Chapter 7: Their Journey Begins...

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Since you've been around I smile a lot more than i used to....

Ragini closed her diary and kept it in her bag. Her lips formed a curve as she felt someone but she chose not to acknowledge. She got up and walked up to her cupboard opening its door she checked her clothes.

"Have I become so forgotten to you that you can't feel my presence? Or it's something from your side which I call PRETENCE! Pretending to ignore me Miss. Gadodia?" asked Sanskar leaning at the door side his expression of a puppy.

Ragini smiled "I call it silence, so that Swara's sleep which has been for just a while doesn't get disturbed by our talks" Sanskar turned his attention to a sleeping Swara, her eyes closed, lips pouty while her hands held the pillow closer to her heart protectively "She's so cute even in her dreams she has you." 

Ragini looks at him and smiles "so they say people smile in love, Sanskar Karma have you fallen for my soulmate?" Sanskar chuckles and joins her in packing "They also say that people fall in love, true love just once and that my love has happened with this vampire and I promise won't happen again."

"Romantic lines don't suit you Mr.Karma! They sound over poetic" she teased while Sanskar stared at the heap of clothes and felt lazy "How about you just swussh your magic wand and aabra ka dabra all clothes in the bag" he lifts his brows up looking at her suggestively.

Ragini returns him a fake smile "How about you swussh your hands and aabra ka daabra all clothes in bag!" 

Sanskar makes a sad face "Okay fine how about I use my vampire powers and.." Ragini keeps a finger on his mouth "DO YOU WANT TO HELP ME ?" 

Sanky nods in a yes "then shut up and fold them, I'll be back with the accessories." She walks out of the room and Sanskar starts folding a top "GREAT! now accessories thank god accessories do not need to be folded."

After a while Ragini comes back with her kit "Sanskar-" she stares at him and suddenly burts out into laughter "What is all this? Did you open the sarees section" she stares at him.

Unable to express her feelings Ragini keeps her hand on her forehead while Sanskar stares up at her with a cute face "I just thought it's a scarf and when I removed it, it got all messy so when I thought to fold it well doesn't it seems like folded?" 

Just in a try to fold a saree Sanskar has got all the other clothes messed up too, whats funny is that he has the saree all over him round and round.

Ragini walks towards him and starts freeing him out of the saree as she tries to open it out Sanskar too goes around and around and then what happens is even more hilarious, both of them get themselves tangled in the saree.

"haww see what happened now all because of you Mr. Karma!" Ragini scolded him cutely expressing her anger.

"What? Who.. How mee?" asked an extremely confused Sanskar

Ragini turned her face aside "Yes, you! Who told you to move around me?" that's when they hear laughter. Due to the ruckus they created Swara's sleep was disturbed and even Lucky's had come upstairs to see what happened. And seeing them thus entangled in the saree is nothing else than a comedy scene and the bonus for it was their childish fight.

Ragini makes an angry pouty face again "See because of you we have became a sort of entertainment for them."

"Yea right, you no what? Yesterday tsunami happened somewhere that too because of me, someone died some where that also because of me, everything bad that happens is all because of me!" Sanskar stamps his foot on the floor angrily and loses his balance, so does Ragini and they fall down on the floor over each other.

swalak in unison "And now this also happened just because of you!" they give each other a hi5 and start laughing. Ragini and Sanskar exchange glances and stare at the duo, their laugh was inevitable.

A few hours later, Swara makes a sad face and seeing her thus Laksh worries "Now what happened to you?"

"I thought this was a one week trip but now we are leaving so soon and Shekhar uncle also left yesterday, we didn't even have a proper trip" she pouts cutely.

Lucky pulls her cheek "Awww my pumpkins upset, how about this?" he gives her a chocolate and she smiles childishly "And about the packing, we are going somewhere new for some work and we'll be back here soon and you know whats interesting over there?"

swara lifts her brows up in excitement "What?" laksh replies "You'll find many fictional things over there for your slot."

"But what work are we going there for ?"

"To find a lost amulet" Ragini replied walking towards her and thats when Sanskar entered.

Ragini holds Swara hand "Look, I know you love to ask questions a lot and you can't stay without them but I want you to promise me that no more questions now because from here on it's you who is going to answer my quetions."

"What questions?" Ragini smiles looking into her eyes "You'll know them soon and once the time comes you would be amused enough for knowing the answers you never knew existed."

Sanskar gets their luggage "So Mr. Maheshwari, a wolf in distress I don't think you have any offense if I drive?" 

Lucky smiles "Well when my bones come out of stress it's you who's gonna be distressed Mr. Karma" they are inches apart of each other, tension clearly visible in the air as if they'll begin any moment but separate when they feel her coming towards them.

"I know what you guy's where doing !" Ragini exclaimed trying to pull the bag out of the house.

Sanskar and Laksh immediately side hug each other and smile at her "We are all good!" Ragini goes near them "Hope you be the same in the whole trip!"

They gulp in as she walks past them to the car and keeps her luggage.

"So hey people your host for tonight! Well Swara Bose you won't stop doing that mistake aren't you? Cut that out, I my friends Swara Bose is back with a bang, your today's host so well we are going for a trip and as I'm on a promise of asking no questions even I don't know where we are going" she pouts "Anyways what's happening is that the world's most happening....."

and she trips at the door but she's all safe and sound in his arms. They look into each other's eyes, theres a weird feeling surrounding her.

"Uhmm!" Sanskar cough and they compose themselves "How about you do the rest of your shooting in the car?" he queries and Swara nods while Lucky takes the bag from her. Both the girls sit in the car's backseat and the boys at the front "So champ talking about happening, meet the most happening hot and sexy girl in the world, Miss Ragini Gadodia " she turns the camera lense towards Ragini who winks at it with her cute smile.

"Next comes obviously me, Swara Bose the cuteness ki dukaan"she giggles at her own statement.

"And then my boss Mr. Sanskar Karma, the sensational guy hot and seductive enough to make a girl fall for him in seconds!" she turns the handy cam on Sanskar whose driving and grinning at her compliment for him.

"And then my champ comes the most hot guy of the century my better half's would be better half Laksh Maheshwari !"

lucky brushes his hair with his hand stylishly giving a look to the camera "Thank you Thank you, for saying the obvious" he winks.

Their journey begins with happiness but they will never know how it does end, will it ever end?

Tomassi walks upstairs to her room, her knocks twice but theres no response. He twists the knob and the door opens, he walks in and something falls over his head making him his body topple down unconscious. 

"Sorry for hurting you" Piya smiles sadly staring at his body "But you deserved it" she nodded "Goodbye!" 

Ahaan! A pat for me, see I'm trying to maintain the schedule on time aren't I? Hope you like the edited version, please don't be angry I'll give more updates so that we reach the point from where we left months ago. 

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