Ten. I count the colors in his eyes

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X.   I count the colors in his eyes

      Luca was getting ready for the dance when he got a phone call from Sebastian. "Hey, Seb, what's up?" 

"Luke, I have a situation."

When he heard the panic in his voice, Luca sat on his bed. "What's up? Is everything okay?"

"Yes, yes, I'm okay, but. . . Carlos asked me to the homecoming dance."

He instantly smiled. "Seb, that's great!"

"No, Luca, it isn't."

He narrowed his eyes. "It's not?"

"I mean, it is, but. . . I don't know if I'm comfortable enough being seen in public with a boy yet."

Luca pursed his lips, understanding completely.

"I know it sounds terrible, but, what if everyone starts judging us? I just need your advice."

Luca could remember coming out as gay like it was just yesterday. He told his sister first but Marlowe always had a feeling. It was a twin instinct. Surprisingly, the people in his life were supportive, especially his family. When he met Seb, they had an instinct connection because they were so similar. He was Marlowe's best friend. But Sebastian was still shy about his sexuality.  He didn't like to talk to any of the other guys in school because he was afraid of being judged and when he did have a crush, he kept it a secret. Luca understood in every way possible and now that things were going in the right direction with Knox, he wanted to make sure Seb was comfortable with his decisions.

"I understand, man. I do. I was the same exact way when I first came out. Don't feel ashamed for being scared." Luca spoke gently. "You don't have to do anything that you're not comfortable with. It's nobody's business. But Carlos is a great guy. I think you two would be so good together. You should consider going tonight."

"What if I can't, Luke?"

"Then it's okay, but be honest with him. He'll understand more than anyone. But if you come, just know, I'll punch anyone that says or does anything.  Marlowe and I, both."

He heard Seb laugh. "I know you guys will. Thanks,  Luca. I really appreciate it."

Luca smiled and told him bye before hanging up the phone. He walked to his closet and pulled out the bag that held his tuxedo inside. It was a deep maroon with a black vest and tie. His shoes were sparkly black, a little flare of him. He still couldn't believe it was real that he was going with Knox. Never in a million years would he have had to courage to just ask someone out but Knox Fletcher had no shame. He was proud of himself which meant he was proud of Luca, and he wanted to be with him.

Marlowe adjusted the long black clothes on her hands that reached to her elbows. She stood in front of her mirror, eyeing the black, full length dress she was wearing that was embroidered with different flowers. It was strapless, something she didn't usual wear, but her mom liked it the best. Her brown hair was up in a styled bun with her front pieces out and curled. Her makeup was subtle but glowy, her brown eyes smokey and her lips light pink. Her shoes were black platforms which added a few inches to her small frame.

Luca walked in, considered her door was open, and he knocked on it. "Damn, girl, you look good." He whistled.

She giggled. "Thanks." She turned around and gasped. "I told you that suit was perfect!"

Luca did a little spin and gripped his tux jacket. "Why, thank you."

"Marley, Luca, your dates are here!" Their father shouted from downstairs.

"Emphasis on dates." Said Marlowe.

"Am I sad that a guy I could potentially like in the future didn't ask me to homecoming? Sure." She said into the camera. "But, I love Ricky and Red. It was sweet of them to ask me. I know they'll do everything to make the night special." She smiled for a second and then frowned. "Who am I gonna slow dance with?"

Marlowe stood in line with Red and Ricky, her arms looped between theirs, as they waited to get their tickets. "Last name is Bowen, first name is Ricky.  Three tickets." Ricky told Mr. Mazzara.

Mr. Mazarra looked between the three of them in shock. "How'd you manage to get two dates?" He asked Marlowe.

She smiled. "There was a buy one, get one free deal."

He half rolled his eyes and gave Ricky the tickets. "You're at table ten with the other theater kids. Snap a photo on your way in." He said sarcastically.

The friends walked thorough the pathway to where the camera was set up. Marlowe dropped their arms. "So,  how are we gonna do this?" She asked the boys.

"Should we take individuals?" Big Red suggested.

They glanced between each other. "Nah!"

They took one where Marlowe was in the middle and she wrapped her arms around their shoulders. Her face was pressed between theirs and they smiled at the camera, Ricky and Big Red holding a thumbs up. Then they took one where she stood in the middle and Ricky and Big Red acted like they were fawning over her. Lastly, they took one where the boys were holding Marlowe up and she laid horizontal across them.

"I'm definitely getting a print out of those!" She said and grabbed their arms, dragging them to their table. Ashlyn and Carlos were already seated. "Hey guys!"

Ashlyn gasped. "Marlowe, you look gorgeous!"

"Oh my god, my heart, it stopped beating," Carlos exaggerated and clutched his chest.

She blushed and giggled at their reactions. "Gracias!" Thank you!

Luca and Knox showed up holding cups of punch. "Hey guys!" The junior cheered over the music.

"Why hello, handsome men." Carlos gasped and fanned his face.

They group laughed at him and took their seats. Marlowe took out her phone and held it up in front of her. "Okay, everyone get in!" She announced. They all squeezed together to make it in the photo. Marlowe cheesed and snapped multiple pictures. "So cute!" She squealed. "This is going to be the best night ever."

"I request the dj to play Party In The USA!" Luca told them.

"Yes, I love that song." Knox beamed and hit his fist against the table.

Marlowe took more pictures with everyone and started editing them. She glanced up to see Carlos looking around and she assumed he was looking for Seb, who hadn't shown up yet.

When Carlos saw her staring, he quickly smiled to show he was okay. She only smiled back.

Luca noticed as well and leaned over, patting him on the back. "He'll be here. Don't worry."

"I don't believe this!" Ricky exclaimed in disbelief while looking at his phone. He showed Big Red and Marlowe a picture of Gina and EJ and they had taken a picture at homecoming together. "This dude steals my girlfriend and 12 seconds after they break up, he's already playing the field."

Marlowe frowned at picture and looked away, putting her phone down.

"You could take a lesson from that, my man." Big Red stated.

"Gee, thanks for defending my moral enemy."

Marlowe leaned into him. "If you're going to worry and Nini and EJ all night, I'll take Big Red and we'll have fun ourselves."

He pointed at her. "The point is, you made a pact with your dad. You're putting yourself out there again, right? So, put yourself out there. Like, tonight."

"But still make it fun because I'm here." Marlowe added.

"Speak of the devil. Get a load of this player," Ricky mentioned and showed them a picture of his dad at the bowling alley. "He's texting me for fashion advice. Me!"

She awed loudly. "Tell him I love him and that he looks very handsome. I'd date him."

He looked at her strangely. "Don't ever say that again."

"Excuse us," Gina said when she and EJ arrived at the table. She was hanging onto his arm. "These seats taken?"

Marlowe quickly looked away from them and rubbed the back of her neck. The two of them sat down and Gina gasped at her. "Lowe, you look beautiful!"

She conjured up a smile. "Thank you, so do you." She really did. She avoided eye contact with EJ, even though he was looking at her.

Carlos was slumped over the table with his arms crossed. Seb still hadn't shown up and everyone was dancing and having fun. "He'll show up, okay? Maybe he just hit traffic," Ashlyn said, trying to make him feel better.

"We live in Salt Lake City. There hasn't been traffic since the 2002 winter olympics."

Marlowe reached her hand across the table. "I promise he'll show up, Carlos. He wouldn't do that to do."

"Yeah, maybe he was just in a farming accident!"

Carlos only sighed. "Not helping."

Marlowe couldn't help but notice every time Gina would touch EJ's arm and laugh at something he would say, or the way she seemingly tried to get closer to him. She remembered what he told her at school,  about it just being a plan to get Nini back, but it still made her feel angry. "I'm going to go get some punch. Do you guys want anything?" She asked her dates.

Ricky shook his head. "I'm good."

"Will you get me a cookie?"

She nodded and stood up from the table, quickly walking to the refreshments table. When she got to the punch bowl, Marlowe sucked in a deep breath rubbed the back of her burning neck again. She didn't know why she was getting so worked up. She was supposed to be having fun.

"You came here with Ricky?"

She couldn't help but scoff. "And Big Red." She proceeded to start pouring a glass of punch.

EJ grew angry. "You're helping me get Nini back from Ricky and you show up to the dance with him?"

She finally looked at him in the eye. "Why do you care? You're here with Gina." She emphasized in the same tone of voice he had.

"I told you it's part of a plan."

"This is your last homecoming dance and you're going to focus on trying to get your ex back with a girl you don't even like?"

"What should I be focusing on then?"

Marlowe quickly stopped herself before she could say anything. The senior stared at her expectantly but she couldn't bring herself to give an answer. "Nothing," was all she said and looked away again.

EJ sighed. "Stop doing that."

"Doing what?" She asked and put one of the cookies for Big Red in a napkin.

"Stop ignoring me."

"Hard to do that when you're talking to me,"

"Marlowe, look at me." He almost demanded.

Slowly, like she was fighting against her own body, Marlowe looked at him. She looked into his green eyes and thought to herself nobody had his eye color. He had a pleading look in them. He opened his mouth to say something but no words could come out. Instead, he examined her.

She wanted to be harsh, to say that they weren't friends and that she was only helping him get Nini back, but she didn't. Without saying anything else, Marlowe walked away back to her dates. She put the cookie in front of Big Red and sat down. He noticed the discouraged look on her face. "Everything okay, Mars?"

She put on the fakest smile she could. "Yeah,  everything's okay." When Marlowe saw the look on Gina's face and the awkward expression on everyone else's, she furrowed her brows. "What did I miss?"

Knox tapped his fingers against the table and Luca whistled under his breath.

After scolding Ricky for being rude to Gina, and slapping him on the back of the head, she dragged him and Big Red onto the dance floor. "Okay, enough with the moping around. This is supposed to be a fun night! I didn't dress up and look this good for nothing."

"I'm sorry, Mars, I just can't get over that she showed up with my ex's ex." Ricky said with disbelief.

"Maybe it isn't about you at all," Big Red suggested. "Maybe people are allowed to go out with whoever they wanna go out with and be whoever they're wanna be."

"Yes, Big Red!" Marlowe cheered and wrapped her arm around his shoulder. "Thank you for being the reasonable one!"

"Thanks. I've been falling asleep to Dr. Phil lately."

"I kinda just want to be leave," Ricky admitted.

Marlowe's face dropped.

"Dude, we're at homecoming! We have a hot date who couldn't turn us down even if she wanted to, and you two are supposed to be finding other eligible hunnies for me to dance with!" Big Red rambled.

She put a hand over her heart and smiled. "Thank you."

"Uh, hold that thought. Drama, two o'clock," Ricky interrupted and pointed to where Gina and EJ were arguing across the room.

"Yo, what's that about?" Knox asked when he and Luca joined them.

"What is wrong with you, EJ?" Big Red imitated Gina. Then, he imitated EJ. "I'm just intimidated by how fly Big Red looks in that suit he borrowed from Ricky."

The twins snorted in laughter.

"Don't be intimidated," he imitated Gina again. "Big Red is an underrated style legend."

Knox clapped him in the back and laughed. "Nice one."

"Dude, you're an idiot." Said Ricky but he was laughing also.

Marlowe suddenly gasped when Gina poured a glass of punch over EJ's head. "Oh shit." Knox said and stopped laughing.

"Oh my. Oh. . ."

The sophomore stormed out of the dance and everyone gasped and pointed at EJ. Knox sucked air through his teeth. "I should probably go help him." He told everyone and went to go help his friend.

"Well, what other surprises does this night have installed?" Marlowe questioned.

Marlowe looked around for Gina but couldn't find her anywhere.

"I know I'm kind of mad at Gina right now but she's my friend and I want to make sure she's okay." She said to the camera.

"Gina?" She called out for the girl but got no response. She turned a corner of the hall and found her leaning against one of the lockers with her arms crossed over her chest, "Gina, are you okay?"

Gina sniffled, indicating that she had been crying. "I'm fine, Marlowe."

Marlowe frowned. "What happened back there? I thought you and EJ had some sort of plan—"

"There's no plan, Marley!" She raised her voice but she wasn't angry. She was upset. "I mean there was, but, I thought Nini would be here tonight and she would see me with EJ and get so mad that she would quit the show. But she didn't show up and I didn't know what to do. . ."

Marlowe sighed under her breath. "Pouring punch over his head was kind of a power move but. . . you should probably apologize."

Gina nodded slightly. "Yeah,  I know."

Marlowe walked closer to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Do you want to go back? You can hang out with me." She gently asked.

She shook her head. "Thanks, but, I just want to go home."

Marlowe nodded, not pushing her any farther. "Okay,  I'm sorry you didn't have a good night."

"So am I," Gina muttered. "But thank you for being a good friend." She gave a final sad smile and left the file standing in the hallway.

Marlowe sighed at the camera and headed back to the dance.

Luca watched with a sad face as Carlos continued to watch everyone slow dance. Seb was nowhere to be found and it was likely that he wasn't coming. While Knox was still helping EJ clean off the punch, he went and stood by him. "Hey, man."

Carlos looked his way and sighed. "He's not coming, is he?" He questioned, already knowing the answer.

All Luca could do was frown.

"Y'know, I try so hard to be the outgoing person in the room, the one who always tried to make everything better. I thought if I had that mentality when I asked him that everything would work out the way it's supposed to. Now,  I just feel stupid."

"Hey, you're not stupid." Luca put his hand on his shoulder. "You took a chance. You were brave. People like us aren't always so lucky to get to have a chance like that. The night's not over, yet. You're still here with all of your friends."

Carlos stared at him for a minute and then looked at the dancing couples. An idea lit in his head and it showed in his face. "You're right." He said and walked to the dance floor.

He smiled and walked back to their table. Marlowe came walking back in. "Everything good, Lowe?" He asked her.

She nodded. "Yeah, all good. Was just making sure Gina's okay." She explained and sat beside Big Red.  She leaned her chin into her gloved hand.

A short couple of minutes after, Ricky came back and stood behind his friends. "Hey, guys, I'm going to take Gina home. Red, can I have the keys?"

Marlowe grinned at his act of service and Big Red handed him the car keys. 

"I'm sorry, Mars. I didn't mean to ruin your night."

She shrugged it off. "It's okay. You're doing the right thing. I'll save you a dance at my wedding."

The three friends laughed and Ricky squeezed her shoulder before leaving. The group of friends watched awkwardly as Carlos danced by himself on the dance floor as Born To Be Brave started to play.

Marlowe's eyes wondered around the room. She saw EJ and Knox walk back inside and she perked up slightly. He had managed to help him get the punch it of his hair but the suit was still stained red. She couldn't help but chuckle. "Hey, Polo Boy."

EJ fell into the seat next to her.  "Please don't." He replied, giving her a look.

"I think red suits you."

He rolled his eyes briefly. "I can't believe I actually thought the plan would work."

Marlowe shrugged. "I'm sure it would've."

He was silent for a minute then he shook his head.  "No, it wouldn't have." She glanced at him. He glanced at her. "I'm not sure how many times I try, I'm not going to get her back. I don't know what to do anymore." He said with disappointment. He wanted to give up. "Maybe I should just give up on love all together."

Marlowe stared at the side of his face, and she watched the way he punched his eyebrows together. How the lines around his eyes crinkled with the motion. Inside, she laughed, because she hoped he was lying. His eyes were so green, and yet they saw things in black and white.

Marlowe's heart tightened in a way that made her sick. Her nails tapped on the table, and she knew she couldn't say anything. Not the things she really wanted. "Remind her of how it used to be,"

EJ looked at her and raised his eyebrows. "What?"

"Show her how happy you guys were when you first got together. Show her the pictures of you two kissing and hugging and remind her of all the fun times you guys shared. Tell her how you lost your mind about her and Ricky and you don't know why. That's how it works.  You lost her by getting jealous and getting in your own head."

He stared at her silently with his mouth slight gaped.  "And you think that'll work?"

Marlowe shrugged again. "That's usually how you get the girl, by owning up to your mistakes." She stated.

EJ nodded. Half of him was grateful while the other part of him was confused. The anger he felt from their argument earlier never did go away, but also knew if he brought it up, they'd continue fighting and EJ didn't want that.

That's when he stopped and took in her appearance. How the black dress she was wearing complimented her skin tone and hair color. The only time EJ saw her dressed up that way was for the productions they were in. "Marley?"

Marlowe looked at him again, her eyebrows going up.

"You look beautiful."

Her expression softened. She searched for any sign in her face and body language that he was lying or joking,  but there wasn't any, and his tone of voice was sincere. That feeling in her heart returned, her throat started to burn and itch — feelings that were so unknown to her. "Thank you." She said with a light smile.

From across the table, Knox watched their interaction and he smirked to himself.

They all turned their attention to Carlos again, who was still dancing by himself. "I actually kinda feel bad for the guy." Said EJ.

Ashlyn bounced out of her seat and joined him. "My castle in the sky!" She sang.

The Aguilar twins glanced at each other. Smiling widely, Marlowe nodded and the pair jumped out of their seats. "Let my hair down and let it go. No more thinking, I run this show." She sang.

"From way up here, yeah, the view is gold," Luca followed along. 

The group bounced around each other and danced like idiots but they didn't care. "Born to brave. Now I'm standing miles high like castles in the sky!" Marlowe belted and took Carlos by the hands.

Laughing, Knox joined them and grabbed Luca's hand, spinning him. Big Red came running into the dance floor as well. 

"Bosses and queens, stand up on your throne. Know who you are. This is your kingdom. Legends at heart,  individuals. Go make your mark. Be original!"

When Marlowe saw that EJ was still sitting down, dje went over and held out her hand. He shook his head. "No, Marley." He said with a sigh.

"Come on, EJ. It's your last homecoming!" She begged and the light hit her amber eyes.

He stared at her for a while as she pleaded and he sighed, giving in. He put his hands in hers and she dragged him onto the dance floor. Everyone gathered on the dance floor and started dancing to the song. EJ unknowingly spun Marlowe in a circle, both of them forgetting they were still holding hands. She let out the loudest laugh and he spun her back into his chest,  laughing to the point his eyes crinkled.

Carlos stood in the middle of the dance floor and pointed to everyone as he spun round, them all leaning back and then pointing back at him. 

"Cause I was born to be brave! I know who I am inside and I won't apologize. Made my mistakes!  And they give me winds to fly to my castle in the sky!"

Knox dipped Luca and almost dropped him, making both of them laugh obnoxiously. Marlowe and EJ jumped up and down to the music, still holding hands. 

Everyone gathered together. "Let my hair down and let it go. No more running, I run this show. From way up here, yeah, the view is gold." They lifted Carlos high in the air. "Cause I was born to be brave. Now I'm standing miles high like castles in the sky!"

Luca almost fell to his knees and thanked God when he saw Seb walk in wearing his tuxedo. "You came." He said out loud.

"Yeah, I'm really sorry. There was a problem with one of the cows," Seb explained with an apologetic expression.

Marlowe gasped. "Not Dottie, right?"

"No, no, no, of course not!"

"Who's Dottie?" Ashlyn questioned, coming into the conversation.

"Lowe's cow." Luca answered.

EJ's eyes went wide. "You have a cow?"

"She was a birthday gift. I couldn't afford Taylor Swift tickets so when one of our cows gave birth, I gave one to Marley." Seb told them and they smiled at each other.

A slow song started to play and everyone looked at Carlos and Seb. Marlowe squeezed his arm and walked away to leave them alone, secretly smiling. She collapsed in her chair again. 

EJ stared at her.

She turned and looked at him. "What?"

He formed a smile. "What else don't I know about you?"

The back of her neck grew hot. "Want a list?" She joked.

"I do, actually." He responded and laughed.

His laugh was something Marlowe never heard before. Not in a song, not in a movie, it was similar to the bells she heard every Christmas. The lights that decorated the tree. The feelings of warmth when she was when her family opening presents.

EJ saw all the couples on the dance floor and he looked at her again. Marlowe gave him a shy smile, to which he returned, and it didn't vanish.

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