3. Start Of Something New

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The way it all started

She had forcefully dragged herself to the court-room just to hear what Rochelle and Martin had to announce. Though she wasn't very keen to know any of it, but she at least was suppose to have the courtesy to report, whenever such a meeting was been called upon. It was mandatory for all, even the royals and such a royal princess!

As soon as she entered the court-room, she found Rochelle dictating some kind of an invitation to one of the writers present. All that Sharon could hear was -

...We would be honored with your presence in the common gathering ceremony. We expect your presence.


King Martin.

Sharon patiently waited for her to finish and brief her about the meeting. The Royal Ethics! She glanced once at Martin, who sat at his huge throne dictating orders to a few of his men. Heaving a sigh she waited, though how much ever did she hate it, she had to there was no one who could have accompanied her, not even her maidens were there for her.

I so wish you were here, she said in an inaudible tone- which went unheard by her own ears but her heart knew what she felt. She was carving for him with every passing second.

"Sharon," She was brought out of the trance by Rochelle's voice and she tried concentrating on what Rochelle was saying rather than thinking about him, "There's this common gathering festival going to be held." She paused for a moment before breaking the news, "And there will be some prince visiting us, across the globe and I want you to choose the best for yourself, among them." Sharon had her eyes widened though it had no effect on Rochelle, if Sharon was a stubborn princess; she was mother to this stubborn princess, a stubborn queen. "That's the final decision. I don't want any ifs or buts" Rochelle declared leaving the court-room with Martin and a heap of servants following them for the instructions.


Leaving all the odd thoughts Sharon moved to the fountain area, it was this place where she could have a peace of mind and hearty feeling, a feeling of being close to him, a pleasure to think about him. She sat on the marble slab of the wide corners of the fountain pool and gently touched the water, feeling it. As though it gave her a piece of him. Swayam! Was all she could say, her life was all dependent on him, she breathed his name, she smelt him, felt him, and if there could have been any more possibility she would have kept no stone unturned to fulfil it a well.

She had been determined to have a hearty revenge from the MUD-BLOOD, of course, after all no one dared to even misbehave with the Royal princess that she was, and here he had messed up with her all. There was no way she would let him go that easily, but she needed to know in what all ways she could teach him a lesson.

The next morning he had gone to the nearby lake along with his deary, sword. As soon as, Sharon got to know about it the devilish brain of the princess started working and she too proceeded towards the lake. The moment Swayam saw her, his eyes had been burning, she just had two piece of clothes wrapped covering all her curves at the right place and exposing her slim waist shamelessly, though it gave a deadly view to the viewer, which at the point was him. She definitely had cruel plans running in her mind. He had his blood boiling, not because he was charged but for the simple reason that the girl had the guts to roam around in barely nothing on her whereas people would cover themselves to protect from those lusty eyes of men that hungrily ponder on to a girls' fragile frame even if fully covered.

By the time he was busy flaring his nostrils and eyeing her with burning red eyes, she had minimized the distance to such an extent that it was difficult for one to realize that there were two bodies instead of one.

She then realized he was barely in his pants while his broad masculine chest was drenched in water. The water droplets traveled through his thick black hairs to his calm featured face, to the shoulder blades and then making a way to his pants. The wet look reflected the sun rays and made him look more divine. It took her a couple seconds to retrieve back and concentrate on the thing she had planned and was there for.

After a pull that his hand fell, did he realize that his dear sword into the hands of the shameless Royal princess. He ran behind her to get hold of her, being sure that she had found out how much did his weapons and moreover this sword meant to him. And that was the reason she had planned to steal it away, but never did knew that she had not just planned to steal it away but something worse than that. She threw the sword in the muddy pool which was believed to have sucked in whatever came to it, or its way.

Swayam had his eyes dropped out of their sockets hanging to the floor length, the sword meant something that she would have never been able to understand and this is what she did to it. Without even giving a second thought he dived into the mud-pool to save his dearest sword.

Sharon on the other hand was left utterly shocked, in fact beyond that. Never did she hope he would put his life at stake just to save a sword, no matter how much ever a sword would have been dear to him, it just couldn't have been more precious than his own life. He was not unaware about the mud-pool and different incidents that took place in the mud-pool still he chose to ignore all those just to save a mere sword. Sharon by now least interested in the happenings, as she saw him walk out of the mud-pool after a lot of struggle. She soon took her steps back to the lake for a bath, when he pulled her and she just bumped into his muddy form. The thought of getting mud over her body made her feel disgusted, but his raging eyes went unnoticed to her.

"Leave me, you are getting all mud over me." She said disgusted with the fact that mud covered all of her exposed form. He breathed at her cheeks, "If you don't realize what's a worth of a sword to any soldier than better snatch that Royal tag out of your name." She tried hard to free herself from his grip but all her attempts made their ways deep into the pool.

"A sword isn't like any of your jewelry or for that matter," he paused to look at her from top-to-toe saying, "Your clothes. They mean more than life to me."

"I don't care what it means to you. That was my way of teaching you a lesson for what you did last night." She tried to shrug his hands off but yet again failed. "You messed with a Royal Princess; you ought to be taught a lesson. And lastly, I did teach you one. Never ever mess with me, again in your life time." She pushed him hard and tried to walk away. But he pulled her to the rock besides the pool and said, "As you said, lessons are to be taught. So even you need to be taught some." Her eyes widened yet there was arrogance filled into those hazel green orbs.

"That mess I did with you last night was because you messed with me, and now since again you tried to, I should be gain messing up with you." She had no clue what was coming up, but once his hands snaked up to her belly applying the mud over her, made her gasp. Never did any male figure have such an impact on her with just a mere touch. Though she chose to avoid the sensations she had, the feeling did overpowered her brain as reflected by her deeds when she fell back on the rock and her eyes went shut in anticipation of the further events.

His hands did the gentle application of mud all over her exposed skin as well as the black cloth pieces that she hung around herself. Inching forward he breathed a question on her trembling lips, "May I?" Her eyes opened up slowly yet with hopes in it, she stared into those hazel deep eyes for a moment, it did have something that pulled her. She would have not accepted it, put the pull she felt, the feeling was so strong that she just couldn't ignore it. She knew it, anything that she would be doing with him would never go wrong, her heart screamed out the same, asking her o just give in for whatever he asks for. Though the question had no reasoning neither it made any sense, but the out of blue question made her throw herself on him and there he was, leaving her disappointed.

He had a victory grin over his face, he didn't do anything terrible to her, not physically but her soul, her mind was into a terrible shape after this mere incident. She had started questioning herself just to know what she had been wanting and the answer came quite obviously to her. She never did think of anything else but power. And here his actions and those calm yet deep eyes made her do things which she would have not even thought of when she had first met him, her Swayam. Now all she knew was she had to get him, by hook or by crook.

Days passed, the soldiers of the kingdom had been searching for Sharon and so were those strange men. But Sharon wasn't concerned about any of these, all she was concerned about to get Swayam as hers. And she was pretty determined for the same. She sneaked out many a times just to grab his attention but all he would do was being calm. She was getting irked by this behaviour. She tried to seduce him, make him realise she is feeling something for him, but he in-turn kept his calm. She finally decided to walk up to him and explain things to him in her way.

"Listen you." She carried the same arrogant tone of hers. Swayam turned to her just to get back with his work when he found it to be her. "Stop ignoring me. No one does that." She warned him but seemed like things fell on to deaf ears. She pulled him so as to make him look at her, but his expressions well they reflected no interest.

'You don't give me what I want, then don't blame me for whatever happens next,' She gave it a mental thought and grabbed the strings of his shirt pulling him closer, she inched forward just to blow him away with her bold actions. Her hand threaded into his dense long black hairs while his hands were placed on either sides of her waist in order to push her away but things finally seemed to have worked in her favour.

After a long breath taking kiss, she uttered which seemed more of command, "You ought to agree to what I say." He was left astonished at her moves and lastly at her commanding statement.

"I am not your slave that I would agree to whatever you say, and lastly how on earth did this miracle happen that a royal princess dared to kiss a mud-blood."

"Maybe just a realisation dawned upon her and she finds out that nothing in the world can replace the feeling she feels for her Mud-blood." He stared into her eyes, he knew something was wrong with her, her behavior said it all, but it could have been this way was not even something he could have dreamt off. He gulped making a sharp gasp escaping his mouth, the moment her hands encircled around him, she embraced him trying to express all those uncertain emotions to him, maybe he would understand what it was.

"This won't be easy." Was all that he could utter. "I never had an interest in something that was easily served." Though the words seemed to be simple but the depth was far more impactful. "I am still unsure" were his last words and he vanished out of her sight.

Later, the soldiers of the king finally found their princess and took her safe and sound to the Palace, though they never got to know whom she was with till date and neither did she utter a word about it, she was solely lost thinking about his decision, his words were uncertain but she wanted him.


That is how her indecisive Swayam was when she first confessed her feelings, though they weren't apt but with each passing day she realized how deeply and madly did this guy affect her.

She looked up at her, she had drenched half of her dress, she groaned knowing what a mess she had created to herself, and this was all because she was drowned in his world of thoughts, all about him. She hated him for this, but the more she hated, the more she fell for him.

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