Wolf Packs and the What Ranks are Where in the Pack

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This is what Ranks are where in the pack,And exactly how much power they have... Different pack will be a little different,And I will tell you when and where those certain times come Thanks!

RiverPack- This Pack lives by the river,And therefore got there name, They also are the only pack that really enjoys water that much.There Territory has tons of rivers and Marshes,But it has a few flat spots as well.Mist RiverClan Wolves have Grey to Tan Fur,But loads have Black or brown fur aswell...There pack has the most  Color to there fur,There pack has any color and will accept Some of ShadowPacks...if any are unfortunately born with white fur..They will maybe take them in,Otherwise Mostly SwiftClan will if there fast...SunPack will if they look like they will be good and SwiftPack and RiverPack reject the .They love to just lay in the water to cool off in the hottest part of the day. Most say "If the RiverPack don't stop going into the water...They will Grow scales and Find and then turn into Fish!".

ShadowPack- The Shadow pack are Dirty and Cunning. They will do anything to win,Even at cost of lives. There Alpha is very evil! Some in the pack wish it would go back to how it was,But the Alpha won't let it...He would have to be killed for that to happen. Almost all ShadowPack Wolves are Grey,Brown or Black...very rarely is there a lighter color,If there is a white wolf they will be Exiled immediately.They share borders with RiverPack and SunPack...they always try and steal territory from SunPack.They live with very tall trees in there territory. There territory is almost always dark,Most say"The ShadowPack gets there Dark Souls from there dark Home".

SunPack- The Sun pack like peace. They will help any pack if they can,Even if some of there own gets a little injured...But don't be fooled,They will fight just as hard to protect there borders...There Territory is woods...With a massive rock with no trees ...Nearly big enough to fit the entire pack!The two packs they share a broder with are SwiftPack and ShadowPack.SunPack Wolves are a normal build,But most of there Pelts are Brown or Black to blend in with the Trees.Most say"If you mush speak to a Wolf,It must be a SunPack Wolf unless you want your head off".

SwiftPack- The SwiftPack are very fast and Swift. They love to just zoom around,Because there long legs and smaller frames allow them to be faster then any wolf,But they don't have as much Force as the other Packs.The most common color is Tan or white, or brown...But there pack has every color in the pack! There Territory is More with a stream running threw the middle and then the Border with RiverPack. There other Border is with SunPack.Most say"SwiftPacks Minds and Hearts are as Open as the Moors".

Alpha- The Leader of the pack is the highest Rank in the Entire pack,They won't have there Orders Questioned,And if it is bad enough the wolf could get Exiled or even killed if they speak against there leader! But it is up to whomever the leader is at that point of time

Beta- In RiverPack,It is Customs that the Opposite Gender must be Beta,In Order to have the Possibility to have mates,But if the Alpha already has a mate then the Beta must be the same Gender,Unless the Alphas mate is Okay with the Opposite Gender being Beta,Now for what the beta is and how much power,Beta is the Second in command,And no one must question the beta unless for good reason..And if they do then The beta may punish them Slightly,But if a big change must occur,Then the Beta mush go to the Alpha and talk it out with him/her. Beta is just below the Alphas Rank

Delta- The Delta is normally a She-Wolf,But can be a Male. They are the Wolves That Heal The others,And give advice to the Alpha if He doesn't know what to do,Besides the Beta. She or he has there own den with tons of little herb-Storing placed and 10 Nests for sick or hurt wolves to Sleep and Stay till they are better.

Hunters- The Hunters,As said in the Name,Hunt. They know how to Stalk,They know how to fight aswell,There daily job is just to hunt. They Share a den with the Fighters,And if they feel they would be way better at being a fighter,They may take a test to see if they would or they should be a Hunter,The whole pack watches if wanted,But it's Mainly the Alpha and Beta who decide.

Fighters- The Fighters are the ones who twin to Protect the wolves and there borders,They are ruthless and won't hesitate to kill or almost kill anyone who threten those things. They also can take the test to Change to a Hunter,But the same rules apply to those Fighters who want to be a Hunter.

Trainees- Those are the Young Wolves that are training to be either a Hunter or Fighter.They learn stuff about both things,But they specialize in the thing that the Alpha and Beta think they will be better at for there body shape.They Cannot Change what there main training is unless there Mentor,And Alpha agree(But if the Alpha agrees he can change it,Just most won't if the Mentor doesn't think so)

Queens/Mother Shewolves- A mother SheWolf is a wolf that has pups,They Can't  do there normal Tasks in tell there pups are Trainees. Most of the time the mates have to bring them food. The Queen's don't have to tell anyone but the Alpha who the father is. The Average Queen has about 3-4 pups and is in the den for about 5-7 Moons.

Pups- A pup is a Baby Wolf. A pup doesn't have a job,They basically do nothing and play around,They have to listen to everyone but the omega. They Always have to have a mother and Father.

Omega- A Omega is the lowest of the lows. They are either the weakest of the pack,Or it is a punishment for a wolf who has done a really bad thing. They have to grab others Food,Get them Bedding and miss. And do other tedious things that any other wolf doesn't want to do.

Elders- A elder is a retired Hunter or Fighter. They either are not able to hunt or fight anymore,Or they are too old. They are highly respected and get fed till there time comes to join the Sky-Wolves. The pups lives to come to the Elders and listen to stories of when they where little. They have a very cozy and quiet den

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