One Last Author's Note

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Yes folks, that's the end of Sylvia and Rudi's adventure. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing every chapter of it. It's bitter sweet that this is over, but as the old saying goes: "All good things must come to an end." (Really, it's a quote by Geoffrey Chaucer...but who's really keeping track of those things?).

None of this would've been possible without you all. I always enjoy reading feedback, and seeing that some of you commented, well, I can't tell you all how happy I am about that. Not only did some of you comment, but there were even some votes as well. I can't tell you all how ecstatic I got every time someone had voted or took the time into commenting. Thank you!

Even if you didn't vote or comment, that's okay. I just want to thank you all for being awesome and amazing readers. I didn't think this book would reach 100 reads, more or less over a 1,000 reads, but seeing as that number is somehow attached to this book, well, you can bet I'm pretty darn happy about it. You guys are all amazing! Thank you so much!


Now, if you didn't finish the book (which probably applies to those who read the last page to see if the main character lives or not...not saying that I guilty of this or anything...), I highly suggest you go back to the place where you were at, because major SPOILERS of THIS book are now upon us. To those of you who have finished, I'm sure there are many questions that are spiraling in your heads, especially since this was all from Sylvia's POV, we don't see the whole picture. I figured these ten questions would be the ones you'd all be curious about the most or that I feel like you should know.

1.) How did Gila and Rudi become a thing?

Short story time (cuz I'm too lazy to write an actual short story for this...not to mention, getting into details could mean a very depressing ending and...other stuff that I'm not going to write).

Anyways, about a year to over a year before the first chapter of this book, our hero, Rudi, is trying to put a stop to Team Miasma, he notices that they captured one of the "trainers" as hostages. Rudi, being Rudi, doesn't want anyone to get hurt, and saves the day, unknowingly knowing that it was Gila in disguise as a 16 year old girl who calls herself Lyla.

Now, her plan was to simply friend him, figure out who he was, find any way they could black mail him, and whatnot. It's because of this, Team Miasma found out Rudi's biggest weakness: his sister. Despite how much they fight, they will do anything and everything to keep the other safe.

Later in that friendship...Rudi started to have feelings for Gila. Because of that, she used that to her advantage. She started to like Rudi towards the end of their relationship, but she was too loyal to Team Miasma. Because of this, she did whatever she could to keep him distracted rather than exploit his weakness.

That is until the Opelucid accident (remember, the accident that's mentioned throughout the book). Gila had one job: distract Rudi. Unfortunately, distracting him away from doing the one thing he does wasn't easy, so Gila made a hard choice (cuz remember, she started to like Rudi as well). She revealed her identity. Seeing that Lyla, or Gila, wasn't who she said she was, Rudi was crushed.

Now, shortly after the incident, Rena realized how heartbroken he was. Rena forced her brother to explain what happened, so he told her everything (minus a few of the details...she didn't know Lyla tricked Rudi, or that she was actually Gila...instead, all she knew was how much she crushed him, claiming she didn't have feelings for him). Now, with that being said, Rena, being the awesome person she is, thought of the one thing she could have to make him feel better.

It's because of Rena that both of the Rhea siblings were in Nacrene City the day they met Sylvia.

2.) Who saved Swanna Girl in the end?

I don't know, as I'm wondering the same thing and trying to figure that out.

Seriously though.

It could be anyone. This is still a mystery. I have many theories of my own, but instead of sharing them, I'm going to just reflect to see if I can expand on that in a possible sequel. As of right now, use your imagination (which is cheesy, and you're all probably mad I said that...sorry, it's just the truth here). 

3.) How did Nurse Joy find out about Sylvia being Swanna Girl?

Yes, she claimed it was because of another trainer and other numerous cases, but as we all know, many characters are masters of deceit. Nurse Joy is no different. She was close friends to Sylvia's mother, who loved danger. With this knowledge, Joy knew it was a matter of time Sylvia followed in her parents footsteps. I mean, think about it. In the chapter, "Four Eyes," Sylvia mentions Swanna, and Joy automatically thinks of Sylvia's mom's Swanna (hence the hesitation and suspiciousness). Got to remember, she last saw Swanna as a Ducklett, so when this Swanna came back, best up, Joy just assumed she belonged to Sylvia's mother.

Not only that, but Nurse Joy was the one who found her handcuffed in the basement with the Swanna Costume behind the desk, so she knew from the beginning.


Simple, really. Lots of characters (and objects) are loosely based on metaphors and foreshadowing and other literary stuff. Sylvia's first Swanna was a metaphor, a metaphor for Sylvia's journey as a superhero. Notice how Swanna evolved when Sylvia first became Swanna Girl. It's a cue that Sylvia is ready to become a a superhero.

Unfortunately, when Sylvia realized the sacrifices she was wiling to make to defeat Team Miasma, well, that is price that is paid when being a super, just like in many super hero movies (Won't name off any, as that would be a major spoiler alert, but I think we all know a bit about the last Avengers movie. So unexpected and rude!) It's at that point, Swanna disappears as Sylvia is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice at that moment.

When Swanna is known to be dead, well, that's because Sylvia was ready to step down from being a super hero.

And it makes for a heartbreaking scene.

And because I'm evil.


JK, that was the hardest scene for me to write.

5.) Did Rudi and Sylvia end up together?

While the ending is up to you (unless, of course, there's a sequel), this is what I think. Both characters had a little bit of growing up to do, or even needed some time alone in a sense. If they would've tried staying together—like if Sylvia would've let Rudi go with her to Kalos—it wouldn't have been good.

With that being said, both character did a lot of growing up while away that during the time they met, they would've slowly gotten back together (instead of rushing into the relationship like before).

But, as as of right now, you, the reader, get to decide as to what happens.

6.) Was this book prewritten? (probably not a question you're curious about, but I feel like I need to explain myself on this one).

In a sense, yes. Starting in March, I started to write this for fun, and I wasn't going to publish it being that this is a pretty big fandom with 1,000's of amazing fanfics already on here. Seeing that BMSG is kind of a unique take, I wasn't sure if anyone would read it, but, one day, I thought, what the heck? Even if I can get 1 read, that'll be good enough for me.

Obviously I wasn't expecting 1K reads. I know I said this many times before, but thank you for putting time into reading.

In addition to that, when I started to update, I realized as I was writing, I would change parts. One of the reasons why I limited myself to 2 chapters a week at first was to get the kinks out. Not to mention, while writing it, I changed a lot of it.

With this being said, all my books I write from here on out will be prewritten to a point (whether it be the whole thing or half the book) just so I don't have to unpublished books or mark them on Hiatus as I want to put my best work on here and not some mumbo jumbo that doesn't make sense or add up.

7.) What parts did I change?

I'm not going to say all of them as that would take hours to write, but, to name a few...

Rudi and Sylvia's first kiss wasn't supposed to happen in the training room. I changed the location due to a couple of reasons, but they were always supposed to have their first kiss in that chapter. The location of where, however, didn't allow Rena to really see what was going on, so with that being said, if I would've kept the original location, Rena and Sylvia's tension would've never happened.

Speaking of Rena, she was supposed to become a superhero in the final battle. With this being said, she wasn't supposed to be kidnapped. In fact, in that draft I had, Sylvia didn't get kidnapped, but Rudi still did. Rena and Sylvia flew into the battle, forgetting about Rudi until afterwards. Rena, being Rena, would've fought Taipan in the final battle, defeating the purpose as to why Sylvia becomes a hero in the first place. So, to replace that, I had the two being kidnapped separately. To be fair, that draft was kinda cool, but like I said, ruined a lot of the books entirety (I mean, it's titled Swanna Girl and Braviary Man...not Swanna Girl and Co.)

And the final big change I'll share with you all is that the last 2 chapters could've ended very differently. I rewrote them a total of 7 times. Each ending was completely different. Some even more heartbreaking than chapter 29, others a bit happier. Out of all the endings, this was my favorite as it made the most sense.

8.) If Landon was the original Braviary Man, why does he have an Unfeazant?

Well, first off, that was a mistake I made early on in the book...whoops!

Then I thought, who would Sylvia's Dad give his Unfeazant to if he passed? It would be to his best friend, Landon. So, with that being said, Unfeazant used to belong to Sylvia's dad then was given to Rudi's dad. Then, as for Landon's Braviary, well, he was given to Rudi.

9.) Why is Rudi so...arrogant?

What if I told you he's not?

No, really! I'm being honest. Rudi is putting up a front. After Gila broke his heart, he was heartbroken, humiliated, and whatnot. Instead of letting himself hurt, he figured he needed to be Braviary Man instead. This resulted in arrogance, as he's Braviary Man, the all powerful superhero. With that being said, his whole family (especially Rena) knew something was going on.

He's been using it for so long that when he met Sylvia, and started realizing more of who she was, he allowed that front to slowly go away. When this starts happening, Rena starts to be suspicious of Sylvia, thinking she'll end up doing worse, but Rudi trusts Sylvia.

It's very gradual in the book, but if you look, you might be able catch this. In reality, he's very similar to Sylvia, as he's a caring person who looks out for others before himself. He's just putting up a front, so his heart won't be broken again because as said in question 1...Gila betrayed him in the worse way possible.

10.) Is there going to be a sequel.

UPDATE: I asked this question while I was coming up with ideas on whether to do a sequel, prequel or to let go of the Swanna Girl and Braviary Man books. After receiving feedback, and realizing their story isn't over yet, Sylvia and Rudi return in Swanna Girl and Braviary Man 2: Fight Against Oblivion. It is now published and finished if you wish to continue to read. 


And, as always, I'll leave this question of the week to you guys: Are there any other questions as to what happened during any chapters? Is there anything you want to know about any of the characters? Or maybe, is there anything you're just curious about that you just want to ask me relating to Swanna Girl and Braviary Man? I'm all ears for any question, so ask away. I'll answer all, unless, of course, they could ruin the sequel/ prequel (if you guys are up for that, if not, I'll answer).

Now, as much as I don't want to, we are officially done with this book. It's been fun writing, reading the comments, seeing the reads and votes you all did and whatnot...all that good stuff...

I don't want it to be over, but there's nothing left to say at the moment.

Cya next time!


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