Rose's Parents (IJWTBL Shu) ♥️

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I felt really embarrassed having Rose's parents look after me. They acted like I was their child.

"Hi Shu," said Mrs Charmille. "Are you hungry? I can fix up a snack for you."

"No, I'm good."

"Hi Shu," said Mr Charmille. "Do you feel like throwing up? I have a bucket nearby in case."

"Thanks, but I'm fine for now."

I tried to sleep on the couch, but it was difficult with all the conflicting thoughts in my mind.

For starters, Rose kept invading my mind. It was driving me mad. I had never paid any girls any attention before, but now it seemed like she was constantly there.

I thought about Kirika. I hoped that my other self was looking after her properly. Kirika is actually a smart kid and I'm afraid that she would notice that something was up. Also, Kirika is allergic to strawberries, and there's no way my other self would know that.

I actually did doze off eventually, but it was an uneasy slumber. I kept having these weird dreams about my parents.

To be honest, I don't remember what happened, but not that I cared. I have decided that I was no longer going to give my parents any thought after they made it clear that they never cared for me and agreed to give Kirika to me.

Well, I ended up waking up in the bathroom. At first, I had no idea how I got there. But then it dawned on me that I must have been sleepwalking. I guess that even other me has a sleepwalking problem.

"Shu, are you okay?" came a voice. I saw that Rose was home.

"I... Think so."

"Oh Shu, my Mom said that she caught you sleepwalking again, but couldn't figure out where you went. I'm really worried about you. Is everything okay? You seem... Off."

I looked at Rose. I must admit, she's really pretty... Wait, what am I saying?

"You know, you could stay over here for a few days if you're not feeling well," said Rose.

"Er... Are your parents okay with this?"

"Of course," said Rose. "They care about you too. I know that you have been struggling with your guilt ever since the Red Eye incident, but we want to help you."


I felt totally embarrassed sitting with Rose and her parents at the dining table. It never made sense to me why other parents were nicer to me than my own.

At least I haven't thrown up since that time at school. But I still had very little appetite. I could barely touch the chicken and mashed potatoes Mrs Charmille had made.

When everyone noticed that I wasn't really eating, they asked me if I wanted to see the doctor. Like I wanted to see the doctor again.

Okay, I will admit that it was my fault I didn't listen to the doctor the first time I hurt my shoulder. But I don't even know if I was actually sick or it was just my imagination. At least tomorrow is a Saturday.

Rose took me to her room after dinner. It was very pink. And completely princess-themed.

Rose had posters of many Disney Princesses. Everything in that room was princess-themed. Her backpack had Belle's face on it. Her nightgown had Ariel's face on it. And her alarm clock was Frozen-themed.

Kirika is already obsessed with Frozen. She even asked me to buy her an Elsa dress for Halloween. She spent the entire trick-or-treating time singing Let It Go. But she doesn't remember all the words, so she made up some words for the lyrics she had forgotten.

"You can sleep in the guest room like last time," Rose told me. "Though if you feel lonely, you can sleep in my room..."

"Wait, last time?" I asked. "I have stayed here before?"

Rose looked at me like I had grown wings. "Yes, you have," she said. "Don't you remember? I caught you training really late at night and you were exhausted. You told me that you haven't slept for three days, so I made you come here and sleep. You slept for thirteen hours."

I was stunned. I looked at Rose with my mouth open, not knowing what to say.

Rose sighed. "Well, we could do something together. We could watch a movie, read some books, or..."

"Er... Anything you want?"

"Oh, do you want to... Watch some YouTube videos?"

We ended up watching this YouTuber named Just Josie. Josie was this woman who made Disney Princess and Villains parodies. Rose's favourite was the Disney Princess disorders video.

I wasn't sure what to think about it. Aurora falling asleep during her song and then waking up from Snow White's shrill voice was kinda funny.

I think that I liked the 12 Days of Christmas Disney Princess video better. It was quite entertaining.

Rose asked me if I was hungry, but I still had no appetite. Rose got concerned and checked my temperature, but it was normal.

"I can't make out what's the matter with you!" said Rose. "You won't tell me anything. I can't help you if I don't know what's the matter."

It was one thing for me to explain the situation to Valt. He is my best friend and I trust him. But Rose is a stranger to me. How can I explain this to her?

"I... I..." I ran off to the bathroom. I had no idea what can I do to fix this.

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