Chapter 10 : In Love but still can't love...

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Hola guys!! Finally done with my final semester and this was the first story that came up to my mind. Why not have a Shree Ganesh with something that I actually began writing with at the first place ;)


The best way to shut a girl up...... ;)

Piyali's at the backside of podium walking miffed at Uday when suddenly someone holds her hand and pulls her backwards. Even before she could say a word her lips are covered by his.

He gets back a bit and they are just an inch apart "Uday!" she breathes "i..jus..." 

He interrupts "ohh god princess I missed you and I love you that's it so simple !" she's well just so dumbstruck by the sudden kiss that she's speechless and closes her eyes. He kisses her again and this time it's a passionate one he holds her hips and pulls her closer her hands holding his face.

Meanwhile Dev and Brij are talking Swaragini are tensed moving here and there when they feel a breeze flow past them their eye's closed in for a moment to reminsce their better halves ....... 

Little do they know that they are standing just behind them, swaragini turn around to see them but then they feel it's just a dream pursing their lips they turn around. 

Both Sanskar and Laksh look at each other and shrug speaking in unison"seriously?" 

Swaragini are shocked to hear their voice and turn around happily. They are about to squeal when sanlak sign them behind towards Dev and pull them outside.

Swaragini are so happy that it can't be measured and they give sanlak a tight hug with a "THANK YOU!!!!!!" The boys couldn't help but comply their lips curved up.

Ragsan are close to each other cuddling a little far from swalak giving the official husband wife some time and each other's too.

Might be wondering right, even though being husband and wife swalak are afraid to meet each other openly in front of the world, especially Devdhar!

It's because every species that is either vampire, werewolf or witches have their certain rules and one among them is that a member of a species can only marry a member of the same species. 

The group change like clans might be ok but rest all are forbidden and the soul reason behind it are the offsprings which in scientific language are called hybrids would be unpredictable hence a threat to all, especially a threat to their secret existence amongst the humans!

Swalak's marriage is something just Devdhar knows, as the Singhania's and Maheshwari's are good friends since time immemorial this marriage was allowed only on the condition that once married they can't bear off springs and hence would not stay together but would be allowed to meet and be friends till they find someone in their respective clans as a partner for themselves.

But what's sad is Ragsan would never be even allowed to do that as sanskar being a vampire  "A WALKING DEAD! Is considered a threat to them or rather lets say they are just jealous that a vampire can cross a 100 km's in just ten seconds and scare the hell out of these freaks ! ;)

Ragini and sanskar are holding each others hand sharing a smile "if you feel like your done just leave it rageshwari I promise you that we'll just run off away from here from everyone and have a small and happy life just like the one you wanted !" he exclaimed.

Rageshwari's teary eyed "but a happy life for me can never be away from my family and most of all my sister's!"

He held the drop of water that trickled down her cheek and closed his fist as if trying to treasure it as she spoke "Most of all, if I back out now fearing for my death I would be the biggest loser in the world. And my father, what about him when he knows his daughter just backed off like a coward !" 

Sanskar looked into her eyes wiping her tears he smiled proudly "Then go just do it my love, for you always have me with you in each and every step of your journey. Never ever think that you are alone because may come what just one whisper and where ever you are rageshwari, I'll be infront of you in seconds." Rageshwari just buried her head into his chest smiling weakly.

"Calm down Swarali, just stay cool everything's gonna be okay" he said holding her in front of him. 

Swarali puckered her lips " kiss me !" laksh lifted his brows mused "hm?" 

"Just kiss me you idiot !" she exclaimed annoyed and he did pulling her close to him, a kiss which slowly turned to a wild and passionate one...

And when they finished he held her face still close to him breathing heavily he whispered "feeling good?" she took a deep breath "never been better.." 

Love is not a maybe thing. 

You know when you're in love...

They hear a ruffling sound as if someone's there swalak look here and there but do not find anyone but then ragsan too hear some sounds weak whispers. Sanskar's eyes turn cold as he realizes it's her, Piyali ......

Rageshwari and Swalak too hear her sobs, they move a bit further tensed to find Piyali trying to move away from Uday "Just leave me you freak! Just because we met after years doesn't mean I've changed so just ..." she said trying to free her hand from his grip.

He chuckles "seriously princess?" he pulls her towards him "you just forgot what happened moments ago or is it something called amnesia that your suffering from?" 

He looks into her eyes as if trying to read them and they share an eye lock "just because your handsome doesn't mean every girl will fall for your tricks, it's a competition and we are competitors so I think you should stop behaving like a Majnu !" she said trying to ignore his gaze.

Sanlak have their grips tightened and all ready to rescue their little sister in law but Swaragini hold them back.

"Rageshwari.." Sanskar retorts with a cold voice and Rageshwari looks into his eyes trying to calm him"let them sort it out sweet heart, he won't hurt her we know him" 

Laksh looks at Swarali who nods in concord "he loves her but don't know why my sweet little sister doesn't want to express that she feels the same way for him, her eyes say it all Laksh she loves him."

"No! I don't, I just hate you Uday just get lost !" Piyali's successful in getting herself freed from his grip and turns to see Ragsan and Swalak who are looking at them from a distance. 

Sanskar smirks at her last said words because he knows that the words are just the opposite of what she just felt for him.

Uday holds her again ignoring the presence of Swaragini and Sanlak "Come on princess, go wherever you want to I bet you till the end of this conquest it's you who's gonna confess the truth and yea thank you for the" he leans cLoser to her ear whispering " good luck kiss.... " she goes from there leaving him embarrassed.

Uday brushes his hair exclaiming "well well, so these are the ones who have stolen my girlfriends hearts!" he winks at Swaragini who nod at him smiling cutely, moreover blushing.

Rageshwari replies teasingly"I wish you could have done the same, our daddy dearest would have found at least one flaw in his all so perfect daughter!" 

Uday shrugged "well that depends now on how the conquest is gonna shape up, just pray I get your sister as my partner you'll have all of your wishes fulfilled including mine" he winked at them going to Laksh "I don't think we need any intro."

They share a hug as Laksh whispers "be aware the ball is in your court, hope you goal it this time."

He goes to Sanskar "Sanskar karma right?" he nods and as Uday introduces himself with a warm smile "Udayveer singh "they hug and Sanskar whispers "don't worry the kiss is gonna be a secret. Just try not remembering it when I'm around, I'm just a bit too touche' of my younger saali!" he nods and leaves saying see you at the podium

Swalak go in holding hands while our Ragsan share an hug tightly. They stand there close touching each other's forehead as he says"I love you " she too complies saying "infinity... " 

He kisses her forehead and she turns to leave at a distance she turns back again to see him still standing there signing her to go in she nods and leaves.

At the podium the loud noises have all turned into whispers when the chief consorts enter, it has two witches a vampire and a werewolf as the judges for the whole conquest.

The host announces the contestants names and people start cheering for their favorite ones the host continues "Swarali singhania ! Rageshwari singhania and lastly Piyali singhania !" the crowd goes silent. 

Swaragya enter th podium smiling brightly at the chief consorts who give them each a small pouch which has the required elements like books for help, some healing portions(the pouch is enchanted by a charm spell just like the one hermoine granger has in harry potter series, it's given to all participates as there are vampires and other creatures who can't do magic so these will help them in critical times )

"THE CONQUEST BEGINS !" and a big whistle sound is blown.

All the contestants enter the forest area and go to their separate ways. No wonder why the forest is chosen as the first round for them, it's so vast that anyone can easily get lost in it.

It's not at all edited, just wanted to start up with writing and my lazy self found this already written in here so :P Also this chapter is dedicated to someone very special and sweet, she's been so bugging me to complete this FAIRY_tejaholic bass tere liye ;)

Until next time (P.S. Which is going to sooner )

Keep Reading :D 

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