Information and Rules

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This is a command roleplay game. Credit for the idea goes to @UnitedWarriors. Though, I do think I'm the first to try it with dogs. Please remind me if I mess something up. I haven't read these books in years!

First things first:

here's the order in which things can be found here:





events and seasons



Alpha- There is only one Alpha, and s/he is allowed to do whatever they want. They can hunt, patrol, and heal. They start with full stats. If they are challenged, they will switch ranks with the dog that challenged them. The alpha has two energy

Beta- There will be one Beta. The Beta can do as he/she pleases as well. The Beta also starts will full stats. The Beta will take over if the Alpha can no longer lead. The Beta has two energy.

Healer- There are unlimited healers. Healers are the next respected under Betas. To become a Healer, you must go up the ranks. Healers can challenge the Alpha and/or Beta. Healers have two energy

Hunting dogs- There are unlimited hunting spots. Hunters are respected above patrollers but below mothers. Hunters can hunt and patrol. Hunters have two energy

Patrol dogs-There are unlimited patrolling spots. Patrol dogs cannot do anything but patrol. All pups start as patrol dogs when they are old enough. Patrol dogs are only superior to the omega. Patrol dogs have two energy

Mother- Mother dogs have pups. Mother dogs have one energy

Pups- Pups have one energy. Pups will start as Patrol dogs when they're old enough. (6 months old)

Omega- Omegas have two energy and can only challenge other dogs or guard the camp.

Lone Dogs- In this game, Lone dogs are ex-pack members. If you aren't satisfied with the pack, you can leave and become a lone dog. Lone dogs must hunt at least every other day to sustain themselves. Lone dogs can do anything they could in their packs and they can raid the pack.


Skill levels range from 0-5. Each dog has one skill level that determines the outcome of anything he/she does.


Skill level 0: 0 prey/herbs

Skill level 1: 0-1 prey/herbs

Skill level 2: 0-2 prey/herbs

Skill level 3: 1-2 prey/herbs

Skill level 4: 1-3 prey/herbs

Skill level 5: 2-4 prey/herbs


Skill level 0: 0 attack/defense

Skill level 1: 0-20 attack/defense

Skill level 2: 10-30 attack/defense

Skill level 3: 20-40 attack/defense

Skill level 4: 30-50 attack/defense

Skill level 5: 40-60attack/defense


Skill level 0: can't heal

Skill level 1: can heal slightly injured (3 herbs)

Skill level 2: can heal sickness (4 herbs)

Skill level 3: can heal injured (6 herbs)

Skill level 4: can heal severe sickness (8 herbs)

Skill level 5: can heal severely injured (10 herbs)


each uses 1 energy unless otherwise specified

/Hunt with (Names)

this command sends your dog on a hunting patrol.

/Hunt alone

this command sends your dog hunting alone

/patrol with (Names)

sends your dog on border patrol. It's important to keep the border strength as close to 10 as possible otherwise you could get attacked. You need two or more dogs on patrol. (Including yourself)

/forage with (Names)

this sends your dog foraging with others.

/forage alone

this sends your dog foraging alone

/Heal (Name)

this heals the dog you put in parenthesis.

/train with (Name)
This command will train your skill level by a half point

/Rankup to (New name)

this ranks up a pup to a patrol dog

/leave the pack

this turns your dog into a lone dog

/Create (Pack name) with (names)

this allows you to create a new pack. This command can only be used if the designated leader initiates it and he/she builds the clan with a healer and at least two other dogs of each type. if your pack does not meet this criteria, it will be dismissed.

/join (pack name)

if a new pack is made, you may join it using this command. Once you've switched packs, you can't go back.

/breed with (Mate's name)

when you breed it must be consensual and you will have between 2 and 6 pups

/challenge (dog's name)

When you challenge another dog, your skills will be compared and the stronger of the two will be crowned winner. I will determine the winner with the random number generator


if something is attacking the camp, use defend to attack it.


if something is attacking, use hide to stay safe from battle (No energy)


only pups and mothers can play. If a pup plays enough times, it will start at skill level one when made a patrol dog. (1 energy)

(PM me if you get this message. Just say hi or something.)


the game will feature:


Fierce dogs


Enemy Dogs

These predators will only attack if the border strength gets low.

Lone dogs are actual players and can attack at any time.

Events and Seasons:

there will be many events added as the game progresses. As of now, there will only be 3 events.

Flood-destroys half the pack supplies and leads to sickness

-1 foraging for 1 month following a flood.

Fire-destroys half the pack supplies and leads to death

-1 hunting for 1 month following a fire

Storm-stops training for the day

-1 hunting and foraging.

There are the four typical seasons in this game that exist in survivors.

Long light:

+1 hunting and foraging

Red leaf:

fires are more common

Ice wind:

- 1 hunting and foraging

Tree flower:

floods are more common


1.) No bullying please

2.) No excessive gore/mating/birth scenes

3.) One dog per person

4.) Limit human swears

5.) Males exist, too!

6.) Have fun!

If you have any questions, just comment or PM me! Please let me know if I messed something up or missed something!

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