Chapter 8: Free Fall

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After a day of rest, Rena showed me around the place, explaining how this hide out has been here since our parents were superheroes. Rena didn't know the whole story, but explained that once they found it, they made sure that this place was hard to find and used it as their hideout.

Apparently, Rena and her family have only been living here since Team Plasma came back. Timing just couldn't have been more perfect as this was the only reason Rudi was ready to be the Unova superhero when the time came.

"And finally," Rena said as we walked into a huge room complete with a battle field, "as you can see, this is where Dad and Rudi train."

I almost wanted to ask where they were when an explosion went off. My arms quickly shielded my face when I heard it, but I quickly recovered, looking up. My eyes widened at the sight.

Rena was right. As I could clearly see, Rudi and Mr. Rhea were up in the air, standing on the ledge of platforms that hung from the walls. I wondered how thy got up there as there was no ladders, but then, I saw a male Unfeazant along with Braviary. Both of them flew to opposite sides, joining their Trainer.

My eyes widened as I realized what would happen if one of them were to fall off. They were standing on ledges that were at least twenty-five feet in the air.

Rudi looked down and waved. "Sylvia, you up for some real battling?"

Before I could answer, Rena cupped her hands over her mouth. "As if! She just recovered."

Ignoring her comment, I shouted back, "You're on!"

The blonde haired boy adjusted his cap before nodding towards his dad. I watched as Mr. Rhea grabbed onto Unfezant's leg and flew down towards the battle field. As he did, Rena glanced at me.

"You don't have to do this," she warmed. "If you fall—"

I tossed Swanna's Poké Ball in the air, letting her escape the Poké Ball. "I have Swanna to catch me, besides, I want to be ready next time. I don't want Team Miasma to win this fight. I have to be ready."

Rena watched as I grabbed onto Swanna's leg. My Pokémon lifted me up into the air, flying me up to the platform Mr. Rhea was standing on. I looked down over the edge, getting a flying type Pokémon view from the air. It was weird. Although people say don't look down because it's scary to see how far you can drop, I felt the opposite.

If I were to drop, I felt like I would be flying. Swanna would be there to catch me anyways, so there was no need to be scared.

"Ready to lose?" Rudi boasted.

"I don't know," I said back to him. "Are you?"

Swanna and Braviary took their positions and flew off the platforms to meet each other in the middle. I could tell Rudi was going to give it everything he's got, not just because of my comment, but because he would want to show off. Maybe, while battling, I could use that against him.

He didn't offer me the first move, but knowing this guy, I figured he wouldn't. My bet was he wanted me to regret my words. That wasn't going to happen. 

"Braviary, Brave Bird! Let's go!" Rudi shouted.

We'll see about that. "Swanna dive down and use Hydro Pump!" 

The opponent Pokémon flew fast towards Swanna, who dove seconds before being hit by the powerful attack. Once dodged, Swanna used her Hydro Pump to push Braviary away.

We were doing great from the start.

"Really?" Rudi complained. "Guess we are just going to have to use Attract!"

What? I've never heard of a Braviary knowing that particular move. It wasn't one to easily dodge either. While I stood there, frozen in shock of what was going on, Swanna was hit by the attack, falling in love with the Braviary. Her eyes were even blinded by two gigantic red hearts.

Great. How were we going to get past this?

"Alright Braviary, fly in and use Peck!" Rudi yelled.

"Dodge it Swanna!" I warned.

Blinded by the hearts in her eyes, Swanna had some trouble just flying straight. The poor Pokémon didn't have much of a choice as she was hit in the back by peck. She still stood—Er flew—but just how much longer would she be able to keep up?

My hand grabbed her Poké Ball and returned her inside before Rudi could even consider another attack. Seeing Pokémon in pain, whether they knew it or not, was always painful for me. There was a reason I liked healing. At least then I could make sure all Pokémon were alright.

With her inside, I brought the Poké Ball to my eye level, looking at it as if she was inside doing the same. I hope she'd forgive me for pulling her from the battle. She didn't deserve being hurt, not after all she's been through.

"Seriously," Rudi asked from the other side, "you gave up that quickly?"

I looked up, clipping Swanna's Poké Ball to the belt. "I can't stand seeing her getting hurt."

"And what's going to happen if Team Miasma has her down to the ground? Stand your ground. Fight to the end," Rudi pointed at, placing his hands on his hips while his Braviary flew beside him.

If only it was that easy. I looked down seeing Mr. Rhea with his arms crossed while Rena shook her head inside her hand. They didn't need to say what they were thinking. Even I knew what they were thinking.

How could this girl be Swanna girl? How could she be the daughter of these superheroes over seventeen years ago?

Easy. I don't know who my parents were. While they compare me to them, I wasn't them. For crying out loud, I was locked in the basement after I saved the day. As much as I wanted it to be a one time thing, I couldn't let Team Miasma get away with these crimes.

I popped Swanna's Poké Ball open. With her out, I grabbed her leg pointing down.

"Don't you dare give up," Rudi yelled. "Superheroes don't quit."

"That's the thing, Rudi," I yelled back, looking at his face. "I'm no superhero."

At those words, Swanna picked me up, and started flying me down. Rudi wasn't happy about that because while we flew down, he had to have the last word.

"Yet!" he argued. "Give it some time. You will be the second best Superhero in Unova."

He didn't have to expand on his words. I knew what he wanted to say after them. Rudi wanted me to retaliate, asking him who the best superhero in Unova was, even though we all know who he was thinking.

This guy was just arrogant. He could lose a battle and still think he's top Stoutland. I just didn't get it.


Despite having given my own room, I walked out of there. Swanna stayed out of her Poké Ball at all times after that battle. After that battle, I called the Nacrene City Pokémon Center to explain to Nurse Joy what was going on: that I was going on a Pokémon journey and wouldn't be back for a while. Nurse Joy smiled, and accepted my answer, only having me promise to visit her when I came to Nacrene City.

Of course, I felt bad for lying to her. I felt even worse that the package she had never even made it to the Pokémon Center. That box laid in the opposite corner of my room. It was the only item I had from home. Even my clothes—a white tank with a blue jacket and denim shorts—were borrowed from someone.

I walked out of my room around midnight, with Swanna by my side. She knew me well, not falling asleep until I did; however, that ended up being a living nightmare. For some odd reason, I couldn't sleep without having a nightmare of being kidnapped, or tied up, or just being in plain darkness, or a mixture of the three.

No matter what nightmare it was, I woke up sweating, convincing myself to go back to sleep. That's all I needed to do, convince myself it was just a bad dream? I sighed. Apparently, that wasn't the case. Nightmares were never a problem.

Everything seemed to be changing so quickly.

Swanna stayed by my side until we found ourselves in the battle room we were in earlier.

Seriously? You gave up so soon?

What's going to happen if Team Miasma has her down to the ground?

Stand your ground. Fight to the end.

Superheroes don't give up.

His words repeated in my mind over and over again. I bit my lip. He might have been a jerk about it all, but Rudi was right. There was going to be a time I just had to pull through it.

Like I did with Lantana and her Pokémon. What made that time so much more different than battling with Rudi? I had to give my training my all like I did back then. If I don't, then I will be held prisoner again.

There was no way I was going to be the damsel in distress; not when Team Miasma was still out there.

First, we needed to figure a way to dodge Attract. Once we figure that out, then we should be set. I sat down in the middle on the Pokémon field, sitting in the center of the painted Poké Ball on the field. Swanna sat next to me, letting me scratch her underneath her beak.

Just how do we get passed Rudi's tactics of using Attract?

"Didn't think I'd be seeing you here," a voice observed.

I looked up, seeing Mr. Rhea perched up on one of the high platforms. If I'd known someone was here, I wouldn't have come here, but I didn't have a choice.

"Can't sleep," I told him.

Mr. Rhea's Unfezant flew behind him, grabbing the man by the collar of his shirt, and lowered him down. The man landed beside me, glancing down.

"You know, if you want to get past Braviary's Attract, the best thing to do is have a Pokémon that knows attract to dodge it," he explained, tossing me a Poké Ball.

I caught it, getting a better look at it. The Poké Ball was pink with blue wrapped around it with a blue center and a yellow U looking symbol on it. After turning it around in my fingers for a moment, I realized this was a Heal Ball.

I looked back up at Mr. Rhea, who smiled. "Think of it as a present from your mother. She used this Pokémon to help her strategize all the time."

My eyes widened as I scrambled up to my feet. While I did this, Mr. Rhea walked out of the room, not saying anything more.

Just what kind of Pokémon was inside? I threw the Pokémon out, gasping at the familiar Pokémon. If this Pokémon knew Attract, then we were going to be set for tomorrow's rematch.

Author's Note:

 What Pokémon do you think Mr. Rhea gave our hero? Next chapter it will be revealed, but I would love to see your predictions. 

Until next time...bye!

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