Chapter 15 : It's not that worse

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P.S - NOT EDITED . Sorry for the delayed update but the climax is here, keep reading as the next few parts are really important one's and do comment down your views.

As the flashback ends, Rageshwari starts sobbing, crying bitterly, as the truth hit's her pretty badly. How her own sister want's to kill her for no reason.

She wipes her tears and tries getting up, but the pain pulls her down "Arghh, no Rageshwari, you can't fall weak now, it's about your sisters, they need you. Piyali's life is in danger right now, and you need to find her anyhow !" 

She calms herself and moves down, she searches her jacket's pocket and sighs relieved as she finds the necessities pouch still there. She starts searching inside it as she hears a thud inside the pouch, "The BOOK'S !" she sighs and continues to search. Somewhere in it she finds a glass bottle, it's a solution that can heal wounds not quicker but good enough to stop the bleeding at least, as she put's a drop or two it stings "ouch!!" 

Rageshwari writhes in pain as it feels like someone poured acid on her skin. As the portion shows it's magic the wound slowly gets cleaned up but it still hurts as Rageshwari stands up ignoring her pain she runs out but then the shed entrance blocks her from going out she flicks her wand out of the jacket and is about to ..

Rageshwari's hair is been pulled back as she winces in pain the person speaks "all ready to run haan??" Swarali smirks as she tosses her towards the door well that makes her hit to an invisible wall and bounce back inside

Finding no other resort, Rageshwari turns to Swarali and orders "almeha Amara, bring back my old sister from her trance."

The amara rise up in air and sparkles, the light rays are too much for Swarali who closes her eyes and feels a beam of light pass through her. She falls down unconscious, Rageshwari looks at her sister worried as she drags her body towards the haystack and makes her lie on it, the blood that was on the floor is now on her clothes too. Rageshwari caresses Swarali as a tear trips down her cheek "I promise I'll be back, don't do anything stupid until then I love you jiji.."

She runs towards the door realizing that the charm has been broken since Swarali's dozed off and won't be up till she gains consciousness.

Sanskar and Uday move towards the shed entrance, Sanskar's about to touch the door knob when Uday stops him "It's under a spell let me check this first."

He gets his wand out and flicks it murmuring the spell weakly as the door opens slowly to wind.

Sanskar gave Uday a look "and now how do we know what happened, wasn't it supposed to be like sparkle or something when you recite a spell?"

Uday stares at him "bro, I'm a wizard not a fairy, do you think it's a television drama going on here? It doesn't have to sparkle all the time."

Sanskar nods trying to understand as they move in he smells it, as he goes closer and closer what he sees makes him freeze. Uday comes from behind and pats on his shoulder unaware of the scene in front of him "dude, saw a ghost or something?"

Sanskar just doesn't speak as Uday turns to look his face expression changes to a shocked one. There right in front of their eyes was Piyali, lying on the floor, all blood over her, she's profusely bleeding, it's her stomach she's been stabbed multiple times.

Sanskar holds her arm instantly pulling her up, his hand supporting her neck "let me help you little one, look just a few drops of blood, it won't heal you immediately but it would keep you alive."

Piyali''s profusely bleeding but still conscious, her eyes barely open, before Sanskar could slit his wrist she signs Uday to come .

Uday unwillingly goes towards her, he's still in trance as she hold's his hand trying to breathe, as soon as her hand touches him he becomes calmer, a spell of course!

His eyes close shut and he see's it all what happened back there,

When Piyali entered the shed, as she went near the body praying to god to make her assumptions wrong, the face is covered with hair strands as she slowly pins them aside her face turns pale it's Swarali.

Piyali starts crying vigorously checking her pulses, her heart it's beating, she's breathing she shakes her vigorously as Swarali stirs up blinking her eyes she looks at Piyali who's relieved a bit now.

As Swarali gets up slowly Piyali hugs her tightly whispering "I thought i just lost you....." but then Piyali gasps for air as something pierces through her skin. Her eyes go wide as she separates from her sister, blood oozes down her abdomen as the knife rests within her. Swarali's eyes have a glint of something she does not recognize but what she knows for sure, is that it's definitely not her sister. Swarali pulls out the knife and Piyali feels a sharp pain, more blood oozing out of her abdomen.

Swarali smirks as she stabs her again this time deeper "this ones for being the daddy's all-time favourite child, and the first one was for helping me unnecessarily, and being an obedient little sister" she removes the knife slowly "I wish i had some more time to watch you bleed to death" and she stabs her again "Number three was just for fun sisso."

Swarali pushes Piyali a bit and she lands down on her back "happy journey to the heaven little sister, tell mommy a hiee from me. I'm coming too, but after so many bad deed's i don't think i would get a seat over there... " 

Piyali hold's her hand clutching as tightly as possible but then Swarali smirks "you smarty little sister always wanting an explanation right? Fine, listen the Amulet of Kynareth is the reason, once I find our another sister and kill her, I'll have her power's that will get doubled as you die, wondering how? We three sisters are bound by a spell, our powers are joined as one of the sharer dies the power goes to the elder one, we are blessed remember? All thanks to our mommy, anyways your powers will now move on to Rageshwari." 

Piyali stares at her "yea yea, she was alive I had to keep her or else the power balance would have gotten destroyed. I thought i would kill you first and then her, which i will do by the way" she caresses Piyali's face "rest in peace my little sister."

 Uday seems extremely worried and so is Sanskar as Piyali tries to speak "uh ..." blood slightly oozes out of her mouth "u..uday just.. go get the... julianos before she ...does ..."

Piyali falls unconscious again as Uday looks at Sanskar who replies "Just do what she says dude, trust her, she know's what has to be done and for her I won't let her die it's a promise."

Uday caresses Piyali's face one last time "Princess... Don't be dead not now, not ever."

Uday is wandering in the woods and suddenly he halts by a side, his eyes catch the sight of a scroll, as he opens it there's a spark of light the whole place around him changes into a podium, an empty one but for his amusement there's someone else too.

As he turns around to find Liya holding the wand "I hope you don't wanna get fried, do you?"

Uday smirks "I wish i had that much time babe, where is it?"

Liya flicks her wand "AH-gwah-MEN-teh..."

Her wand creates a fountain of water in his direction, it's force is so much so that Uday falls backwards "seriously? Well thanks, I really needed a shower you see."

He gets up but then she again flicks the wand "A-LAR-tey ah-SEN-dey-rey ..."

And he gets shot high up in the air, as she directs the wand towards him "Still want it?"

Liya flicks the wand down and Uday lands straight on the ground over his stomach, as he rolls up she just stares at him "go back you fool, Julianos is just mine" she shows him the amulet on her neck as it shines brightly she smiles seeing it.

Uday grabs his wand and point's it towards her and before she could react he flicks it "ah-VAH-dah key-DAV-rah!"

As the death curse hits her, it's accompanied by a flash of green light and she collapses. As he looks at her shocked a small light as though an angel comes within her now limp body "Now, you my friend are the sole owner of thy Julianos, from now on your power's are increased by ten time's my child, hope you don't end up like I did years ago. From here on, your journey to the Akatosh officially begins."

Uday bows low to her as she smiles "She's in safe hands my son" Uday looks at the angel confused, surprised a bit though as she exclaims "don't worry for now" she caresses his face "go to her and this time don't waste your time, Thy Dibella's been conquered, it's just one more to go before you reach the Akatosh."

Piyali's POV - 

As my head stir's, I come back from my world of darkness to the reality, the world where my hand is held by a person so lovingly and caringly. 

"Sanskar.." as I look at him blinking my eye's slowly, something feels different, I try to get up and he holds me smiling widely, he seems happy. I lay back as my mind questions me, before I could think i just blurt it out "how much?"

Sanskar smiles now his usual one "A good six hour's, the venom heals faster then your solutions and portions doesn't it?"

I nod at him like a child and the door to the shed flung open and woah! does he ever slow down? Or am i so so attractive, that he just can't resist me?

I hear a slight chuckle from Sanskar as Uday hugs me tightly "Uday" I wince in pain, "you are disturbing my vampire venom healing procedure."

He smirks getting back a bit "So your back to being the normal you haan?"

A wide grin spreads on my face "Asking stupid questions again and again, aren't you?"

He kisses my forehead lovingly and Sanskar coughs "do i need to repeat my words of how protective i am of my saali sahiba?"

Uday separates immediately and I start giggling "you know I love you more than him right?" Sanskar smiles as I complete "you'll alway's be my man, jiju!"

As I tease him the realization struck me, my sister's are out there, one who's on a killing maniac spree and the other well I have no idea rather then the one thing that she's alive...

I look at Sanskar who's face expressions now changed into a worried one, he can read my thought's i'm thankful to that as i look back at Uday "so Dibella's the next then?" I query.

Uday smiles shaking his head "nope, it's the Arkay now, some girl conquered the Dibella".

Swarali's scratching her head standing at a three way route "seriously? Which way do i go now!" she sits down and starts looking at each direction one by one "I wish i had a three sided object, damn i could have used it as a toss!" 

A girl come's talking to herself as Swarali looks at her she just stares "this one seems pretty worse, Swarali you better hide or you're gone today" as she gets up and turns a hand taps on her shoulder and she turns frustrated .

"Swarali Singhania?" the girl beams "I'm Aisha, nice to meet you."

Swarali fake a smile as the girl continues "you know it's really been worse here, one problem then another, I've never been in a jungle before it's really ..."

"Amazing here" Swarali interrupts her tone really harsh "you see I've been here since ages, infact mowgli was my ancestor so being in a jungle is in my blood darling."

"Since ages?" Aisha's eyes go wide in shock "do you mean you're a vampire? But daddy said, the singhania's are a witch just like us."

Swarali grabs Aisha's hand and pulls her closer "I'm not just like you, I am Swarali Singhania, and let me repeat it again, i'm not like you!" Swarali's eyes now completely red.

Aisha nods scared at her strange behaviour and murmurs a small okay. As Swarali jerks her hand away, she lands straight on the ground "next time, we meet which I don't think so but if we do, don't even dare talk to me you chatterbox".

As Swarali leaves huffing Aisha just stares at her.

A few moment's pass by, Aisha's sitting at the same place crying when Rageshwari approaches her concerned "Are you okay dear? Did you hurt yourself or something?"

Aisha lifts her head up, wiping her tears she replies "yo.. your sister ..."

Rageshwari retorts quickly "my sister, you know her? Which one? Did she do something to you?"

"Woah! Slow down, it's me who's got the Dibella not you."

Dibella increases a person's speech ability by 10 times, it basically helps speaking faster so much so that your opponent or enemy won't know what spell you cast on them.

Rageshwari could not believe her ears "You got the Dibella?"

aisha nods "and now i'm confused, where to go?"

Rageshwari looks at the three routes and wonders the same "where did she go ?"

Aisha pouts at her "Who? Your sister?" Rageshwari nods "she chose the middle one but she seemed quite pissed of so i don't think she chose it mentally but rather abruptly and in a hurry to avoid me and my irritating talks i guess."

Rageshwari smiles at her innocence as they hear some ruffling noises her heart starts beating faster, it feels as though he's here, she closes her eyes and takes his name "Sanskar... "

As the trio (Sanskar, uday and Piyali) are walking, Sanskar feels something, as if someone took his name and that someone felt so just like Rageshwari.

Piyali looks at him as he stops walking she keeps a hand on his shoulder worried "Is she in danger?"

Sanskar's face has a wide smile on, as she looks at him surprised he points at the front. Two girls are shown standing at a distance and probably the girl a bit longer than the other one looked just like Rageshwari, her curls at the back playing with wind as she turns around slowly Piyali who's now looking at her direction just runs screaming "Jiji!"

Rageshwari looks at her direction with happiness and tears seemed to not stop, Piyali just forgets everything and runs towards her trying to hold back her tears. Piyali huffs standing right in front of her sister, seems like vampire venom was not a good booster but rather her own sister's face worked the magic.

Rageshwari wells up "I'm so sorry ...." her eyes moist as Piyali shakes her head smiling, she takes her sister into a tight embrace "I love you..."

As the boys reach there, Ragini and Sanskar share a hug, he kisses her forehead and asks "you alright?"

Rageshwari nods teary eyed "Now, I am."

Rageshwari jumps in happiness but then suddenly winces in pain, her torso, it's still hurting pretty badly. Piyali looks at her worried, but then Rageshwari smiles at her "It's not that worse."

As they continue their journey towards the Arkay, the chats between Uday and Aisha start annoying Piyali, as she just looks at them, both Rageshwari and Sanskar smirk.

Piyali finally speaks up annoyed "Are you guy's like done with your bantering of how i found Dibella and how i found Julianos? Or am I supposed to let my wand do the work?"

Uday just shrugs casually replying "socializing princess, what's your problem with that?"

"Fine!" Piyali stomps her foot on the ground "go die!"

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