Chapter 1 : The beginning ....

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DAY 1 shot no.1 take 1

"Good morning peoples!!! This is your one and only loving host for tonight." She bites her tongue and frowns, "Oh! I'm sorry I guess you could edit that!" she pouts.

"So this is you're lovely cute and bubbly host for today, SWARA BOSE!!! No claps please, I know that I'm awesome thank you thank you"

A hand hit's her head lightly and she bends down, "Ouch!!!"

The girl turns around to have a look at the person who hit her.

"Are you done for today, I mean get a life dude; do your tv hosting stuff's at your 8 ka dose with Swara bose !!"

Swara makes a pouty face, "Seriously Ragini? Am I that boring?"

Ragini's lips form a curve and she takes her into a hug, "Aww baby I love you" she cups Swara's face whisper exclaiming, "You are awesome." Ragini kisses her on her forehead and rushes to the door.

"Your cells on the sofa!" Swara points towards the sofa and rolls her eyes at Ragini.

Ragini   stops  midway and turns towards her, "What would I do without you baby?" She smiles sheepishly at Swara who hands her the cellphone.

"Love you baby" Ragini blows her a kiss.

Swara smiles replying  "love you infinity " but Ragini's far gone. "Aww" She talks to herself, "What will I do the whole day without her."

She makes a sad face sitting on the sofa, but then she stands up suddenly as if she forgot something "INTERVIEW!! stupid run" She runs to her room and takes a jacket from her cupboard, puts on a scarf and grabs a clutch but then she pauses to have a look at herself in the mirror;

"Ohh No Miss. Bose, you aren't going for a friends party it's an interview!"  she throws her clutch on the bed and a note falls down from it. 

Swara picks it up and opens,

"Baby, don't worry and check my wardrobe" (She obliges and finds a formal but cute attire just so right for her and not to forget even the matching earrings and other stuff with it.) 

She continue's reading it, "Get ready, you have 45 minutes left for the cab to arrive. I know it's an important day baby so all the best and yea don't worry you'll be selected for sure."

Swara falls back on the bed smiling like an idiot, "And thats why we are soul mates Rags (she hits her head lightly) Miss. Bose go get ready, you have whole day to praise her!"

"Avada Key Davra!" 

A green light blinded my vision as the person fell down in front of me. His eyes wide open staring at me and his body lying down at a distance soulless. I close my eyes and gulp in not fear but the irony of my life.

Taking a deep breath as I open my eyes, he's boring into them as if trying to figure out my feelings. He hisses "Where is it?" 

I clench my fists trying to control my anger and force out a smile at him "I'll answer on one condition."

"What is it?"

"Answer my questions first" He nods, "Are you dumb?"


"Don't need to answer, I got it" I stared into his eyes growling my conclusion, "YOU ARE DUMB AND DEAF!" I spat and to my surprise he laughed. This man is so disgusting, he just killed a person with his Ava dey- nonsense. Now he's laughing, I grit my teeth as he leans closer mouthing, "You still have the same sense of humor in you Piyali"

"What's with adding that li to my name? I know your a bit retarded no actually you are mental so I say this again" I lick my lips and force out a smile at him, "I'm P- I- Y- A- Piya! For gods sake even if you kill me and write Piyali on my grave, the name won't change it's PIYA! For you for the whole human society for damn every alien and animal that exists, Piya is my name" I retort exasperated of this officially bitch person.

He smirks, "Just cut the crap and tell me where is it?" he deadpanned. I stare into his eyes and say the but obvious, "I DON'T NO!"

He backs of, standing up as he brushes his hair "I hate to do this to princess but guess we'll have to go the painful way- Crucio!" he flicks a twig like stick in front of me and holy hell it hurts.

"Ouch!" I gasp at the pain that inflicts me, "Please don- just stop it! I swear I don't know what you are talking about you Moron!" 

He puts down his wand and I rub my hands sighing in relief. His eyes still not leaving me but this time theres a glint of regret in them.

Ragini's Office - 

"Good Morning Ma'am" Dolly, Ragini's secretary flashes out a smile at her. Ragini nods in return resuming her walk, "What is the schedule for today?" 

"Ma'am, you have no meetings for today. The pending deal files have to be checked and we have to prepare for the meet with-"



Ragini holds up a frame and caresses it, "I said LEAVE ." 

Dolly gulps in and nods at her lightly. As she leaves shutting the door behind her. Ragini resumes watching the frame, a tear slides down her eye and falls on it, 

"You aren't going to leave me alone are you?"

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Keep Reading :)

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