Denial (IJWTBL Shu) ♥️

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Rose stared at me in astonishment. "What do you mean, you are from an alternate universe? Are you telling me that... No way..."

"Yes, I'm not the same person who fell in love with you," I said. "I didn't mean to deceive you, but I am not actually attracted to you."

"Actually, I'm pretty relieved," said Rose. "I thought that you... Or the other Shu, according to you, have lost your feelings for me."

I nodded, but for some reason I was starting to feel a little flustered.

"Shu, what is different in your universe?"

"Well, I don't know you," I told Rose. "And I am older, and have a little sister."

"You have a sister?" asked Rose. "I didn't see that in the show."

I was confused. "What show?"

"Well, long story short, Rose died in a plane crash and was reincarnated as she is now and we are characters in a show," said Valt.

I was stunned. I have had my share of weird experiences, but this takes the cake.

"You're dead?"

"Well, technically. But I'm not a ghost, if that's what you're thinking."

"I'll... Leave you two alone," said Valt. He ran off.

"What exactly do you know about me?" I asked Rose.

"I know that you were very shy as a little kid, but Valt influenced you into becoming more confident. I know that your parents neglected you and you raised yourself. I know that you are very stubborn when it comes to your health. I know that you got depressed after the Red Eye incident. You were bullied at the Raging Bulls and had a roommate that disrespected you. And I know that you have a jealous nature."

"When did I ever get jealous?"

"Well... You became jealous whenever any boy showed a romantic interest in me," said Rose. "There was this boy who kept stalking me and you were mad. But then Free De La Hoya took an interest in me as well and you were really jealous."

I didn't interact with Free much, but I was surprised that I had the capability to get so petty. I did some bad things as Red Eye, but I was only ever rude to Lui Shirosagi when I was myself. But Lui and I are on civil terms now.

"How bad was I?"

"You kept glaring at Free whenever he looked at me. It was really uncomfortable."

"Rose... I would like to be friends with you, if that's okay with you."

Rose smiled a little. "I wouldn't mind. We were friends before we got together."

Still, I felt pretty awkward around Rose. I decided to just go to bed after she and Valt left, but Rose kept entering my mind.

Uh oh. This was bad. Really, really bad. I think that I am falling for Rose.

This wasn't good. Rose was in love with the alternate me, and the alternate me probably feels the same about her.

The last thing Rose should be dealing with is handling two Shus. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, especially not after everything that has happened. I have already hurt enough people when I was Red Eye.

I was so confused. I had never had a crush before, so I had no idea what to feel. Was it normal for her to wander in your thoughts? Did I need to see a doctor for this? Should I tell my friends about this? They might not laugh (Wakiya might) but it wasn't as if they have any knowledge about romance.

I think that I must have fallen asleep at some point, because the next thing I knew, my phone was ringing. It was Xander. "Hello?" I asked.

"Shu, I just wanted to remind you of the annual Supreme Four sleepover. You forgot last year and we had to call you."

"Oh... I see." I wasn't sure if anything was different with the Supreme Four in this timeline. I wasn't sure if I was still in a heated rivalry with Lui in this timeline.

I was so paranoid that people might notice that something is different that I almost jumped when I heard the doorbell ring.

It was Rose again. She gave me my bag. "You left this at my place."

"Oh, thanks." As she handed me my bag, our fingers touched slightly. It made me accidentally drop my bag.

Rose looked concerned. "You okay?"

Thoughts were swimming in my head. But I didn't want to say any of them out loud. "Nothing!" I grabbed the bag and shut the door.

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