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"WAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!Waaaaahhhhhhhh!! *sniff* Nghhhhhh *sniff* NgghhhhhuhhhhhUUUUHH*hicc* HUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! *sniff sniffff* I-I wanna go hooomeeee!! *hicc sob sob*."

"Baekhyun please stop crying already. I'm sorry okay? We all are! Right guys?" Jongin said as he comforted the smaller who sat curled up on the sofa, wailing openly.

Jongin gave Luhan and Jongdae a pissed off expression while flicking his index finger and signalling them to do something since it was their fault for making him cry a lot.

"Come on Baekhyun. We really are sorry. Please forgive us! We don't want you to be miserable." Jongdae said, rubbing Baekhun's arm. 

"You guys saw it didn't you? *sniffff*"

Baekhyun still hadn't looked up and his voice was barely audible as he muffled his words.

"Errr n-no way. We didn't see anything! Right Jongdae?!" Luhan said and nudged the younger harshly for him to speak up too. 

 "Y-yea there's no way we saw it..." Jongdae stammered, sliding his palms over his neck.

"Liar! You guys have definitely seen it!"

Part of Baekhyun's face was visible now as he looked up slightly at his nervous friends, tears brimming down from the corner of his eyes.

"Baekkie. We might have seen it for a brief moment but you don't have to worry too much about it," Jongdae added to make his lie more realistic. "I have totally forgotten what it looks like cuz there's nothing much for me to seeEEE---OWWWW!"

Jongdae agonisingly howled when Luhan stepped on his toes so hard that the former started skipping on the spot while clutching his left foot. 

"What the fuck are you saying, you idiot?! You're going to make him even more upset!" The elder hissed at Jongdae and quickly turned to Baekhyun with his mouth still covered by his soaked pants and his eyebrows curving upwards as if he was on the verge of having another breakdown.

"N-nonono Baek sweetie listen. Jongdae didn't mean it that way! You have a perfectly gorgeous dick I can assure you that!"

Baekyun was not at all pleased with the 'compliment' and glared at Luhan, quivering his lips.

"Don't call me sweetie! I'm not yours and I'm still mad! I don't want to talk to you anymore."
Baekhyun dipped his whole face again and cried some more.

Luhan was shocked beyond words as he did not know what to say anymore. And out of all days, they just had to run out of ice-cream!

Even if we fight countless times before, my little puppy wouldn't reject my apology to such extent. Shit!  How should I deal with this?!  Is there anyone who can calm him down?

Luhan looked at Kyungsoo but the latter shook his head sadly,  not really knowing how to stop Baekhyun at all once he had thrown a huge tantrum. He could not ask Sehun either since he was not even that close to him.The only one left is...

The elder scanned the room and his eyes zoomed in on the one person that did not seem to be concerned at all, sitting on the dining table and indifferently drinking his iced coffee. 

Luhan did not waste another second and ran towards the giant, shaking him vigorously by his shoulders.

"What the- Luhan! What are you doing?!" 

"Please! Jebal!"

Chanyeol sat motionless in his chair as he stared at the elder who was on his knees, looking at him with his pleading deer-eyes. 

"Huh? Why are being like this all of a sudden?" Chanyeol asked putting down his glass of coffee.

"I'm begging you! Baekkie has never behaved this way towards me! Ever! I need your help..."

Chanyeol snorted and shifted his eyes at Baekhyun who was still being a crybaby.

"HAH??!! Why must I-"

"Pleaseeeee! You're his ex-boyfriend, aren't you?"

"Wait how did you even know that I'm his ex?" Chanyeol asked and looked at Luhan strangely.

"Sehun told me..." Luhan replied. "But that's beside the point! I need you to help calm him down. Isn't it even more annoying if he were to cry all day? You wouldn't want that either would you?"

Chanyeol thought about it and it really was really irksome if Baekhyun were to scream non-stop. 

"Why the hell must I deal with that midget?" The giant muttered and dragged his chair back before pulling Luhan up to his feet. He reluctantly obliged since he had never seen Luhan begged to anyone before.

"Do you have strawberries and yoghurt in the fridge?"


"Midget stop crying already. You're annoying the shit out of everyone!" Chanyeol said sharply as he walked up to Baekhyun who was still sobbing on the couch.

"Shut up! *sniff*. Why do you care anyway?" 

"I don't really care but you're a grown-up man for goodness sake! They have said that they're sorry, haven't they? Just let them go this once okay? We all embarrass ourselves once in a while. You just have to learn how to deal with it."

The crying eased slightly but Baekhyun still refused to look at Chanyeol who now sat beside him.

"Here I made you something so don't cry anymore."

Baekhyun slowly brought his head up when he felt something cold against his arm.

"*Sniff* I-is that for me?"

"Do you want it or not? It's strawberry parfait."

"D-did you make it yourself?" Baekhyun asked, his tears had started to subside and his eyes never left the delicious-looking parfait.

"Yea. But if you don't want it I can always have it for myself," Chanyeol said and was about to leave when he felt something tugging below him. 

The giant turned around and found Baekhyun's small hands holding onto his shirt with his eyes still on the parfait.

Chanyeol chuckled and crouched down so that he could see Baekhyun's face, his heart melting by the smaller's adorable action. But only for a few seconds.

"You promise not to cry anymore?" Chanyeol asked one more time and the smaller nodded his head lightly.

"O-okay...I promise," Baekhyun mumbled and his eyes shone brighter when Chanyeol brought the desert closer to him. "Now can I have it p-please? *sniff*"

"Here you go. Now eat up." Chanyeol passed him a plastic spoon and use a piece of tissue to wipe the tears off his face.

Chanyeol then gave the parfait, leaving Baekhyun to savour his creation before he made his way back to the kitchen.

 The giant felt the urge to rustle Baekhyun's hair but he found it best not to. Don't let his cuteness get the better of you Chanyeol. You had promised yourself not to get hurt anymore.  

"Ch-Chanyeol..."  Baekhyun called out hesitantly, gripping the glass. 


"Thank you... for the desert. It's really tashhty. *Munch* *munch* Ahhhkkk...i-ishh co-cho-colddd!" He gulped down one big spoonful of it and felt a sharp pain surging into his brain.  

"Whatever midget. And how many times do I have to tell you not to eat too fast? *sigh* You never listen do you?"

"Sh-shooryyy...ah-h c-cold...." 

Everyone watched the two of them in utter silence and astonishment, wondering how could a broken up couple still take care of each other so well. The rest then took this chance and ran up to Baekhyun, showering him with dozen apologies.

"Baekhyun!!! We're so sorryyy!!! We won't do that to you ever again ok?" Jongdae said, hugging Baekhyun from behind.

Baekhyun, who was still a bit grumpy, looked up at them edgily as he ate the strawberries.

"You guys owe me one! If it weren't for this, you'll all be dead. Hmph!"

 "Hahaha yea we know. Forgive us?" Luhan asked and  Baekhyun gave him one last scowl before muttering okay to the elder.

"Whooohoo! Our cheerful Baekkie is back! Why don't we celebrate by playing another game huh? It's still quite early."

 "Is it raining outside? I heard thunder," Kyungsoo said as he looked out of the window.

Suddenly, it was drizzling outside and a minute later, there was a huge downpour.

"We can wait for the rain to stop so for now, what other games are there here?" Minseok asked Jongin.

"Well there is a ping-pong table on the second floor, you guys want to play?"

Luhan's hand immediately shot up.

"Oh! Oh! I know! We can play beer pong. Each one of you will write down dares to be put in the cups and three of them must be filled with strong drinks how about that?" The elder smiled cheekily but everyone was not buying any of his ideas.

"Luhan hyung you never learn do you? Baekhyun was already traumatised by all your dares," Minseok scolded and Luhan clicked his tongue. 

"Can we play normal ping-pong and the loser will just have to drink 5 shots of soju?"

"Ok then! So who's playing with me first?" Jongdae said enthusiastically. "I'm pretty good at ping-pong. I played it with my friends a lot in high-school." 

"Do you mind playing with me then?" Baekhyun asked Jongdae as he swallowed the last bit of yoghurt.

"Haha ok Baekhyun! You're on! I won't go easy on you just because you are a beginner. I'll defeat you muahahahaha!"

"Why can't I defeat him?! Godammit!"

"Jongdae are you sure you're an expert at ping-pong? Doesn't look like it to me." Jongin laughed at the other who was trying so hard to defeat the midget. 

"Lesson number one: Never take your eyes off the opponent. Lesson number two: Never brag about your ability or else this shit happens..." Sehun mused, directing his hands to Jongdae and the scoreboard which read 20-2.

"WAEEEEEE?!!" Jongdae slammed his paddle on the table when it was Baekhyun's match point. "This is not fun anymore."

"That's because you suck at ping-pong!" Jongin laughed.

Jongdae narrowed his eyes at them all.

"Then why don't YOU try it then?"

"Now drink your shots!" Jongin gave him the bottle of soju. 

"I'm next!" Luhan shouted. 

After an hour of playing, most of them were defeated miserably by Baekhyun and they were forced to drink lots of shots. Kyungsoo did not even bother to play as he insisted to be the scorekeeper throughout the entire game.

And then it was the giant's turn...

Baekhyun had won against everyone,  so everyone was cheering for Chanyeol.

"Dunk smash him Chanyeol!"

"Crush him!"

"Give him the boomerang snake!!"

"Avenge us! Don't let him get away with this!"

"Samurai Drive!! Black Jack Knife!!"

"He's getting cocky. Finish him off!"

Chanyeol raised his eyebrow at the smaller and picked up his paddle and ping-pong ball.

"Seems like everybody is against you now."

"Who cares?  They're just jealous that I'm better than them at something."

Chanyeol shrugged and bounced the ball several times before engulfing it in his palm.

"Well, you ready? Don't cry when you lose."

"Tch as if! Whenever you are giant," Baekhyun licked his lips and prepared his tournament stance,  both his hands holding his paddle and body bent down in full concentration. 

Chanyeol smirked and threw the ball up high into the air...

"I WANT A REMATCH!" Baekhyun screamed and flung his racket at Chanyeol's face while the giant was scrolling through messages on his phone.

Chanyeol sighed, glancing up from his phone.

"Midget. This is the 50th time you've said that. I'm done here, I'm tired and I'm going home."

"NO, I DON'T CARE! One more time, please?! I'll give you 1,000 Won!"

Baekhyun was jogging on the spot now, his desperation grew even stronger.  

"Baekhyun just give it a rest already.  You've been playing for 1 hour straight!" Kyungsoo remarked,  irritated that he had to keep turning the scoreboard for so long.

"Yea Baekhyun you don't have to try so hard.  It's useless. You can't win against him." Luhan said as he shuffled a deck of cards and gave it out to his friends.

Aside from Jongin and Kyungsoo, the others had been playing card games halfway through the match. They were bored of waiting because the match was pretty much one-sided ever since Chanyeol took control of it. 

The giant was lenient enough to let Baekhyun drink only 2 cups every time he lost but the smaller kept insisting on having a rematch. He had drunk the last shot of soju until they officially ran out of alcohol. 

"Chanyeol! Pleeease! Play with me again! I was not that prepared just now!" Baekhyun pleaded,  ignoring his friends. 

"Look who's losing now." Jongdae snickered and Baekhyun glared at him.

"No midget. I'm not gonna waste anymore of my energy on you. You should learn how to admit defeat seriously! Grow up!" Chanyeol sternly said as he walked away from the tennis table. 



The sound of thunder resonated on every corner of the room which sent the smaller yelping in fear.

"That scared me! Did the rain just get heavier?" Minseok asked.

"Oh my God! I can't even see anything outside. I've never seen rain this heavy before," Jongdae replied as he opened the curtain. The rain had drenched the inside corners of the house and he closed the window shut. 

"Errr guys I think we might have a problem," Jongin said worriedly as his eyes focused on the weather forecast on the TV.

"What is it?" Chanyeol asked exasperatedly.  

Everyone was now watching the 9:30 pm news, including the shivering Baekhyun whose head peeked out from under the tennis table.

"...there seems to be a massive typhoon that is coming towards the Ilsan district. Residents living near that area are strongly advised to stay at home until tomorrow morning and wait until further notice..."

"Aww man...We can't go home?" Luhan groaned, tilting his head back on the edge of the sofa.

"The roads are probably blocked by now too," Kyungsoo said. "We can just stay here for the night."

"Yea you're all welcome to stay here. There are three guest bedrooms on this floor and some of you can sleep on the sofa. Two of them have queen-sized beds so anyone can share."

"Then I'll sleep with Baekkie in one of the big room. We have no problems sharing a bed, right sweetie?" Luhan asked and the smaller nodded his head, too scared to even opened his mouth.

"My room has twin size beds so anyone wants to sleep with me?" (Ok 'sleep WITH me' is a bit too much but there were no other words to describe this! So don't get the wrong idea.)

"I will if you don't mind. I won't disturb you much." Kyungsoo answered and Jongin could feel his heart exploding again. Sleeping in the same room with this adorable penguin is too much! 

"I will take the other king-sized bed with Jongdae," Xiumin said bashfully and Jongdae beamed delightfully when the elder had taken the initiative himself.

"I don't mind sleeping on the sofa downstairs. Chanyeol hyung you can take the last room," Sehun said. The giant thanked the younger briefly and went into the bedroom, saying that he wanted to sleep early tonight.

"Ok then it's settled. I'll make you guys some snack downstairs for later." Jongin said and went into the kitchen.

"I'm going to take a shower," Sehun put down the cards he was holding and got up from the floor. He eyed Luhan along the way before disappearing into one of the rooms. The latter thought about what that look Sehun gave could possibly mean when a sudden realisation came to his mind. Could he be... 

"Guys, I have something I need to take care of. Be back in a bit. Baekhyun why don't you play with Jongdae and Minseok? I'll be back to join you in a bit." 

"Okay. Don't take too long hyung..." Baekhyun said. 

"I won't.." Luhan smiled and left them to enjoy themselves. (Not a threesome guys please don't expect too much *wink*)


Sehun filled the bathtub three-quarters full and submerged himself inside, placing both his elbows on each side of the tub in an outstretched pose. He cupped a handful of water and splashed it over his face and hair.

"Ahh what a nice feeling. It's been a long time since I've had such a nice, warm bath," he thought to himself as he closed his eyes to savour the moment of inner peace. 

Knock knock

Sehun was quickly awakened by the sudden knocking of the bathroom door and brought himself up a little higher.

"Who's there?" He shouted.

"It's me, Luhan! I came to bring you a towel."

"The door's unlocked. You can come in."

The door creaked open and Sehun heard it being locked a while later.

"Thank you. You can place the towel beside the sink." 

Sehun said but he did not get any reply from the elder. Instead, he heard a soft thud of fabric falling onto the floor near him.

The footsteps were getting louder and he could see the silhouette get bigger as the elder approached the bathtub, step by step. And then there was silence. There was only the sound of the water rippling because of Sehun slight movements.  

"Hyung are you-"


Sehun abruptly stood up as the blinds were roughly pulled to the side,  showing a fully naked male staring up at him while holding a small bottle of lube. 

"Let's fuck," Luhan said as he looked at the younger directly in the eye.


Sehun blinked several times, feigning innocence. He knew what Luhan wanted but a little tease wouldn't hurt him, right?

Luhan exhaled exaggeratedly and rolled his eyes while swinging his arms over his nude body.

"Hello?! Are you fucking with me?"

"Do you mean that as an insult or as in the literal way?" Sehun asked,  still not making any moves on the elder.

"What the fuck Sehun! Stop answering my question with questions and just fuck m--ammmmhhhh....Mmmmm....."

Sehun's wet lips invaded the elder's with much certainty and vigour, exploring every nook and cranny of his mouth as their tongues entangled smoothly. The thought of cursing Sehun had long been forgotten as Luhan kissed him back twice as fast, at the same time lifting his right leg over into the warm water. 

Sehun deepened the kiss while hoisting Luhan's calf up with his right hand so that his whole body was now inside the tub and using his left to cup the elder's asscheek. Luhan grabbed a handful of the younger's wet hair, their cocks grazing and squishing against each other as they continued to tongue-fuck. 

Sehun's lavender scented soap filled Luhan's sinuses and he moaned in ecstasy when the tip of the younger's index finger dug firmly into his asshole. Fuck! I can't wait anymore. I need his cock inside me now!  

"Hyung why are you so impatient?" Sehun said and the elder realised that he had been saying his thoughts aloud. Not that he'd mind.

"Hurry up and fuck me already," Luhan gasped as he broke away from the kiss momentarily. 

"Not yet..." 

"Are you insane?! Ahhnnnn shi-- fu--ahhh--fuck you-- nghh!!" Luhan carnally groaned when Sehun's arms slid around his waist, his long fingers wrapped delicately around both their members and started stroking them from top to bottom. 

The elder cried out again as Sehun's hand cupped their heads and his middle finger encircling the edge of his cock mercilessly which was already mixed with water and their oozing precum.

Sehun looked down to Luhan's arousal and pumped their cocks more, squeezing and rubbing them together until their grunts became louder. 

"I-I'm com- coming soon... Shit!  Sehunnn r-rub faster..."

Sehun stopped stroking and Luhan's eyes popped open immediately before looking up to glare at the grinning maknae. 

"Y-you...Fuck Sehun!  Why'd you stop?! I'm almost there you fu-..."

"It'll be no fun if you come now." He chuckled and kissed Luhan softly on the lips. "Now do you mind getting on all fours for me?"

"You know that you're fucking frustrating me right now right?" Luhan said but he went down to his hands and knees inside the water anyway.

"I know... Now spread your legs for me and perk up that ass of's time for some finger fucking."

"What's taking Luhan hyung so long?  It's been 20 minutes since he's gone," Baekhyun asked, sounding a bit worried. 

"He's probably sleeping somewhere. You don't have to worry about it," Jongdae said as he placed his card combination on top of Minseok's, smiling arrogantly at the smaller. "Full house baby! C'mon Baekkie let's see if you can beat that!"

Baekhyun's head was filled with the thought of Luhan who had yet to make an appearance. What if he got into an accident somewhere? 

Baekhyun was restless and mumbled 'royal straight flush' while laying his cards, still completely immersed in his own world. 

Jongdae's eyes widened at the cards before his head moved swiftly at Baekhyun, wanting to deny the fact that Baekhyun had won him again. He was about to scream in annoyance but the smaller was up on his feet.

"Where are you going?" Minseok asked.

"I want to head down to get some water. Be back in a bit." Baekhyun answered and made his way downstairs.

When he was nearing the entrance of the kitchen, he heard muffled clanking sounds coming from inside. Hmmm? It sounded like groans. Is someone hurt?!

The smaller ended up running to the source of the sound but halted immediately as soon as he witnessed the shocking and unbelievable sight in front of him. 

Jongin was french-kissing Kyungsoo, his back pressing against the kitchen counter and his arms wrapped around the taller. 

Kyungsoo glanced sideways and found Baekhyun standing still with his mouth opened wide. He quickly pushed Jongin away abruptly, causing him to stagger backwards. Both of them were now staring at Baekhyun now, finding words to explain themselves.

"I-I'm sorry...I shouldn't h-have seen..." Baekhyun stammered.

"It's fine," Kyungsoo said in a sharp tone and rushed out of the kitchen, bumping slightly into the smaller as he made his way to his room.

"Baekhyun sorry about that..uh...Is there anything you want?"

"N-nah I just want to drink water..." 

"Oh ok then. Help yourselves to anything here. I'm going back to my room. Good night," Jongin said and smiled before he left the kitchen too.  

"Good night," Baekhyun muttered and squatted down, hands covering his face. I just ruined their moment, did I? 

When the smaller went back upstairs with his head hung low, he almost sprayed his water all over the carpet when he raised his head. Fortunately, Baekhyun hid just in time behind the wall before the two notice him.

The exact same thing happened to his best mate and the elder except that they were sitting on the floor, Jongdae placing both his hands on the latter's upper arms. Minseok has placed his palm on Jongdae's cheek and their lips were touching, more innocently as compared to his other two friends.

Baekhyun slid himself down the wall. What the heck is happening everyone in this house? Am I hallucinating right now? I must be! 

The smaller was hiding in the corner and he peered into the room once more as he gripped the edge of the wall. Jongdae was now straddling Minseok beneath him, planting light kisses on his forehead, nose and mouth as he moved atop of the elder's petite body. 

The smaller covered his mouth as he tried not to make any gasping sound because he could not stop gawking at the scene. Oh my god, this is real!

Minseok had turned his head slightly to the side and their eyes met momentarily. Baekhyun immediately swung his whole body around and ran down again, his heart racing and his mind overloading with too much information.

I really want to go home now! Why am I even here in the first place?

The only thing Baekhyun could do away from all the chaos now was to watch the television but the scene that flashed before him when he pressed the on button had to be another romantic one of two people making love. He read the description and it said 'The Notebook'.  Ugh of course what did I expect?

The smaller did not even bother to change the channel and started to open different cabinets, searching for beer even though he knew that there was none left.  He rummaged inside the DVD rack and started to throw out everything, not really able to think straight. 

To his surprise, his hand touched something cold and hard. He bent down and found an unlabelled green glass bottle at the deepest part of the cupboard. He took it out and shook the bottle. Hmmm. It's still heavy so no one must have drunk this. But why is it hidden?

Baekhyun unscrewed the bottle and took a sip.  He levelled the bottle up to his face and scrunched his face as the liquid was very strong and it left a weird aftertaste in his mouth and throat.  What is this thing?

He put all the DVDs back in and started to chug another shot of the strange liquid down his throat while making his way onto the sofa.

The effect of the drink had started to take a toll on his small body and Baekhyun started to feel lightheaded after a while. He rested his whole body on the couch, still holding the bottle and gulping more of it as he stared at the TV screen.

His eyelids then started to feel heavy and he tried to keep himself awake but to no avail.  His eyes eventually closed and that was the last thing he remembered that night.

A while later in Jongin's room

Jongin sat on his bed,  lost in deep thought as soon as he had entered the room.

Kyungsoo who was reading a book glanced up and saw the disconcerting look in his eyes.

"Did you lose something?" Kyungsoo asked as he pushed his reading glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"That's weird I'm pretty sure I put it in there."

"Put what?"

"A bottle, just inside the cupboard under the TV. It's gone."

"Oh really?" Kyungsoo asked as he flipped a page of his thick 'The Game of Thrones' book. "Why did you even put it in there in the first place?"

"It's just a spare that I keep in case we run out of drinks. My friend just gave it to me last week at a party.  He made it himself apparently." Jongin searched the room.

"That's funny.  Where'd it go?" Jongin muttered to himself. 

"Well, you've probably misplaced it somewhere.  What is the drink anyway? It's not drugged or anything is it?" Kyungsoo questioned. 

Jongin sighed.

"Of course not. It's just Tequila and Vodka mixed together."

"You can always search for it tomorrow. Even if someone took it, what's the worst that could happen?"

The taller shrugged and decided not to look for it anymore.

"Yea. I'll ask everyone tomorrow.  But can we continue where we left off? I'm sure we won't be interrupted."

Jongin was blushing now when he had requested for another kiss.

Kyungsoo bookmarked his novel before closing it and putting it on the bedside table. Without saying a word,  he stood up and approached Jongin's bed. 


Chanyeol woke up dazed when a light shone through the cracks of his bedroom door, blinding his eyes. He checked the clock and it said 12:30 am.

He had turned off all the lights so he could not clearly see a figure that had broken into his room without uttering a word before closing the door shut behind him. 

The giant rested his elbows on his pillow when he felt someone creeping onto the edge of his bed.

"W-who are you?? What do you want?!" Chanyeol stammered loudly as he fumbled for the switch of his bedside lamp, his eyes searching frantically for it in the darkness. 

When he finally found it, he was not expecting Baekhyun to kneel on top on his bed, his gaze boring into his.

"B-Baekhyun... What are you-?"

Chanyeol came to a sudden realisation that Baekhyun was not looking at him. The smaller was looking through him as if he was not even there. His eyes were not brown but black, and his expression was blank. 

Baekhyun slowly crawled towards the insecure giant and the latter scooted back involuntarily.

"M-midget, is that really you?"

The smaller continued to move closer until his face was only inches away from the giant's chest, placing both his hands on each side of Chanyeol's body.

"W-why are you-- G-get away from me!!...AAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

I'm sorry guys.  It seemed that this party is taking too long so I have to make another part!  Expect more smut in the next chapter... Can't wait!!

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