Chapter 1: Remembering

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I am Storm, an official hunter of the Wild Pack. Official? Some dogs don't trust me! Why? Because I am a Fierce Dog, from Blade's Pack! I killed Blade, in honor to the Wild Pack. Blade thought I caused the Storm of Dogs, which was only an exuse to kill me!
I remember that battle, the Storm of Dogs, my step mother, Martha, died. That Blade! Good thing she is dead!
And Blade killed Fang! Fang was my brother. He was loyal to Blade, but he would never kill me....but he actually almost did, when Blade captured me.
Such hard times come, right? Me and Lucky had dreams of the Storm of Dogs!
And its also no my fault I'm so aggressive! Its instinct. But my loyalty lays in the Wild Pack....forever.
Blade also killed Wiggle, my other brother, as a pup. Ya, Blade is such a bully. Worse, she is a killer! Or was, until I killed her!
No more troubles with Blade, now! I'm so glad.
I almost died in that battle, almost fell into that ice cold water. Thanks to Luc--Beta, and the rest of the Pack, I was rescued.

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