Chapter 18: This wasn't the plan!

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And here we are, this was the final chapter, this was where my head was stuck ages ago but good news, we are gonna continue ahead. Rewrote it in my head and just hope you guys will like what happens next, fingers crossed!

Side by side or mile's apart, We are sisters connected by heart...


Swara falls down on her knees in shock. Ragini goes towards her but Swara shrieks "No! don't come near me please" she starts sobbing. Ragini clutches onto her mouth holding her tears back. Sanskar and Lakshya look at each other and then back at Piya.

Piya goes towards Swara and keeps a hand on her shoulder "Look" Swara does not stop "I know we look like those three but if we were sister's back then, and if that happened what's written in this diary then I think you should stop being selfish and lame."

Everyone there has their eyes on Swara who still continue's sobbing "I'm ..." she tries to speak but fails and Piya completes her "sorry?"

Swara nods to which she replies "But you don't look like you are, cos if you were you wouldn't have been crying instead you would have been brave and smiling because that's what we wanted right?" Piya makes a face concluding "more like the old punar janam we."

She looks at Ragini who nods smiling through her tears "Definitely" she rushes to her sisters aide "We know you have been having many questions and this isn't how you expected the answers to be but then there's nothing you can do to change the past" she kneels in front of Swara "But you can make a better present and future right?"

She holds her face lovingly and kisses her forehead "Whatever you did was the influence of that amulet you had and there's nothing you could have done to stop it."

"But now that you've got a new life" Piya smiles at her saying "have a new beginning, forget what happened, and be happy just like the previous version of me said."

Her face expressions now all weird and wondering what she just said which makes both the boys smile.

Swara stands up and hugs Piya tightly "I love you!"

Piya smiles awkwardly "hey!" she separates from her a little exclaiming "We aren't sister's in this birth, so... " Swara frowns as she asks "I love you too from my side won't make me gay right?"

Ragini hits Piya's arm lightly giving her a tiny glare but then she becomes suspicious as she looks at the boys "But then" she seems all confused "if you guy's knew nothing then how did you find us?" she looks at laksh "Lakshya?"

Lakshya brushes his hair "Actually after all that happened" his expressions now serious "as far as I remember I found myself in the jungle's shed, the werewolves territory, and as we know now all thanks to Piyali's spell, I remembered nothing about the incident which was a good thing as it didn't hurt me" he smiled sadly and it reflected in Swara's eyes.

"The truth that I had a wife who was now dead would have destroyed me, so I guess it was a really good decision of Piyali at that time." Lakshya smiled at Piya who felt nervous "It was a few months later the incident, Shekhar uncle who was new in town and business partner of our's called dad and informed him that Aunty's gone into labour."

Piya fiddled with her fingers while the others heard him curiously "I don't know why but I started feeling restless and" he looked into Swara's eyes saying "your words 'Promise me you would find them' started ringing in my head, kinda like an alarm. I insisted dad that I would come with him and as we drove there the ministry people" a drop of sweat trickled down Piya's forehead "the witches arrived and started fighting with dad and uncle saying they can't keep the baby alive as it would be a threat in the future and some curse stuff."

"I don't know" Lakshya shook his head turning towards Ragini "As the nurse brought the baby, I took her in my arms and trust me." 

He turned towards Sanskar "I swear it wasn't intentional, amidst the chaos and those words and everything, something went off withing me. I had that sudden urge and when more clans arrived, my heart beat started racing, as if it was saying... " he sighed "just do it or your promise will be broken and this time forever...

Piya took a step back as he breathed in "before any one could say or do something, it just happened..."


"Do you people even know what you are asking?" Durgaprasad snapped, his eyes wide and red in extreme anger "To kill an innocent is a biggest sin and would curse our whole clan! The infant is just a few minute's old, she is innocent and I offend your decision."

"But the wizards have ordered that the baby has to be killed" one of the elder men standing in front of Durgaprasad speaks up "my master and we can't help it now."

As they engage in heating debate, a man sneaks out and rushes towards the nurse who approaches them with a baby. He is about to touch the baby but is pushed back forcefully. He looks up growling at the attacker only to be silenced down, the silence seems to have a certain power as the enraging debate goes numb too. 

Everyone now has their attention in the direction, there Lakshya was holding the little baby, adoring her. His eyes moist as the cute little bundle grabs his thumb.

"What the hell did you do man?" the man yells standing up as one of the men from the witches clan rushes there "Do you even realize what you've done Lakshya?" Lakshya does not pay any heed to them, his eyes are all on her "You've imprinted her!" the man yells and gasps could be heard. 

The man turns to Durgaprasad "you will regret this, your whole clan will regret this!"

The ministry people leave from there miffed, Durgaprasad is speechless, he stares at his son who seems too lost in the little one. 

"Why'd you do that man?" the man utters disappointed "this wasn't the plan!"

Durgaprasad walks up to his son "How can you ask such a stupid question Arthur?" 

Arthur looks down as Durgaprasad walks past him, Lakshya could not help but smile looking up at his Father who smiles back "It wasn't under his control, or in the matter of fact it isn't under any of our control." He holds his hands out towards Lakshya who hands him the baby carefully "And I am now glad to announce you all" he looks at her as she settles, eyes slightly open, lips a little curved up "she's your future ruler, your queen" he gives a stern look to Arthur "Show some respect."

He nods in agreement and turns to the clan, signing them to bow low. They bow low infront of her showing a form of acceptance to their would-be queen, Durgaprasad holds the baby looking at the others standing straight his voice a bit commanding as he says "Lakshya!"

Lakshya nods turning to his mates "Now it's our duty to protect her from every danger that comes to her."

Flashback ends and Lakshya continues's "Your dad knew everything from day one, he was there but still not there. Every day, every moment until now that you have lived, he just pretended to know nothing, as if he lived a normal life so that you get to live one. And as for finding Sware, it was Ragini who found you on her tenth birthday."

Swara smiles through her tears "So I did really hit you that day!"

Ragini chuckles looking at a curious Sanskar and Piya "It was 12 at night and I wanted to go visit the jungle" she turns towards Swara "Remember the tree which shone brightly last time you went there?" she nodded "I found it first and I like to go there don't really know why."

"It feels as if it has a magnet that pulls a person towards itself" Swara's words made Ragini comply "Exactly! And when we reached there you were hiding behind a tree and did something which nearly even I failed to do."

"Hit the monster L!" Swara said proudly and Lakshya scratched his head "You took me by surprise and then fell unconscious. I was so worried if it weren't for Ragini who calmed me down." 

Lakshya shook his head widening his eyes "It felt like you both had a connection. Soon Aman one of my mates came there running and he told how you saw him transform at the shed. We took you to the villa and when you became conscious- "

"You lied to me that I din't hit you rather hit myself with the tree while running and fell down unconscious!" Swara stared at him pointedly.

She twisted her lips feigning anger but then he caressed her face "Awww mera baccha!"

Ragini could not hold on anymore and burst into hysterics. Lakshya instantly turned to her shaking his head in a No, but Swara held his face "What? What am I missing?"

Ragini held onto her stomach breathing heavily "Well... that's because Aman... He was still there and if he would have known his whole pack would have known" she looked at Lakshya who pouted like a cute desolated puppy "that a girl hit him and would have teased him for a lifetime."

"So-" Piya is about to say something but is interrupted by a phone call. She opens her bag and checks her cell, her eyes go wide and face turns pale "Um..." she gulps in not looking up at them "guys sorry, but I gotta go."

Ragini looks at her concerned but Piya manages to smile "No worries Ragini, I'm good it's just an important work that i gotta do." 

She turns to the boys "take them safely to the mansion" she throws the keys towards Sanskar "there's a bag under the seat for help and you've got my number just ring me if you guys get lost or something."

She turns to leave but then stops and turns "I trust you with my Roxy, not a single scratch or I'll-"

"Kill me" Sanskar completes her and smirks, bringing a smile over her face. She licks her lips, something does not feel nice but that doesn't let her smile fade as looks at ragini "Don't worry I'll be fine and back in one piece" her words seem as if she was reassuring herself more "There's lot more that I have to show you guys and Piya never breaks her promises." 

Ragini nods whispering "I know... "

Scene change:

Piya's shown waiting in the middle of the jungle for someone, she looks at her wristwatch continuously, worried mumbling to herself "I hope I'm not late or he'll kill me."

As she looks worriedly towards the road a white convertible is shown coming in her direction from the opposite side. She doesn't notice it and walks a little further. She turns around a bit and notices the car arriving speedily towards her. Not knowing what to do, she closes her eye's in fear and stands there as if frozen. 

The car stops just in nick of time and it's door opens. Piya still in that position is by now trembling in fear, her eyes still closed shut.

"Ohh" she hears a male voice "I never knew this roads owner's daughter looked so beautiful." Piya opens one eye and tries looking at him and then sighs "Seriously? You almost killed me Mr.whoever!" as she looks at the person she's shocked. 

All those flashbacks start brimming in her mind repeating just one name "Udayveer... "

The man smirks "Not Bad, you know my name haan?" 

He removes his glasses and walks towards her "It's just veer, Udayveer is a bit too old for someone like me. And now if you don't mind" he leans closer to her and she could not help but gaze into his eyes. The closer he gets, she could hear her heart beating faster, all those thoughts rushing into her head give her a head rush.

Her hands now on his chest as she yells "What the hell!" and pushes him with all her might exclaiming "what if your car would have hit me and I ended up dead here?"

Veer chuckles balancing on his heels "I doubt that" he rubs his jacket and she looks at him in utter disbelief.

Scene change:

Swaragini are at the singhania's Mansion sitting on the hall couch when Sanlak enter.

"You Parked it properly?" Ragini asks and Sanskar to Lakshya who replies "Definitely we did." Sanskar nods completing "I don't want to die so soon, especially not at the hands of a girl" he emphasizes.

"Hey what does that mean?" Swara exclaims feeling completely offended "Dying at the hands of a girl?" she pouts cutely making Lakshya chuckle. 

Ragini gives him a stern look and he backs of innocently "He meant who wants to die at the hands of a girl just because we didn't park her Roxy properly." 

Lakshya looks at Sanskar as if asking for his confirmation and he nods like a small kid replying "Yeah.. yeah, that's exactly what I meant!"

Swara looks at him suspiciously mumbling "Whatever" she turns to Ragini lazily stretching her arms "I'm tired" she touches her belly cutely petting it "And famished."


As the four finish their food they hear a car park outside, Swara jumps out of her seat squealing "Piya!" but her face falls as she finds a man walking in. As he comes nearer, his face becomes clear, the other three too get up from their seat and walk towards Swara who squints her eyes triying to get a clearer vision of the person and figure out who they might be. 

But to her utter surprise, she hears Ragini whisper "Udayveer..."

Udayveer muses "Do I look so amazing that even men are staring at me?" 

Sanskar shakes his head smiling "Veer my brother!" he exclaims walking towards him. They share a hug and Sanskar pats his back "It's so good to see you." 

As they separate "So finally got some time for your friend?" Uday cocks his brows up looking at Sanskar who laughs "You think your brother's so bad? I mean what can I do if girls can't take their eye's and hands of me?"

"Veer!" Ragini calls out "Oh-My-god! Look at you, so much change hun? "

Uday flashes a grin spreading his arms in the air "Some changes are mandatory my Queen" he winks at her and she hits his arm laughing at his antics "An outside change doesn't make a difference till your the same within" she states with a serious face making Veer widen his eyes.

"You and your-" 

"Emotional statements!" Sanskar completes him.

Ragini rolls her eyes at Sanskar and he lifts his hands up in surrender making Swara laugh "Truth spoken" and this time even Lakshya laughs making Ragini sulk "You all are really very bad!" she turns to leave saying "Don't call me until Piya comes" she goes upstairs stomping her feet and Swara pouts "She's an emotional mess" she turns to veer "By the way who's gonna give the introduction?" 

She lends her hand in his direction and chirps "Swara Bose" making Veer smile "Udayveer Sisodia " he shakes it warmly.

Swara's eye's widen in disbelief "So your that prince?" 

Veer Nods and she instantly asks "When's your Swayamwar? You know I always wanted to attend those royal Swayamvar's wondered how they would be?" her tone gets all hyper-excited "Is your Palace really that big as they show in magazines and news? Do you have any siblings? Can your sister be my friend? A princess as a friend sounds so amazing not that Ragu's any less than a princess for me but still A Princess!" she emphasizes the last word.

 "Easy Swara easy" Sanskar interrupts her. He keeps a hand on her shoulder "Take a deep breath, he's here for a while. Ask questions but do give him sometime to reply first before you shoot him with another one."

Swara pouts again this time she turns towards Lakshya who walks to her other side. Taking her for a side hug he says "Aww, mera baccha don't be sad, he won't go so soon."

He looks up at Veer "Lakshya Maheshwari, call me Lucky!" 

Veer nods smiling and he whispers to swara "We won't let him go, Snow White, not until you get answers to all your questions" Swara smiles like a kid.

"Definitely, in fact, I'm here to have a tour of Dehradun" he exclaims walking towards the couch.

The others follow him as he continues "Actually, I was supposed to come with Sanskar but due to an urgent meeting I couldn't." 

He looks at Sanskar apologetically "Sorry yaar." 

Sanskar smiles "It's okay brother, now that you're here we'll have even more fun."

"Sure If he doesn't kill your tourist guide though" exclaims Piya entering the villa and Swara jumps out of the couch as if she were sitting on a couch.

She runs to her "Your back so soon?"

Her question makes Piya furrow her brows "Okay, I'll come back after a few hours then" she turns to leave but Swara has hold of her arm "No, no, I meant-"

"I know what you meant silly" she takes her into a hug. 

"I never kill especially beauties like you" Piya gives him a fake smile holding Swara still in her embrace "Yeah! Right!" she nods "because your car has that contract doesn't it?"

"Easy little girl."

"I'm not Little girl!" she snaps at him letting go Swara in the process who frowns. Veer shrugs his shoulders "Fine, then Princess." 

A wind blows making her curls dance as the word Princess repeats in her head, reminding her of him, Udayveer...

"Piya!" Ragini comes rushing towards her and takes her into an embrace. 

"Ouch!" Piya winces in pain and Ragini instantly separates from her worried "Are you alright? Did you get hurt?"

Piya dismisses her "Ragini, I meant Ouch! so much love? It hurts my tiny little heart to take in so much in such a short time span."

Ragini gives her a good stare and then smacks her forehead "Idiot!"

"Ah!" Piya rubs her forehead stating "that's better" 

Everyone starts laughing as she walks up to the couch asking "So, what is my almost killer doing here?" she looks at Veer pointedly who shrugs his shoulders "Come on princess, chill! It was just an-"

"Don't call me princess!" she cuts him in "and yeah I'm cool just for them and no one else!"

The others just look at each other not knowing how or what to respond to and Veer sits up straight.

Piya stares at him as his serious face breaks into an evil smirk, he utters "Princess..." 

Veer has a huge smile plastered on his face, making her grit her teeth "Argh! Moron!" she turns to Sanskar forwarding her hands "Keys!"

Sanskar puts his hand into his jacket pocket and his face expressions change into a worried one, Piya gives him a bored look asking "What now?"

P.S. Thinking of restarting another old fanfiction (any suggestions?), both thoughts and writing in the process. Until the next update, 

Keep Reading ;)

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