

Her strawberry hair glistened in the afternoon sun, her pale freckled skin was soft and glowed, like a beacon drawing him to her. Her eyes danced with such warmth and happiness his heart felt like it was being ripped from his chest.

He let out a heart wrenching scream. "STOP! PLEASE! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" He yelled the sky the lazy clouds slowly drifting to the east. "He got EVERYTHING! Just leave me ALONE! Let me GO!" Tears rained down his face, his knees buckled, his heart throbbed. "Don't make me watch again..." His voice splattered out amidst the sobs, his life broken and shattered.

As if in response to his fury, the air around him tensed the responding sound of an explosion, the ground shaking, a flume of dark smoke inhabiting the far side of the castle. Everyone stopped, starting in shock for a minute, a minute most would pay for with their lives.

Screams shroud the air the entire portions streaming from the ground and other half of the school. More explosions. More Deaths. More pain. More grief.

Harry Potter yelled something, tugging his friends around. His hand never leaving Ginny.

He screamed again, watching their hands, but it was lost in the uproar. His heart felt like it was being ripped from his chest. Tears stained his cheeks and he didn't dare wipe them away. He tried turning he tried looking away, closing his eyes, each breath he wished was his last.

Dust and dirt thicken the air, smoke stung his lungs, he didn't move. Eyes traced after her, a stone column clasped right next to him, but he didn't flinch.

The ground around him was choppy and uneven the dirt over turned by bombs.Screams, shouts, a giant shadow catching over the castle. Wizards fell, a massacre of students and teachers streaming around.

There would be no recovering from this.

There wouldn't be a time when these events were forgotten by the youth.

No one was sure that there'd even be a youth.

Then she turned, the shadow hitting her face, filled with fear and hopelessness. His feet were ripped to the ground. His limbs not reacting to his screaming brain, his screaming heart. He needed to move. He needed to fight. He needed to save her. She needed him.

Red and orange and shades of brown lit up the ground around her.

He screamed with her. He felt the snarling heat, the painful sensation, the realization that she was gone. And he died with her.

He died that day.

He'd been dead for a while now.

Not Again...Not Again...Not Again...

He fell to his knees, the sharp rocks cutting into his skin. He couldn't control the sobs anymore. He couldn't hold back anymore. He couldn't fight anymore.

"All...I wanted...was...A chance." He heaved. "He got...everything... I"

He knew somewhere The chosen one, was hurting too. But he wouldn't be hurting as much as him. No one could ever hurt as much as he was. The castle shuddered, hurls of dirt and mortar filling the air. Explosions rapidly breaking the scenery, fading screaming, empty broken bodies, lifeless sorrow, he could see a flurry of students at the Quidditch broom shack fighting. He could hear people yelling, crying, the stench of desperation so strong it tainted the air worse then the dead. All around him he heard the shuddering, cracking, explosions. Pieces of the building dropped on him, through him, piercing his soul, dust and smoke filled up air until he could only see brown gray with a stinging eyes through tears.


"I loved her..."

"I loved Ginny Weasely."

His eyes closed, raw sobs escorting scraping his throat. His chest ached, his arms trailed with blood, his fingers didn't let go.

Everything about her was perfect. Everything. There wasn't a flaw in Ginny Weasely. He'd punched Draco in the face the last time he tried to insult her.

Cold air blistered around him, the dark pressed closer. He shook and cried. Something brushed against his side. He screamed. "Leave me ALONE! "


"All alone..."


The dark air whistled, voices whispering to him. Demons eying him from the shadows. Red eyes. Sharp teeth. They kept repaying that day. They kept making him watch it.


They stepped forward, beady eyes, jagged teeth. Silence etching out their forms. Hideous, scarring, painful, ugly. They closed in around him. He cried.


They grinned they closed in, pain exposing in his screams. They attacked. He couldn't fight. There was just too many. His fist connected, his eyes jerked away. Hissing, screaming, screeching, inhuman sounds echoing from the emptiness around him.

He thrashed about. The claws dug into his skin, his body jerked as it was torn apart. His soul screamed. His eyes watered.


Blood flowed off him, hot fiery pain digging though his soaking clothes, his arms shook. His eyes blinked. Light.

There, just for a second. It was there. He saw something. Someone. The pain obscured his vision. Red danced around the darkness. The demons yelled, They retreated. But he felt the eyes glared down at him.

He sobbed. His heart ached. He wished he was dead, and not just on the inside.

Cold air pressed against him. His shuddering, shaking body. His empty eyes aloft with pain. Tears streamed down his face, a permanent addition to his misery. His hiccuping crushed sobs, wails of pain, echoed in the dark. His nails dug deeper into his arms.

"Not Again...Not again..."

Cruel eyes watched him. watching, and waiting. Never leaving. Always there. Showing him his crushes death over and over and over.

"Crabbe is never alone."



"we are here..."


Red eyes gleaned in the dark. Crabbe shuddered. He cried. He heaved, his breath drawing short. His heart ached, his soul wavered. The smell of death creeped closer.

The air began to change. The scenery shifting.

"Not Again...Not again..."

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