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A young lion was pacing in circles outside the den where the rest of Dawn Pride normally slept. He was reddish-brown in color, say for his dark khaki belly and dark brown mane. Worry filled his turquoise eyes, the left one having a smal scar, as he paced for what felt like days, the great rock was rather empty, the lionesses was all out hunting or on patrol, only a few remained behind. "F'arik, relax, worrying won't make them come faster," saidone of the lionesses before heading back in only to be replaced by another. She was faded gold with turquoise eyes. "Anything Av'ri?" He asked her anxiously, being only answered with a nod. He rushed in excitedly and met a lioness that looked like her own mother, Av'ri, only with her father's own reddish eyes. She was exhausted having just become a mother herself, there was two cubs laying with her, asleep a male that looked like her and a female that looked like him. F'arik greeted his partner and the mother of his cubs with a loving nudge to the neck, then turned to the cubs who were born only moments ago. "What are their names, R'vaizi?" Asked her father, S'vai, who looked like her with a red mane and. "Upendi and Aruten," R'vaizi responded with a smile. "Upendi? Do you mean Upendo?" Asked F'arik "Well yes but Upendi sounds more like a name, and a bit more fitting than Upendo, don't you agree?" She responded."Well, they are lovely names," commented Av'ri to which R'vaizi nodded with a smile. A few days later, the young cubs opened their eyes, revealing that Upendi had her mother's eyes, and her brother Aru had his father's eyes, they was later presented to the rest of the territory as the next Prince and Princess of the pride.

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