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A guy 's back is shown who is vigorously practising boxing.   His grey orbs were shining in reflection and his muscles were perfectly contracted and his body well built . He had a perfect jawline and nice features !!!

"Laksh  bhai where are you ???"

"I 'm here uttara !!!" He replied revealing himself as laksh.

"Sanskar Bhai where are you ??? Laksh I didn't see Sanskar from morning !!!"

"See here he is sleeping !!! "

An handsome lad is shown sleeping peacefully with his brownish black hair which  perfectly suites him !!!!

"Wait let me wake him up !!!"saying this she went near sanskar and shouted his name.

"Please sweety let me sleep for a while !!!"

"Who is this sweety now ???" Laksh questioned him doubtfully .

"Errr !!! Sorry Priya !!! Yeah Priya !!! Let me please Priya !!!"

"Huh !!! U won't Change Bhai !!!" Laksh face palmed himself .

"Please sanskar Don't waste my time !!! Get up !!!"  Sounding irritated.

* No response *

Uttara got fucked up and kicked him in his butt. He fell down with his face hitting the ground.

"Ouch can't you get peace without hitting me for a day ??? You donkey !!! See if something happens to my face then who 'll like me ???"

"You look good Bhai !!! What's wrong with you ?? Why are you going gaga gaga early in the morning ??? "

"Nothing laksh !!! This female doesn't have any work other than irritating me !!!" He sighed.

"Is it I or you who is irritating ???"

"It's you !!!! " He replied her quickly .

"Huh Bhai !!! You are getting late !!!! Chalo !!! Get ready soon !!! Your sweety or Priya or some chick 'll be waiting for you !!!"

" Eh !!! You !!!I know if bestality is legal then you would do that only !!! " Mockingly .

" you sanskar !!! I won't leave you !!!"

"Catch me if you can !!!"

" Chuck him out Bhai !!!" Uttara shouted .

"You and laksh now go and get ready to go to College!!! Uttara today is your first day and as for us we should be there to rag someone !!! Now I 'm leaving !!!"

After sanskar left laksh closed the door and latched it . He went to open the cupboard only to take an album of him and a person there !!! He took a photo of his with his friends and caressed everyone 's face  and cried.

Laksh 's POV ,

"You were my close friend . I hate my dad !!! He never cares about anyone including me and my maa !!! I was so depressed that I was rebellious with  each and everyone . Only after meeting you guys I got my life back !!! I hope I 'll get a good one in my life and before that I want to take revenge on my own family for spoiling our lives !!!! I 'll do that for sure !!!"

Tuck tuck tuck tuck ( someone 's knock interrupted his thoughts )

He went to open to see his mom standing there .

" Laksh 'll you come down today !!! It's your dad ' s birthday !!!! Please come for me !!!"

" Maa don't beg for him !!!! However my reply would be the same !!! And by the way wish your husband !!! And since it's his birthday I 'm leaving a bit early !!! See you mom !!!"

' when 'll u change laksh ??? ' she thought and left from there .

"Come sanskar it's late for us to leave !!!!"

"Yeah coming sanskar !!!"

Both were driving rashly as they do that often . On the other hand two people were driving the two wheeler very slowly .

"Come on laksh you can do that !!! Come over take that car !!!"


The car turned to the side and laksh managed to stop the car . He went too two girls lying in the floor , one had mild injuries while the other was deeply injured . Her hand was injured.

"Swara are you fine ????"

" I 'm only having mild injuries !!! You ???? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh " swara screamed and fell down unconscious.

"What happened to her ??? Laksh asked worryingly.

"She is of  hemophobia type !!!!"

"Gosh !!!! Wait !!!! Sanky can you please bring water !!!"

"Yeah laksh !!!! Hey you miss what happened to you ??? Your hand is bleeding profusely and here one is lying down unconsciously without any injury ???"

"That's a long story Bhai !!! First let's wake her up !!!"

All the three sprinkles water and swara woke up .

" Ragu ma you are fine nah ??? I won't leave these guys !!!! " Saying this she got up and went to laksh and held his Collar and started abusing him .

"Swara 'll you be quiet !!! Don't scold him come now with me !!!!" Ragini sounded worried.  Sanskar also helped her in separating them . Of they left them even for a second then they would be pulling the other 's hair.

Swara is our swara only.  She didn't listen. She was continuously shouting him !!!! Ragini went in the middle to stop them and successfully pulled swara away from him . In that thing due to force swara was about to fall down when sanskar held her. She was staring at him and vice versa . He held her by waist and his touch sent shivers down her spine . He held her carefully , " are you fine ????"

"Yeah Mr . ?????"

"Sanskar !!!"

" I 'm swara Gadodia !!!"

Meanwhile there ragini was about to go but her dupatta had stuck to his watch. When she turned to go , he didn't see and he pulled and she in a reflex hit on his chest and both felt differently. She held his shirt for a support and he stared at her without blinking his eyes !!!!

Her vision got blurred and she couldn't see anything clearly . She was about to fall when laksh held her .

"Raginiiiiii !!!!!!!!" Swara screamed and ran to her .

PRECAP : surprise .

Phewwwwwwww !!!! Done with chapter two !!!!

How was it guys ????

Silent readers hit the star and comment too !!! Everyone 's comments are valuable to me !!!!

* No broomstick , eggs and tomatoes to attack me *

Love u all !!!!

Varshni .

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