8. Mysteries Un-Puzzled

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Swayam's POV

I kept staring at things aimlessly for hours, engrossed deeply into my thoughts. It was impossible for me to even spare a blink at the moment. It felt as though I would just lose an opportunity that would help me to find her. I couldn't put myself to rest, Not at all. Not at this moment when I had my mind already preoccupied with the incidents, and the loopholes that I tried to figure out. There was something missing in the entire frame of this happening, and I knew it. But was still unaware of it. It frustrated me no extend that I knew something was wrong but still I didn't knew what exactly it was. I sighed. Did I even make sense?

I knelt down at the plush comforting couch to feel my numb muscles hurting. The couch was nowhere close to comfort. In fact it just reminded me of her, the softness her skin possessed, the comfort she could provide. Ah! Nothing in the world can match her. I shook my head, as her thoughts consumed my mind, enveloping around my thoughts. I shuddered when the thought of her vulnerability crossed my mind. Did I just think of her vulnerable state? She better be safe, and unharmed. I wouldn't tolerate even a minor scratch to her. And the abductors are dead, for sure. Especially, this Prince Louis. Just let me, for once reach her, and find her safe. I wish for nothing else. On hearing my heart pound in my chest, I stiffened thinking of various things that had led her to this position, a vulnerable one. And it all ended up at me. I was the one to be blamed. My carelessness has been the reason and I could do absolutely nothing about it. When she needed me the most, I wasn't there to protect her, to safeguard her form the evil of the world.

I would regret every bit of my existence, if she is been hurt by any of this. I couldn't have been more foolish. I was here, in this kingdom, for a reason. For Prince Louis. But Sharon, she wasn't really into the plan. I had lost my mind. I needed to have a control over me, over all my erupting emotions. I had to be more careful rather than being more careless. I should have known that people would suffer, if they were found to be emotionally or for that matter, in any way, attached to me. I was a sin to be possessed. I should have stayed away from her. Cut off every string that connected me to her. At least then, she would have been safe.

Wish, there was a way to back in time and redo what you have already done. But Alas! Life doesn't seem to be that easy cake walk. I was shell-shocked to learn she had feelings for me, though I knew I had some too. But her claim over me as hers' was just.. maybe out of the blue. She was daring and confident, and with the same attitude she claimed me, the Mud-Blood she referred earlier, as hers', Her Mud-Blood. The even more shocking incident had to be the kiss that happened to be right before the time right before the extra-ordinary confession that she had showered. Never in my life would I be able to forget the burning sensation of her lips against mine, when she did that. She was outrageously dangerous, in her own way, as she says. But that day, my mind was still indecisive about us. And that's the reason I had clearly told her that I wasn't sure about it.

Not that I didn't want her to be a part of my life, it was only that I wanted things to fall in plan and wrap up this prince Louis case first before I get my hands on some other case, Personal though.

Yet, Life has always some extremely wonderful elements to showcase and amuse us with, always. And that's exactly what happened. The plan just fell into the wrong place and I entered a room which I wasn't supposed to. It was hers'. I was to stay away from her in order to concentrate over the safety and security of my people that was endangered by Prince Louis. I just wish I had never stepped into her room that day, when I sneaked in into the palace. Well, for the obvious reason, to have some insider knowledge about Prince Louis and his arrivals. Yet, curse my fate, I had landed into her room when she was barely in anything. Correction, she had nothing on. A dripping hot sensuous lady, that she was seduced and hypnotised minds by just the blink of her lashes. My mind drifted to an imaginary junction having all possible visuals of us, me-and-her, together. It was sheer torture to my eyes. The way the water droplets made their way into her made me gasp.

Maybe she had sensed my erotic gaze over her to which she bent to grab a robe. Oh! Her skin shone reflecting the honey-kissed smooth skin that I wished I could harbour over. Loosely tying the robe around her, she proceeded towards me while her eyes fixed at mine. I couldn't think of anything but to grab her petite form and pull her against me. She gasped and her mouth fell ajar. Ah! I had the urge to pull her into a kiss and never let it go. The robe did nothing good my pooling desires, it just fuelled it even further. It was clinging onto her wet screamingly-seductress body, all in the right places. Involuntarily my fingers traced the beauty of her features, right from the forehead, to the hue on her cheeks. She had a crimson shade on. Maybe she blushed at the mere brush of my fingers. My fingers halted at her plush, yet damp lips. She trembled under my touch while my heart raced. Her eyelids met, closing her eyes out of fear. She feared. I felt the sudden urgency to assure that nothing would be able to harm her. At least I won't let that thing happen. And the words fell out of my mouth even before I knew it, "I am here." And later things just went out of control. My emotions overpowered all my senses leading and controlling my mind. I was just unable to think of anything with a sane and rational mind. And then Love probably overpowered every other feeling and composure I had. In fact I never realised when exactly did I fall prey to such a strong and impactful emotion called Love. Surely I had developed feelings for her, but Love. It is truly said that feelings are known to the person but the existence of Love is not. You really can't express when exactly had you fallen for such a powerful emotion.

And that's, probably the place where I went wrong. I shouldn't have overlooked the chances of danger I could cause to people who connected to me. Yet I did in her case.

I jerked as suddenly something cold rested on my shoulder. "Samrat!" The painful voice broke into my ears, and looked up at an equally hurt Aryan. Aryan was more like a friend to me apart from the caring younger brother that he was. He could understand every emotion that went through me, as though reading me like an open book. Thus, it was impossible for me to hide anything from him.

As though he had sensed my tension, "I understand. But you need not worry we have our men guarding the borders of this kingdom. Whoever it was won't be able to surpass them." He knew his consoling words wouldn't assure the sense of relief to my already haunted mind. It really won't help me anyway. But his efforts.

"We had the palace guarded as well." I shook my head in disbelief. Sharon was in danger and I had nothing but blame myself for all of it. "And how do I not worry.." my eyes pierced unbelievingly at Aryan. How could he even think I would be assured of her safety when I know she won't be safe? She would probably be weeping. "You know she can be in trouble because of me. They would hurt her.. and they know I would do anything to stop them from doing that." I stood up as the pain grew terrible in my heart, But then a thought clicked my mind. I didn't know if I was thinking on the right path, yet there were chances of it.

They knew the tight security we would provide to ensure absolutely no escape for Prince Louis, so they wouldn't have taken up the chance to struggle out of the palace and risk their lives as well as their motives. Breaking through my men was a tough challenge, so far no one has met through though. And that is exactly I have a certain good feeling that she isn't far away. In fact they have used the smart technique of keeping the treasure right under the nose of the observant. Hell! This didn't seem to cross my head till now. I was so foolish to have ignored this important detail.

"Aryan, we need our men, here!" I demanded firmly. I couldn't risk even a minute of delay, now. Aryan's shoulders grew a little stiff that made me aware of my authoritative tone that declared the urgency for the situation. "I know where exactly to look for her. And those abductors as well." I had a certain feeling that this might probably work. I held my sword and walked into the palace, determined. I knew Aryan was following me with our men along.

I marched every nook and corner of the palace, in search of her or any piece of clue to reach to her. The evil thoughts haunted me. Her tear strained face, her eyes reflecting fear.. No. I needed to stop. I can't tolerate the images of her vulnerable state. All I need to do now is find her. Wrap her fragile body to mine and put her to ease.

The thing that bothered me was that she wasn't aware of anything that was going on. How would she face it? She doesn't know it, I shrieked over the fact. I should have never met her. I shouldn't have involved her. I was a big time mistake that happened to her. I had created this mess and I had to clear it up. At least for the sake of sane mind set of mine, I needed to this. I couldn't live with the thought of losing my heart so terribly and with such a vulnerable pain.

I dashed out of the palace, once it was clearly known to me that she wasn't anywhere inside the palace. I walked over to the garden area. It chirped with birds twittering, but hers was unmatchable. Finding the fountain area silent, I padded towards the boundaries. The horse stables. They were huge, and lined to a great extent. But something caught my attention. A silent, empty, old stable. It was placed at the farthest end, yet there was something suspicious about it. A pinch of terror ran through my body as I made my way to the stable.

She lay there subconsciously. Her eyes closed, yet the puff was easily visible. Her dress was torn out by its length, shortening it right below her knees. Even the sleeves of her dress were been ruthlessly scratched. Her bare neck adorned a mark, a tiny scratch with blood oozing. Her petite frame was marked with scratches over it. And her limbs brutally tied. I felt my heart been stabbed a million of times as I registered her condition. I just couldn't think of all the possibilities that could have occurred to her. She was fragile and this is what they have done to her. I felt the piercing daylight striking at me, as I felt her shiver. Did she tremble out of fear? The mere thought marked my eyes shut. She didn't deserve to go through all this.

I forcefully let my eyelids part, to face the present that was nothing but horrible. A look at her face made me go weak and I felt my voice stuck in the dryness of my throat, unwilling to utter a word. I knelt down, nearing her and shifted her on to my lap. I was clinging on to her. She meant the world to me. And now, I knew it. I knew her worth and every bit of emotion that existed in me for her was crystal clear to me. I could name them all without even a second thought.

I carefully traced my fingers through her tear strained face. "Sharon!" my teary voice breathed across her cheek as I didn't wish to let go off her. I was scared that she would again disappear if I left her this time as well. She lifted her heavy eyelids with pain. I engulfed her, as though trying to protect her from all the evils. Placing my lips gently over her head, I kissed her hairs. I untied the knots of the rope that held her body to the shivering pain and freed her from the grip. Though she was freed from the grip of the robe, the pain was still to vanish through her body, I could sense it. She had seen much in the past few hours, too much of terrible pain. Her body fell back on the hay, and she lay there half-consciously.

I shook my head to catch the moments that took place besides me, as a few murmuring sounds caught my attention. It was more like whispering, cautious and alert. Danger. Not for me but for them at least. It wasn't any of my men or Aryan for that matter, I knew it very well. It was the rivals. The abductors. And the thought gripped me. I will rip their soul out of their bodies with utmost cruelty, like what they had caused to My Sharon. They would regret to have laid their eyes on her for their evil plans. My fingers wrapped around the sword, gripping it tight enough. While I sensed them moving closer, my hold around her loosened, just as much as required to have her smoothly laid off again.

My arm swiftly stroked back, avoiding their futile effort of attacking me. And with the other stroke my sword travelled through the spine of his body, piercing through his back. The other one, as I looked into his direction, was already gripped by fear. He was rooted to his place with his eyes wide. And I jabbed him with the sword as well. I continued to stab their lifeless bodies, until I knew that their souls now resided in hell.

It was only after I heard Aryan say, "They are dead." Only after that moment, did I left them and walked over to Sharon. She was still weak. A hand gently stroked the strands of her hair. And it was then that I realised that King Martin was even present there.

King Martin, well, honestly I was still unaware of what perceptions did he have about me. But I cared less. I had better things to look upon, at least for now, I did. I just went ahead. My eyes intently bored at hers while hers were lost. A feeling of satisfaction and safety overpowered me. Though I knew there was more to safeguard her safety, still rest assured, I knew I would handle anything until she was under my sight.

"Sharon!" I inched forward to hold her, and to my amusement, King Martin just stepped back. Did he just step back a few steps to get away from my way? Great! Impressive. Cupping her cheeks, I was to speak when she flinched. Shrugging out of my hold, she took a minimal step behind. I could finally find her gaze fixating at me. Her pale face, hurt eyes depicted something deep, which didn't seem to be really good. No, it wasn't even anywhere near to good.

"Sharon!" I uttered unbelievingly, her behaviour seemed to be cold. "What's wrong?" I asked when she again tried to jerk my hands off her. It was simply getting annoying. She wasn't reasoning, and I couldn't figure out the reason as well.

"Leave." She announced, emotionlessly. "I don't want to see you."

For once I tried to believe that she didn't mean any of what she had just said. But her eyes, her face, nothing of her gave an indication of otherwise.

I still made an attempt and asked hopefully, "Is that what you want?"

"Yes."After that I turned around walking away from her, as much as I could.

Everything around me collapsed. My world was crashing down, burning into ashes. And I could simply do nothing. I didn't even know the reason.


Sharon's POV

I knew I was safe, even before I had heard him cry out my name, his touch was quite evident to me even in that state. I troubled my eyes to set open and I had witnessed a terrible sight. He was there, and soon I knew he was strangling the lives of two men. Yes, they were the same people who had abducted me, but that didn't make them deserve such a death.

As soon as he approached me, the feeling of being cheated empowered. Though he hadn't cheated on me technically, but he didn't have enough faith in me to have told me things. Or even worse, he was just using me to get through the entire system and trap Prince Louis. Though, I hate to admit, I didn't feel even a bit of regret or sadness for Prince Louis. Yet, if this was a trap, I am not going to entertain him any longer. He better gets that thing straight into his head. I am a Princess, for Heavens' sake. I can't be fooled, or played with.

I spoke to him in the harshest of the tones and said, "Leave. I don't want to see you."

Still He was ready to argue, as though he didn't hear me. "Is that what you want?" Of course, if I demand a thing, I definitely want it. So I declared, "Yes." And the next I knew was he had turned on his heels and walked away. Without even looking at me, not even for once.

A gently caring hand gripped me, "You shouldn't let him go." I looked up at my father as if he had grown horns on his head. Like seriously, he was favouring the unknown stranger over his very own daughter. Fine, He might not be a stranger, as he is the known Prince of Asian territories. But still. I am closer to him, isn't it suppose to be that way? Of course, he knew I was puzzled with his statement, to which he again spoke, "He was quite concerned about you. He cares for you." He reasoned. "He really does." I wanted him to go on and speak. Maybe I had missed a lot of details for the past few hours.

When I knew he won't speak up, I tried to provoke him, "Even you care for me, don't you?"

"Of course, I do. But-" He inhaled, trying to frame things correctly, "It's just that I don't think there's any other man who can be as loving and caring as he is, for my daughter." He added with a shrug. Okay! I was trying a lot to know what all had I missed that had made up my father's mind about him. My father wouldn't ever go on praising someone to such an extent. And here he is praising a rival, not actually, but a friend's rival.

Now, I had to know what all things had happened, and also stop the storm from arising. I knew there was one coming up in the form of Prince Samrat Swayam Raj Shekhawat. It's hard to pronounce his name though. 

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