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"J-Jongin...its not what you think...this is...this is..." Chanyeol quickly snatched the blanket from the bed and wrapped it around his waist hurriedly as he tried to think of a good excuse.

"Then what is it?" Jongin asked questioningly, crossing his arms but Chanyeol could tell that his eyes were laughing at him.

"I-it's milk! I spilt it accidentally this morning..."

"Um hyung...I don't think milk can come out of your asshole. Unless it's THAT kind of milk," Jongin queerly stared at the giant who was still struggling to secure the huge blanket from behind him.

Darn it! He saw that?!

Chanyeol did not even have the time to reply when another uninvited guest had decided to show up behind Jongin, leisurely yawning and rustling his bed-hair.

"What's with all the ruckus in the morning? Can you guys keep it down a little...What the hell is going onnn-... OH.MY.FUCKING.GOD!" Luhan's spewed out the exact same thing as what Jongin had said when he first entered, but the elders' eyes were fixated on the naked Baekhyun whose round, milky butt shone brightly under the morning sun as he snuggled against the cushion.

Chanyeol rolled his eyes at them. Is that the only thing they can say?

The giant wasn't expecting Luhan to barge in half-naked either as he only had his dark blue briefs on. The elder's face turned from shocked to skepticism to fury. Luhan slowly turned his head from Baekhyun to Chanyeol, his fist clenched at his sides. He instantly ran towards the flustered Chanyeol while spouting vulgarities.

" bastard! What the fuck did you do to my puppy HUH??!! Explain yourself!" Luhan shouted, his shoulders heaving.

Since Chanyeol did not have any shirt on, the elder thoughtlessly hooked his fingers inside the rim of the blanket to haul the giant forward before tugging it down forcefully so that Chanyeol's face would be evened with his height.

Chanyeol panicked instantly and grabbed Luhan's hands with one hand while trying to hold the blanket in place with the other, glaring at the elder for him to stop pulling on his blanket that was gradually descending below his pelvic muscles.

"The hell is wrong with you...ugh! Let...Go!" Chanyeol growled as he constantly tried to jerk the thick blanket back up. "And...if I remember correctly...Baekhyun was never...ughhh!... yours to begin with...Fuck!...I said let go!"

He must not see IT no matter what!

Luhan snickered at his face, never giving the slightest hint of letting go. Their movements grew desperate and before Jongin could step in to stop them, Chanyeol took a step back and lost his balance when his foot was caught on the blanket.

Luhan too staggered backwards, bringing the whole blanket with him and depriving Chanyeol of his only source of cover. Chanyeol helplessly fell on his ass with his legs gaping open and he hit his elbows hard on the marble floor.

Chanyeol shook his head and flipped his bangs aside, scowling up at the elder whose expression has changed 180 degrees.

The giant did not need a lot of time to fully know what Luhan was staring at and it was definitely not his cock. It was something more gruesome and unbearable to even be seen by even his closest of friends. And it came in small spurts.

Chanyeol closed his eyes shut. He could not really control the liquid that still continued to dribble out of his bottom, emptying the life out of him.

"Pffttt!...Chanyeol...uhhh...don't tell me you were...."

Chanyeol finally opened his eyes only to see a look that was a mixture of pity and amusement. He inhaled deeply, his brows furrowing.







Don't you ever ...

"Bottoming?...pfftt..." Luhan said the word and clamped his mouth quickly with a snort before rolling on the ground and laughing his head off.

He said it! That bitch!

"No way!!Ahahahaha ...Hahahahahaha... Chanyeol... THE CHANYEOL... IS THE ONE GETTING FUCKED... AHAHAHAHAAA...Oh God. *gasp* UNBELIEVABLE...*hit the floor with his fists* HAHAHAHAHA... MY... *GASP* MY STOMACH HURTS... I C-CAN'T...EVEN... CAN'T BREATHE...HAHAHAHAHA!"

"Hyung p-please stop laughing... cough...don't agitate him a-anymore...It's not f-funny COUGH..." Jongin said, trying to scold Luhan for being extremely rude but he was clearly stifling his own laughter with his fist.

Chanyeol grimaced and his expression was indescribable. He was way beyond furious. His embarrassment could not even be compared to how much he wanted to punch Luhan right in the face that was already half covered in tears from hyperventilating too much.

Jongin then noticed that the aura around Chanyeol had exceedingly grown dark. So dark that it could send crows flying away in fear. It was a warning sign that should be avoided at all cost.

"Eerrr...I will go cook some breakfast...Uh..S-see you guys later..." Jongin said nervously and exited the room at the speed of lightning. Even when he was already out of the door, he did not have to wait long to hear Chanyeol's thunderous voice that almost shook the whole house.


It was low-pitched, rough and so frightening that caused the snoozing Baekhyun to spring up from his bed, head shaking from side to side as he searched the room frantically in a daze.

"Huh?...Wha...what is going on? Where am I?" Baekhyun asked, still half-asleep.

"IN HELL!" Chanyeol roared and before Baekhyun could even understand what was happening, the giant had slung his naked body over his right shoulder and turned around to lift the crouching Luhan by his waist, construction worker style.

Chanyeol's legs was trembling. His head was spinning. His dick was throbbing. But he did not give a fuck about anything else. He just wanted everyone to be out of his room, including the 'rightful bottom'. That was what he would like to call Baekhyun from now on.

The giant carried them both obnoxiously towards the door like a madman and once he was completely outside his room, he threw them onto the floor as if they were sacks of potatoes.

"Owwww...Hahahaha... Haha...," Luhan was not even done laughing and Baekhyun was left gawking at Chanyeol, utterly dumbfounded. When the smaller opened his mouth to demand why he was naked, all he got back was pieces of his clothing being thrown directly on his face.

Baekhyun saw that Luhan was half-naked beside him and immediately assumed that they were both kicked out of their bedroom. He pushed his clothes aside and glared at the giant.

"What the hell? Why am I being thrown out of my own room...AND WHY ARE YOU NAKED? COVER UP YOUR BONER JESUS!"

Chanyeol was not even fazed and glared back at the smaller, not bothering to cover himself anymore.

"EXCUSE ME?!... This is MY ROOM! And do you even remember what you did to me last night huh?!" Chanyeol yelled at Baekhyun.

Baekhyun just stared blankly at Chanyeol before shaking his head.

Chanyeol ran his hand through his soggy hair and inhaled a huge amount of air.

"You know what...You don't have to remember. I am so done with you!" Chanyeol snapped at the confused Baekhyun.

Chanyeol then pointed the middle finger at the elder who was still on all fours and clapping his hands.


Luhan wiped away his tears and squinted at Chanyeol while holding his stomach.

"Why thank you. You're welcome anytime," the elder gasped out.

"ASSHOLE!" Chanyeol raged.

"Well, at least my asshole is still intact unlike yours hahahaha," Luhan lied but there was no way Chanyeol would know about his relationship with Sehun.

"Ughhhhh...go to hell both of you!"

Chanyeol was already backing out into his room before Luhan could say anything else that would aggravate him further.

When he was about to slam the door, he caught sight of Jongdae stopping dead in his track, staring at his body wide-eyed while spilling milk from his gaping mouth back into the mug like a waterfall.

"What the fuck are you looking at?!" Chanyeol hollered at Jongdae one last time before banging the door shut in their faces.

"Hyung, what was that all about?" Baekhyun asked Luhan.

"Hahaha...It's nothing Baek. You don't have to know," Luhan replied. "You are officially an adult now. I'm so proud of you hahaha!"

Baekhyun was pulled by the elder into a headlock as he rustled the smaller's hair, still grinning.

"Huh? What do you mean by that..." Baekhyun frowned and eyed him strangely but Luhan just continued to laugh.

"It's nothing really. Now put on your clothes or we'll be late for breakfast! I can smell bacon and eggs from here...hmmm..." Luhan chirped before hopping towards the dining area.


Breakfast was a complete disaster.

It was not because of the food but because of a certain giant who kept sulking and made everyone lose their appetites.

Everybody was pretty exhausted from yesterday night's making out sessions but they were back to their energetic selves after a few minutes of chit-chatting. That was until Chanyeol decided to show up in the middle of it, bringing deadly spirit with him. Even Baekhyun felt it and his bacon was still left untouched on the table.

Jongdae and Luhan took notice of him first and stopped talking to Xiumin for a while and the rest of them soon follow. The table had turned mute as all their eyes were on him. Chanyeol has dark circles under his eyes and his steps were as heavy as lead as if he wanted to crack the floor and drag everyone straight to the depths of hell.

What follows was a high-resonance screech of Chanyeol's chair scraping the floor which made everyone cover their ears.

"The heck Chanyeol! What is it this time?" Sehun asked in annoyance while spreading strawberry jam on his toast.

Luhan snickered and turned to Sehun, speaking out loud purposely so that everyone could hear what he was about to say.

"Well, you see. Chanyeol has done a very strenuous workout yesterday night which involves getting fu- mmmm!"

Jongin quickly slapped his hand over Luhan's mouth and smiled uncomfortably at everyone but only glanced momentarily at Chanyeol, afraid that he was going to get bashed too for laughing.

"I-it's nothing people... Please ignore him. Let's just eat ok?"

"Is there something wrong? You look awful," Minseok said, looking at Chanyeol who kept on jabbing his meat the way Baekhyun had jabbed his asshole countless times.

"Nothing... I'm still tired from yesterday," Chanyeol replied curtly, not even glancing up from his food.

"Really?" The elder asked, not really convinced.

"I will be fine after a few hours...You don't have to be concerned about me... I'm going to be ok-"


Chanyeol dropped his utensils as he bit his lips so hard he could taste his own blood. Warm hollandaise sauce had started to flow down his forehead and parted evenly on each side of his nose and cheeks like blotched mascara.

Not long after, the long piece of red meat that has been sticking at the top of his head for quite sometime had fallen right onto his lap and trembling fist.

That was when Chanyeol felt as if the universe had come crashing down onto his soul and his patience meter had raised drastically from the green zone all the way down to the red zone, indicating that his head was going to explode anytime soon.

Everyone could only watch in consternation as the giant's twitched his left eye and his monstrous aura had engulfed the whole place once again.

Then, a soft-spoken voice interrupted the cold silence.

"I-I'm sor-"


Each syllable was strained and crisp as the giant looked around the table for the person he outrightly wanted to kill. Luhan could not even move from his seat and he worriedly eyed the smaller next to him whose face has become stone-cold, his quivering palm still resting on his fork that was pivoted at the edge of his plate. 

Chanyeol stood up, his fiery gaze directed at his shivering target. The smaller did too but so much faster than Chanyeol's that his chair crashed onto the floor. They both were the only ones standing now, eyes locked and their feet shoulder-length apart, ready for battle.  

"Ch-chanyeol...T-that was an accident..." Baekhyun stuttered with his arms raised and eyes jittering. 

"An accident," Chanyeol said monotonously, his expression hard and unchanging. 

He went around and clutched Sehun's chair, then Luhan's as he brought himself closer to the retreating Baekhyun.

"P-please s-spare me..." 

"Come here," Chanyeol said, flicking the sole of his index finger at the smaller. 

The latter shook his head vigorously, as he ran around to the opposite side of the table, avoiding Chanyeol's eyes.

"I won't hurt you. Don't run away from me," He was smiling but his eyes were far from friendly which made Baekhyun even more scared. 

"I-I don't want to," Baekhyun wailed shakily as they continued to chase each other in circles around the table until they were both sprinting.

"You don't want to?! Do you think you have a choice?! I've had enough of your stupidity! Come back here you brat!" Chanyeol finally lost it and stretched his legs and arms far to grab the smaller by the elbow. 

"Aah!! NO! I really am sorry..." Baekhyun cried but Chanyeol was not in the mood for any more games and did not loosen his grip. 

"Is it too late now to say sooorryy..." Jongdae sang and Minseok snorted but Baekhyun shot him a glare before turning his attention back towards the giant.

Frightened of what Chanyeol might do, Baekhyun snatched a rolling pin from behind him and shut his eyes tight before swinging it upwards to defend his face from whatever blow he might get. 

Baekhyun could not even see what he was holding and swung it up at full force. He felt it hitting something and when squinted his eyes open,  the rolling pin was rolling away from him on the floor. And Chanyeol was too, screaming and curling, cupping his...

The rest watched in horror at the groaning Chanyeol whose soul had left his body. Baekhyun's jaw was on the floor as he stared inanely at the giant. 

Now I've really done it! What am I gonna do? Grovel and beg?

His mouth opened and closed to apologize but he knew that no words could replace Chanyeol's physical pain so he decided to do what he did best. 

He ran away from the scene. 


Chanyeol let out a chain of curses that were so prolonged and raspy, causing everyone to grimace in their seat.

Baekhyun quickly grabbed his car keys from the table and ran out of the house as fast as he could while shouting sorry without even turning back to him. He did not bother to say goodbye or put on his shoes as he scurried out of the door barefooted.

"Baekkieeee wait for me!" Luhan whined a while later before he smirked at the giant from above. "Sorry about that mate. But maybe you should not involve yourself with Baekkie anymore or he'll come and bite you in the ass. Or dick for that matter. Hahaha. See ya tomorrow sucker!" 

And with that, Luhan was also out of the door, tailing after Baekhyun.

Meanwhile, Sehun, who was the only sane one in the house,  ogot up from his chair and helped Chanyeol up even though he was still cursing and growling.

"S-sehun...please remind me to kill them both tomorrow. I'll fucking castrate them!" Chanyeol clenched his sweaty fists and he staggered back towards his room.

"Chanyeol hyung. Please don't say that. It was really an accident. Just chill!" Sehun said but Chanyeol was not in his right mind to listen to what anyone else has to say. 

Just you fucking wait, Byun Baekhyun! Shitty brats like you should be taught a lesson not to mess with me when I'm this angry.  




"CHANYEOL! I-I'm sorry about yesterday!"

"Fuck off."



Chanyeol actually did not expect the midget to apologise to him so early in the morning and blocking his way but that did not make him less angry. Ever since yesterday happened, he could not even walk properly and he has to use crutches to balance himself. It was all his damn fault.

"Chanyeol p-please...How can I make it up to you?"

"By getting the fuck out of my way," Chanyeol snapped.

Baekhyun's face fell but only for a moment as he was the type of person who would not give up easily. He jogged alongside Chanyeol into the lift even though the giant did not even turn his head to acknowledge his presence.

"Can I at least carry your bag for you?" He asked, trying to sound as sweet as possible. 

"How about no." 

Right after he said those sarcastic words, Chanyeol's suitcase slipped out of his hand. He groaned. Tch! What luck!

He was about to crouch down to pick it up when Baekhyun got it before him a second earlier. Chanyeol straightened up and looked warily at the smaller.

"Give it to me," Chanyeol said grimly, opening up his palm.

Baekhyun shook his head and bear-hugged the suitcase even tighter as if it was his precious toy.

"Not until you forgive me I won't give it back!" Baekhyun rebutted poutily at the taller whose palm has turned into a fist.

"Brat. I don't have time to play with you. Give it back to me and mind your own business from now on," Chanyeol said with a stern look and tried to snatch it back but Baekhyun moved swiftly to the other corner of the elevator, out of the giant's reach.

"NO!" Baekhyun shouted indignantly but his voice cracked, afraid that Chanyeol will be madder at him. The smaller lowered his gaze to stare at his feet, his chin resting on the suitcase.

"P-please... I really feel bad about yesterday." Baekyun stammered before abruptly raising his head to meet Chanyeol's eyes. 

"I-I Sniff...

Chanyeol noticed that Baekhyun's eyes had started to water and his black pupils had started to become bigger and rounder like that of a cat during night time. 

Oh God, here we go again.  

"Midget. Please not now. Why do you have to cry all the time?" Chanyeol groaned.

When they used to date,  Chanyeol had made observations of the various reasons that had caused Baekhyun to tear up. He even had a list of it written inside his head being the perfectionist that he was back then (and still is). 

Reason number one, is when Baekhyun wanted something really bad but he could not have it. Reason number two, is when he was forced to do something he didn't like or when someone blamed him for something he did not do.  Reason number three, is when he breaks something accidentally (let's pray that it was not Chanyeol's balls)  or when someone breaks his precious stuffed toys (ANY toys and not just his bear). Reason number four, is when he was mistaken as a girl in elementary school. Reason number five, is when he was being fucked. LONG AND HARD (to be confirmed by Chanyeol in the later chapters  😉). The sixth reason, is when he watched a movie: Horror, Romantic comedy,  Action,  Sci-fi (Basically any genre, Chanyeol always had to prepare a box of tissue every time they watched a movie together). The seventh reason, is haunted houses and roller coasters (AHH the terror of Baekhyun screaming louder than the ghosts themselves). Reason number eight, is being afraid of the dark so he had to sleep with the lights on or when Chanyeol slept next to him. Reason number nine, is when someone abused adorable animals either in front of him or on TV and the last reason (Thank God!) is when his apology keeps on getting rejected, just like the current situation.

That was the end of Chanyeol's self-consructed list from observing Bakehyun's daily habits in the past (there will be more to come) so continuing on with the story...

"Why are you always mad all the time? *sniff* I-I don't understand..." Baekhyun asked,  trying his best not to let his emotion overtake him.

"BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS MAKE ME MAD! THAT'S WHY! You're clumsy, abnormally stupid and now you're pissing me off by being such a crybaby!" Chanyeol snarled.

Baekyun's head was directed at the ground again as he used his knuckles to wipe away his tears.

The lift bell sounded, signalling that it has reached Chanyeol's floor but Baekhyun did not budge from his position and outstretched both his arms out so the giant could not get out.

"I will do anything to make you forgive me!  P-please... Chanyeol..."

Chanyeol raised his eyebrows and Baekhyun saw a hint of something dark in his eyes. He soon realised what he had just said and wished he could take it back instantly.

"You'll do anything?" Chanyeol questioningly and Baekhyun gulped, slowly nodding his head but the giant knew that the smaller was worried. 

Chanyeol let the lift door closed in front of him, a slight smile forming at the corner of his lips.

Baekhyun did not know exactly what that smile mean but he could feel that it was going to be something really kinky. Not that he was a pervert or anything but Chanyeol had the same kind of eyes when he french-kissed him at the doorstep of his house a few days back. 

"W-where are we going?" Baekhyun asked.

"To your office..." Chanyeol said, looking straight ahead.  As the lift kept going up, Baekhyun was feeling more nervous each passing moment that his buttcheeks had started to sweat. 

When they had reached the 40th floor, Baekhyun trudged behind the giant in small steps and kept his appropriate distance. 

"Where's your office?"

"I-It's at the far end of the your left," Baekhyun answered groggily. 

Once inside Baekhyun's office, Chanyeol's went up and looked ahead beyond the glass door.

"What a nice view you got here..."

"Ummm...Thank you..." 

Baekhyun did not understand why but his heart had increased in speed and he sandwiched Chanyeol's suitcase hard within his arms.

Chanyeol then pivoted his body around with one of his crutches to face Baekhyun after he was done admiring the office. 

"Alright then..." Chanyeol's said and his smile had suddenly turned deadly as he sat himself down on Baekhyun's large table and crossed his legs. 

"Now strip."


Sorry for the long wait guys.  My parents are here in Australia so cannot write that freely and I cannot let them find out that I'm writing fanfics for gay ppl. Next chapter will be some awesome you know...

Anyway thanks for reading this far!! Saranghaeee!

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