Chapter 5: The Full Moon...

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If you have a shining star it's awesome but if not touch it and make it shine :D 

Lol I tried :p

Let me love you if not for the rest of your life.. 

but for the rest of mine......

Ragini rushes down in a hurry and calls the watchman "If anyone asks about us tell them we have gone out and yea don't inform them about the open gates I'll be back soon please it's a request don't tell anyone "

The watchman nods and she leaves. In the jungle Swara hears the howling sound and gets excited "It's a wolf champ see I finally found something fictional!" she goes further and sees something shining a bit far as if a small shiny star she goes further following the light.

Meanwhile Ragini's in the jungle she hears Swara scream and she trembles whispering "SANSKAR!"

Sanskar hears Ragini calling him and get's up from the armchair, he speeds up and vanishes to thin air!

In the jungle Swara's fallen down unconscious, two shiny eyes fiercely watching her. It's a giant wolf with a a brownish fur, Ragini's at a distance, seeing the wolf near Swara she gets afraid and trembles in fear.

The wolf takes a step back and lunges towards Swara. Ragini screams "Swara!!!" and closes her eyes. She feels a breeze pass her.

He's here... 

Sanskar holds the wolf and pushes it with all his might the atmosphere beneath them gets more cold as if a war's gonna begin.

"STOP! I order you to stop right now!" the wolf who was looking fiercely at Sanskar by now calms down seeing Ragini. She goes towards them and the wolf bows down to her .

Sanskar picks up Swara in his arms, Ragini gets emotional seeing her

Sanskar speaks to her calmly "Don't worry, I'll take her safely home and wait until you come " Ragini nods looking at him

"It's full moon Ragini he needs you, go fast before he hurts anyone."

Ragini turns to leave and he speaks again "I know it's strange that we fight all the time and now I'm sending you to him at this crucial moment, but Ragini when it comes to your safety I trust him more then myself!" he turns towards the bowing wolf "and you! Our fight isn't over yet next time we meet you'll have a tough night!" saying thus he turns towards the same route through which they have entered the jungle and is vanished again. Ragini sits on the wolf and it runs towards the jungle.

In the dark jungle a shed is shown, screams can be heard louder as if an animal is howling in pain. Ragini enters in, a tear trips down her cheeks and falls on the floor. It's lucky in his half human half werewolf form, he's in pain deep pain and Ragini just can't stop herself

"Laksh !" her soothing voice as if brings a new life in him he looks towards her .

Ragini runs towards him and hugs him. As if a small light of hope in this darkness, her presence brings a small smile on his face though in pain. She wipes her tears and starts removing the chains

"Ragini don't! I might hurt you damn it!" Ragini stares at him with annoyance "Just shut up, I know you wont!" she covers him with a near by blanket and holds his hands "Did I ever say how much I hate the moon when it's full?" 

Lucky chuckles with no humor at her statement and asks weakly "she was here wasn't she??" she nods.

"Is she fine now and where's that bastard who attacked her?" he growls angrily. 

Ragini looks at him worried "Just calm down, it's not Jim's fault lucky, it's full moon how can you expect him to control himself "

Laksh growls at her "What if something happened to her?"

"Nothing happened to her, he saved her on time" said Ragini . 

Laksh looked at her the moment she said HE! There's no other person in the world accept him who's so much close to her that no matter try what she can, she can't stop letting him come back to his life again and again.

"SANSKAR! Try taking his name next time" he said with a smile a fake one

Ragini shook her head exclaiming "He saved her."

"And left you to come here to an animal? What about your safety?" he asked with amusement

Ragini replied "Laksh, he trusts you more than himself for my safety, even I do."

"What if I lose my calm some day Ragini? What if I hurt you so badly that you won't recover?" Laksh said looking into her eyes she could see pain in them fear of loosing her.

"You will never do that cause everyone knows Laksh, I've been imprinted by you, since my birth... "

She lied down on her back staring at the empty ceiling, a tear tripped down her cheek "I miss you both, I hope you are safe wherever you are... "

Suddenly the door flew open "Are you ready?"

Piya sighed sitting back straight as he flicked his wand "Eat!" he pointed at the now appeared food. She frowned "I can't!"

The man flicked his wand again and a chair popped right in front of her "I'm not at all generous sweet heart" he exclaimed sitting on the chair. He leaned closer and she didn't back off "You know theres something new in you that the old you lacked."


"Attitude and a strength, knowing that I can do anything to you, you still don't loose your charm. The old you used to smile at every little pain but this you, makes my smile go away."

Piya took a deep breath "You can't do anything to me, you and me both know pretty well. It's the fact, you kill me and the thing-"


"What ever it is, you'll never get it back." She looks up at the ceiling "Piyali where ever you are, I'll kill you once I find you for sure!"

He got down of his car and smiled widely "Not bad, this place still looks and even" he takes deep breath "feels the same... "

He shuts his cars door and stares at the huge mansion "Beautiful!" he exclaims. His cellphone starts buzzing "How is she doing? Any news of the amulet from her?... Till when?.. Well you would like to know this I'm standing here down and I want to meet her." He cuts the call "Lets see how Miss. Piyali looks" he smirked to himself.

Piyali stared at the man pointedly "You want me to die of hunger?" The man kept his cellphone back in his pocket and once again swished his wand but this time in Piya's direction "Enfermer!"

Piya narrowed her brows and tried to speak but her mouth didn't open, it felt like someone had sealed her lips. She glared at him as he left shutting the door behind him, "Moron!" she thought.

The man rushed downstairs to find him staring at him, the man bowed low "Prince Veer... I'm extremely sorry for being late..."

P. S. My monkey mind started working yipee!! Hope you liked this update and more Ragsan scenes coming up peoples fingers crossed!!

Keep Reading ;)

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