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15 years before
A man who was working hard in a field. He spread  seeds of Samba(Variety of Rice) in the wet field.
"Papa, I brought food for you"A Little boy exclaimed at his father.

The man smiled by looking at his son,"Laksh!" He muttered.

Man washes his hand in the water which was flowing near the field.
" papa, come fast."Laksh hurried.
Durgaprasad who was a father of Laksh , a farmer and have a little bit land. By doing cultivation , he earns money. Annapurna was his wife and his son, Laksh - a 13 year old boy.
"Laksh, didn't you go to school?"Durgaprasad asked.
" papa, today is holiday because of bandh."Laksh rejoiced as he got holiday.
" haan! I forgot today farmers called for bandh to force the government for raising the base value for sugarcane and rice."Durgaprasad said to himself .
" That's why I always said to read newspapers papa. you can get lots of information."Laksh sighed.
" what can I do, Laksh? I didn't have any time to read . I have to search workers for agricultural work. You also know naa , no one is  interested in agricultural work. Getting peoples for agricultural work is so hard nowadays."Durgaprasad sighed .
" don't worry papa. you will get people soon. Papa I have a doubt."Laksh asked.
" haan laksh"Durgaprasad said.
"papa why you don't use pesticides and other chemicals? It will help to produce more yield naa."Laksh asked.
Dp caressed his hair.
" can you give poison to me?"Durgaprasad asked in a calm tone.
" papa.."Laksh exclaimed and moved with teary eyes.
" like that I can't use chemicals . It's not just a land,Laksh. It's my maa.. It's Annapurna. I can't make it impotent by using chemicals."Durgaprasad said in a emotional voice then looked at Laksh eyes.
 Durgaprasad hugged his son tightly and then apologized" Sorry Laksh.. I shouldn't say this much harsh"
" don't talk like this."laksh said in a bit anger tone.
" ok. do you want to know about farming?"Durgaprasad asked.
Laksh nodded eagerly.
Durgaprasad made Laksh stand in a the wet field and started to spread the seeds by Laksh hands.
" Laksh.. Agriculture is the most blessed occupation. We are the producers. We produce foods for people."Durgaprasad  said with pride in his voice.
Laksh listened  very carefully and interestingly.
" we never use chemicals in our fields. It's harmful to people and also our field. We always use natural fertilizers like cow dung ." Durgaprasad started.
"so we use natural fertilizers ."Laksh asked in a confirming tone for which Durgaprasad  nodded positively.
" ok,Laksh . we can speak later. I have to complete the remaining work."Durgaprasad  said.

Laksh nodded  and returned to his home in his cycle. Durgaprasad returned to his work.
 It almost two months after the incident.
It's raining season.
Due to the depression in the sea , there was a heavy rain in Laksh's village.
Laksh turned on the radio.
Radio: due to severe depression, there will be heavy rain for another one week.
By hearing this, Durgaprasad and Annapurna became sad while Laksh looked at the dark clouds happily.

He started to make paper boats .

" if this rains continues, definitely our field will submerged in water."Durgaprasad worried.
" don't worry Prasad ji. We pray to Ganapathi papa. He will make everything fine."Annapurna tried to give confidence. 

"Papa, I will play with these paper boats."Laksh showed his craft works to his father while Annapurna caressed his face.

  Time flows like a flood stream .  Days rolled,Because of Rain,Durgaprasad Land submerged in water. The rain was stopped and water started to drain.

Annapurna, Laksh and Durgaprasad stepped into his field and took plants his hand.
Durgaprasad bursts out in cry by seeing rotten plants while Annapurna tried to console him.
The government officers came and analyzed about loss. The government announced minimum amount to farmers.

In an govt office,
" see Durga ji, Govt has allotted ten thousand for your land as an compensation. If you want this, you should give me thousand rupees as a fees to sanction your amount." An Government officer asked bribe without any shame.
" sir, I didn't have that much big amount. Please show some mercy on me. please sir.."Durgaprasad pleased.
" if you give thousand rupees, I will proceed. Otherwise.. next.."Officer said mercilessly.
Dp walked outside of the office weakly.
Outside , Annapurna waited for Durgaprasad eagerly as they wanted that money to proceed their life and clear their debts.

" Prasad ji, did you get compensation money?"Annapurna asked.
" they want thousand rupees"Durgaprasad said in a hopeless voice and sat under the shadow of a tree.
Annapurna went to nearby temple and ties a yellow thread in her neck ,took her Thalli(Mangalsutra in Tamilnadu) in hand and returned to durgaprasad.
" Prasad ji, sell this and give money to them."Annapurna said by nodding her head down to hide her tears.
Dp looked at her being shocked.
"Purna"Durgaprasad murmured.
" this (shows yellow thread) is enough for me."Annapurna said with a fake smile.
Dp sold this and give money to officer.
" you said that you didn't have money. Now where did  you get?"Officer asked sarcastically.
A voice comes there" give his money to him"
" collector sir.."Officer gulped in fear by seeing district collector.

" are you not ashamed to get money from this poor peoples? Are you human or a blood drinking animal? I just want clear all the farmer's pending requests within today. Otherwise, you will face your suspension."Collector threatened.
" no no sir.I will clear his sanction now."Officer said with a fear.
Dp held his hand before"thanks collector sir.."
" it's our duty."Collector left to his place.
At evening Durgaprasad got his money back with his sanctioned money. Both, Annapurna and Durgaprasad returned to their house. Laksh hugged them happily.
"maa.. papa.. I won speech competition in district level. The state level competition held in Coimbatore."Laksh announced happily.
Annapurna and Durgaprasad saw each other. Annapurna signed Durgaprasad to fulfill Laksh wish.
Dp: waah!purna make  payash. Our Laksh won today.

Durgaprasad took Laksh in his hand and swing him then Annapurna pecked Laksh's cheeks.

" when is the competition?"Annapurna asked.
"day after tomorrow,maa"Laksh smiled happily.
Annapurna and Durgaprasad sat on the bed while Laksh was already slept.
" Purna, why did you agree for Laksh travel? We have to spent near 1000 rupees for travelling and other expenses."Durgaprasad asked.
" but it's his first achievement. I don't want to make it as a failure, prasad ji. Use that thousand for travelling and sanctioned money for field and other debts. we can manage"Annapurna said for which durgaprasad agreed.
The next day ,Laksh and Dp traveled to Coimbatore by train.

In Train,

Some peoples were commenting about dressing of Durgaprasad and humiliates him as he was a villager for his tone . Durgaprasad could't understand what they were speaking. Because they were speaking in English. But Laksh understood their talk and got anger.
The train stuck in midway because of some problems and that peoples were starving,
" I am hungry. Can you have anything ?"One person from that group asked another.
The another person nodded negatively.
Laksh came to near them" are you hungry?"
Person 1 nodded positively.
Laksh offered him some biscuits.
"thanks.."The person thanked Laksh for his help.
" don't mistake me, Uncle. I heard you speak about my papa. If you hungry means you can't eat money. You need food. The one whom you humiliated , he is a farmer and producing food. Without Villagers work in field, you can't eat food ."Laksh said in English and then left to his father.
The next to next  day morning, Laksh and Dp arrived the competition place.

It's Laksh turn and host calls Laksh on stage.
"Good morning to everyone present here. I had taken my Topic Agriculture. Agriculture is the most blessed occupation. Gandhi ji said Villages are our backbones. He believed that agriculture can give us Economic freedom. At the same time, we also need growth in various domains. Nowadays Farmers counts are decreasing continuously and land area for farming field is drastically reduced for more reasons such as industrialization, urbanization etc. Now it's time to concentrate on Agriculture and we need another green revolution."Laksh continued his speech. After he stopped his speech, the whole auditorium kept silence for a moment then clapping sound filled the space.
" I don't know how you got that much information. You speech is marvelous."Judge praised.
Durgaprasad looked at his son with pride for his speech.
Laksh got first prize and he got five thousand as prize money.
" Papa, I won.. " Laksh showed his certificate while Durgaprasad looked at his son with teary eyes.

Dp and Laksh returned to his home.
The day after tomorrow,
Laksh went to school while Durgaprasad went to his land.He sees someone takes measurements in his land.
DP runs to them.
" who are you? what are you doing in my land?"Durgaprasad asked.
" we are government staffs. Government takes this land for an industrial project. You can get compensation for your Land."One person said.
Durgaprasad  shocked by hearing the response. Like Durgaprasad , someothers land was also snatched from them.
Days Starts to roll,
Dp and other Farmers protests against government to withdraw the project. But Government arrested them and releases after two days.
Laksh felt the tension in his house but he didn't aware of the problem.
One day,
"Laksh.. I make your favourite lemon rice for you."Annapurna said while packing his tiffin box.
 "thanks  maa."Laksh pecked his mother's cheeks.
Laksh took his cycle and went to school. In the middle way, he fell down by hitting into stone.
The lunchbox fell down on ground and the food got wasted.
Laksh stared the lunch on the road.

"Maa made lemon rice after a long time.But,"Laksh sighed.

At evening , he returned to home. He saw a died dog in middle of way and felt pity for that dog.He saw some crowd in front of his house.
He ran to his house and saw his parents covered in white cloth. They committed suicide because they don't have any way to earn money on other hands the peoples who gave debts to them, they force them to repay.
' Maa.. papa.."Laksh cried while people looked at him with pity.

Days starts to roll,
The government dropped the project and returned the land to farmers. By someone's help, Laksh finished his studies.
After 15 years, Now
The reporters gathered in the hall and some media covers the event as a live telecast.
" Mr. Lakshya Dev, the great business tycoon who built his empire on his own. Now stepped into Agriculture Industry. It's the inauguration of his trust on his parents name Annapuran Durgaprasad Memorial Trust." A reported said in a live telecast.
Laksh entered the place with his family . After inauguration, Laksh started his press meet.
" Mr. Laksh, what is the reason to start this trust ? and what is it's main motive?"One reported asked.
" My Father is also a farmer. I know the struggles in farmer's life. I just want to help farmers. It's my Trust's main motive."Laksh answered.
" what is this trust will do ?
" it will create a platform to sell farmer's products without any Intruders and it's main motive to create awareness among farmers. I want do in action not in words."Laksh said with confidence.
Reporters wishes him for success of his trust.
The next day,
Laksh stands in his fathers field and sows seeds in field. He just wear a normal dhoti and ties a towel along his waist. He didn't wear shirt. No one shouldn't believe that he is business tycoon Lakshya Dev.
" Papa.. the seeds which you sow in my mind, it's time for getting yield. I started to fulfill your dreams. I will help farmers as much as I can . I never allow anyone die like you papa. I felt that you are living with me , when I am standing in this field. Until my last breath, I will live as a farmer. I can be get more identities business tycoon, star of business world but I felt pride when I am called as FARMER'S SON. Yes, I am a FARMER and  Farmer's son."Laksh thought.

A strong breeze flows there and Ragini looked at Laksh lovingly and also proud about her husband.

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